Jenny is one of my favorite characters and she really doesn't get a funeral. Kate gets a funeral with a small clip of what each team member remembers about her. So this is Jenny's funeral and it will have multiple chapters (my friend threatened to hurt me if I didn't post a multi-chapter story). I hope that you like it and review it.

Disclaimer: Yea I don't own any of the NCIS characters

Spoilers: Judgment Day and I think that is about it.

Chapter one—The end

All was quiet in the bullpen when Gibbs walked in. McGee was fiddling aimlessly with his mouse to the point where the left button was falling off. Tony was sitting at his desk staring vaguely into space. Space happened to be Ziva's face, but for once she was not paying any attention to him. Her eyes were still slightly red just as they had been when she returned from California. Whether she said it or not she blamed herself for Jenny's death, just as Tony did.

He sighed. The two of them had been Jenny's bodyguards in California. She had been attending the funeral of the other member of the team they were on in Paris. Jenny had realized they had been compromised in Paris and knew they would come for Gibbs and herself. She gave Tony and Ziva the day off and gone to what she must have known was her death. The pair of them had arrived at the scene of the firefight, which claimed her life, only minutes after it happened. There they had found her body among those of the attackers.

He looked at his two agents again. He knew it was not there fault but a small part of him wanted to blame them. It was so much easier then trying to blame someone else because if someone else was to blame it was unquestionably him. He had verified Jenny's kill in Paris nine years ago knowing very well that the 'victim' was still very much alive. Now that victim had come back and taken the life of their partner and of Jenny before he took her down. He knew the conversation they would have had if Jenny knew what he was thinking.

Jethro, I gave them the day off they were following orders.

Yes, Jenny but they were given an order to protect you.

And since when do your orders trump mine?

Since yours would put you in danger.

If I had kept them with me I would have just cost one or both of them their lives.

No you wouldn't have. It would have been a fair fight and you all would be fine.

We would not have and you know it.

You took down all four of them by yourself and Ziva can out shoot you.

Thanks for that.

She can.

I know, but what if she had gotten hit? Tony would then be distracted and try to help her. The shooter would have taken him down next and then I would be an easy target.

You don't know that it would have happened that way.

You don't know it wouldn't have and if it had it would have cost two good agents their lives. Jethro I was dying before I walked in to that café. I was not going to risk their lives for mine.

It is there job to risk their lives for this agency.

For this agency? Yes. For off the books mission that was only relevant because we wanted to get the hell out of Paris nine years ago? No. This was a personal mission and I was not going to jeopardize them for that.

That never stopped you before when you had Tony on La Grenouille's tail.

I never meant for Tony to be put in any danger.

You practically had him stalking an international arms dealer, and, as if that was not bad enough, you had Tony dating his daughter.

How would that put him in danger?

What? The stalking or the dating?

The dating, I realize that stalking an arms dealer is dangerous. Thank you very much.

Well let me put it this way. Say we had a daughter (at this point she would have glared at him) and Tony wanted to date her. How long would that last?

Until you shot him, and what is this about us having a daughter?

Totally fiction used for the benefit of the hypothetical situation. (She would raise her eyebrow) Really. (They would stand in silence for a while.) I'm sorry Jen.

What's this with the apology? I thought apologizing was a signed of weakness.

Not among friends, Jen, never among friends.

Then forgive Tony and Ziva for something they did not do. (And so the conversation would come full circle)

That is completely different, Jen.

No, it isn't. Jethro they are already beating themselves up over it they don't need your help. I am gone Jethro. Forgive and Move on. Our team needs a leader.

Our team?

You know I was always on your side, your team. You know that.

Yes. I know.


He could almost she her face and then she was gone and he was staring at his three agents. Jenny was right. Tony and Ziva had been following orders and he needed to move on. There was a difference between forgiving and forgetting, but he new that this was the end of a chapter in the team's life, just as Kate's death had been. They would endure. They had always endured.

He walked into the bullpen and went over to Tony's desk. "It is not you fault Dinozzo. What is done is done. Move on." He turned around, "That goes for you too, David." Ziva looked up and the look in Gibbs eyes told her that, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, he knew she blamed herself for Jenny's death. He turned to McGee's desk and gently removed the mouse from his hand so that McGee would not destroy it. Then Gibbs went and sat down at his desk. There was silence again.

It was quite for nearly an hour until Ducky came up in the elevator. Abby was with him and they were both dressed in black just as the rest of the team was. "It is time, Jethro"

Gibbs rose from his chair and walked over to Ducky who looked around. The team was different. Ziva had been crying, Tony was silent, and McGee was just out of it.

Abby walked away from Ducky and Gibbs and over to McGee's desk. "Come on," she said gently taking his hand. He rose and followed her back to the group. Ziva to had stood up and walked over to Tony's desk. She put her hand on top of his on the desk. He looked up at her, and nodded. Then together the group walked to the elevator.

Gibbs drove to the funeral in silence. By glancing in the rearview mirror he could see the rest of the team none of whom said a word. Ducky rode beside him looking out the window. In the middle seats Abby was leaning her forehead against the window of the car and McGee was watching her. As Gibbs watched McGee reached over and took her hand and she leaned closer to him. This gave Gibbs a clear view of the two people in the back seats.

Tony had his arm around Ziva's shoulders. Her head was resting on his shoulder and his head was resting on hers. Two weeks ago he would have been mad at the two of them for breaking rule twelve: never date a coworker, but for now he would leave them alone. Jenny had died without him being able to tell her how much she meant to him.

All too soon they reached the cemetery. As they all climbed out of the car their eyes were drawn to the casket. Jenny was in there Ziva thought, probably in some impractical dress like the one she had worn to the Marine Birthday Ball a few years ago. Jenny would have been happier in pants and a collared shirt like she had worn while they were in Eastern Europe. This brought a small smile to Ziva's lips. It was first time she had smiled since they had come home from California. Gibbs was right they needed to accept that Jenny was gone and not coming back. They needed to move on. Together the six of the moved toward the coffin.

So there is the first chapter. I would like at least five reviews before I post again. I hope you liked it. By the way, to the people who read 'Legend part two and a half' that this one is better edited. Thanks and review.