Author's note: It had come to my attention that there was some error when I uploaded this document into , which made this whole chapter in bold text and underlined. So I would like to thanks those who had let me know of this.

Bye the way, I also forgot this: I do not own Transformers as they are the sole property of Hasbro.

Bumblebee groaned as he onlined his optic, only to immediately snap them shut as the sun directly in his line of vision glared at him painfully.

"Owww." He brought his hands to cover his over-sensitive optics, powering the levels down to 50% before removing his hands, slowly opening his optics, seeing a clear blue, cloudless sky. Something doesn't feel right. Bumblebee grunted in pain as he sat upright, vaguely noting that his repair system finally started to pick up. Just as he finally took in where he was, he gasped- they in stranded in the desert, with very little visible life besides random shrubs and cactus scattered about.

This is not Detroit. Hopefully they're still on Earth.


Warp Gate.


Flash of erratic blue.





"SARI!" Bumblebee yelled remembering the Warp Gate had somehow became unstable, dragging anything that was 20 yards in surrounding diameter, and the ride was not pleasant, it was very dangerous. He scrambled to his feet, ignoring the flare of pain that flashed across his still recovering body in favor of looking for the little techno-organic.

She's a mess he thought, looking at her with increasing anxiety. He squashed the emotion before it could get out of hand, it would do him, Sari, and the other waking Autobots no good if he started to mindlessly babble in sheer panic.

Gently, he was about to scoop her up in his arms when a wrench hit his head at such precision that he teetered out of the way of Sari, grabbing the newly made dent on his helm.

An angry voice lashed out from afar, "BUMBLEBEE! You should NOT touch an injured human when they have a possible spinal injury!" Ratchet marched up so quickly in a firm motion that Bumblebee actually gulped, rubbing his throbbing helm.

Ratchet scanned her before he got close enough to touch her, and when the result came in he muttered a Cybertronian curse, "Slag, she's a mess. But she doesn't have a spinal injury, thank Primus. I don't have any resources at the moment to take care of her," Bumblebee winced, knowing that their arrival to wherever they are right now was rather violent and unexpected, "she has a concussion, several fractures on her right tibia, ulna, a clean break the third and fifth left rib, luckily there's no risk of a punctured lung, and numerous superficial and deep circuitry damage."

Bumblebee blinked, and smiled sheepishly, hardly understanding a blip of Ratchet's medical jargon, "Uh, doc bot…?"

"What he said is that Sari hit her head, hard, broke her right lower leg, arm, and broke two of her ribs. And she is going to be bruising everywhere." Prowl said as he came behind Bumblebee, "And you might want to put her somewhere it's cooler, I doubt that she had been in the desert before in her life."

Bumblebee looked up to see Prowl leaning over his shoulder to see Sari, with a concerned frown on his face, "And how would you know that Prowl?"

"Discovery Channel. Maybe you should watch it sometimes, you just might learn something new." Bumblebee was about to retort when Ratchet intervened, "Prowl, put her in my cab, now. I'll put the AC on and keep monitoring her. We need to find the nearest civilization, she's stable but she still needs help that I cannot provide for her right now." Ratchet said as he took a step back and quickly transformed into an ambulance.

Prowl nodded and gently scooped the injured teenager into his hands and carefully deposited her on the medical bed inside. Ratchet grunted as he strapped her on the bed, the straps snaking around her form as gently, but firmly, as possible, "Bumblebee, go scout ahead an see if there is any civilization near. I would like to take care of Sari, but I can't do it because of my current lack of necessities to do it! And I don't trust the human hospital to take care of a youngling who is half Cybertronian." Ratchet hissed the last part.

Bumblebee nodded, "Sure thing doc bot!" he saluted and transformed in mid-run, his little yellow and black form already a distance away, leaving a trail of dust in the desert.

