[AN: this one is short and kinda crappy, for which I am sorry. I truly had no ideas.]

Day Two


The next morning I woke up to the smell of burgers. Fang and Iggy were roasting some sort of meat hunk on a fire. "Well. Aren't we proactive?" I muttered as I walked over to join them, "The sun isn't even up.

"Angel wanted a burger. We're giving her the best we can in this situation." Iggy responds, taking the stick with a hunk off and placing it on a fried piece of wood. "Sanitation." He explained.

The animorphs began to wake once the meat had been cooking a while, and a good section of it was placed in slices on the wood. Tobias took one sniff and laughed.

"Cool. Breakfast." Marco said, sliding over and grabbing some of the meat. He shoved it in his mouth and chewed. Frowning he looked up, "Tastes like chicken." He said, "What is it really?"

"La viande de la souris." Angel piped up, eating her share.

"Sounds cool, whatever it is." Marco decided.

"Aka, mouse-meat." Cassie said, looking at the meat in her hand. "Well. It's something. Thank you." And she continued to eat.

Marco stared at her and then placed the rest back on the char-plate, "I think I am done." He said, while we laughed.

"Your loss." Gazzy said, picking up another slice.

After breakfast, we sat in a circle, "Are you truly going to keep us locked up in this bitty meadow for another day and a half?" Nudge asked, "I need a shower." Rachel nodded, as if agreeing with her.

Jake sighed, leaning back against a tree, "We must. Trust issues." He said.

I rolled my eyes, but then looked up, "Well, we can at least do something interesting." I muttered.

"How about air acrobatics?" Nudge said, "We have our wings, and you all can get some…?"

Cassie nodded, apparently interested, so the rest of us agreed. They went bird and we all soared above the forest, high enough to be inconspicuous to those below us, but close enough to not arouse suspicion between the parties.

We began, doing a few of the tricks we had learned over the years, evading and hiding from the School. The others seemed really interested and so we showed them some moves that would work with smaller bodies. Soon we were all twirling and twisting around each other, having quite a bit of fun. Sooner than we would have liked we had to give up and return to the meadow to rest, eat and –in the Animorphs case- demorph. But once that was cleared Angel convinced us to return to the skies, which we did, and we started a pattern for the day. Once night fell we all slumped easily into sleep, with Ax and I guarding.