Prowl already transformed into his black and gold motorbike form, a holoform of a police officer with a mustache on top as a rider as caution in case if there is any stray human eyes, no matter the slim chances of having them in this ungodly place. Prowl hummed thoughtfully at Ratchets now apparent distrust of human hospitals, and have every right to do so.

If they are still on Earth, then it would mean nothing if she were to get care from the hospital- she has no info, no identity on Earth, no social securities, birth certificate, adoption papers, etc. No proof that she even exist. And hospitals like to have an identity of who they are treating, especially in a city.

And she's unique all on her own. Different than her species that she grew up with; the humans, and different than her Cybertronian counterpart. She is a techno-organic, something that both humans and Transformers would find repulsive (i.e. Sentinel Prime) or others would like to capture her and try to find how to make transforming human (Meltdown) or reverse the effects of being techno-organic and become a complete metal, non-organic transformer again (Black-Arachnia).

-fzzh- "Hey doc bot, I found civilization- a power plant to be precise…" Bumblebee had an odd tone in his voice, as if he was watching something horribly fascinating that he couldn't look away, like a car crash, "And there is a silver Decepticon that looks eerily like Megatron…only silver and his helm looks more like a bucket… and Optimus clone…fighting…with a bunch of other Decepticons fighting other Autobots! I'm going to help them! Bumblebee out!" Bumblebee turned off his comm. device before Ratchet and Prowl could protest.

Ratchet snarled, perfectly miffed that Bumblebee had cut him off in communication and barked at Prowl, "Go help the bot before he offline himself from his utter stupidity!"

"Already on it Ratchet." The officer said, revving the engine and shoot off like a shotgun, accidentally spraying gravel on Ratchet's side and front.

Ratchet snarled, now utterly fragged off and he muttered darkly, "Those two are going to get it when I have to fix them."


When Bumblebee arrived at the power plant (now why would a power plant be in the middle of the fragging desert, miles away from the nearest civilization Bumblebee thought incredulously, Humans are strange) he watched as some boxy looking mechs were carrying cubes of…energon? Before he noticed the tell-tale sign of purple Decepticon symbol which sat visibly on the mech's shoulders. He was about to thoughtlessly jump in to intervene without warning the other two (They were harming the humans for Primus sake!) But fortunately for Bumblebee, there was another group of transformers that showed up by shooting at one of the Decepticons, a group, he noted, being the Autobots. None that he has ever seen before, but something was nagging at his processor when he saw the big red and blue one talking to the grey-Megatron-look-a-like-with-a-bucket-helmet. He felt that he should recognize the mech, but he couldn't place his fingers-



Bumblebee placed his hands on his helm to comm. Ratchet, telling his reports in dazed fascination, then he was startled to find the Autobots and Decepticons in an all-out brawl. Their boxy limbs smashing and chocking, lasers firing everywhere creating collateral damage. Bumblebee quickly told the last of his report and quickly cut him off without thinking.

When he realized his blunder he grimaced, Oops he thought, then he looked down at the battle going on and winced as a stray shot got the red and blue Autobot from behind, quickly made him under the mercy of the silver bucket-head's large black gun (again, like Megatron Bumblebee noted). That was what made Bumblebee discard all caution to the wind as he transformed into his alt mode, tires screeching and gravels flying as he tore downhill from his previous perch straight to the silver mech.

"HEY, BUCKET-HEAD! TRY THIS FOR A SIZE!" he yelled, successfully diverting the other's attention form the downed Autobot, and rammed into the mechs leg, tripping him. The fight seemed to stop as they heard an unfamiliar voice yell out, seeing a small yellow car with a black line, ramming into Megatron's shin.

Jazz just mumbled out loud, not caring if someone heard him or not, "That was a coo', but suicidal move there…" The couple others, both Decepticon and Autobots alike nodded, and Soundwave stated, "Suicidal: Affirmative."

"Did you just agree with me?"

Soundwave choose not to acknowledge the Saboteur.

"Ow." Bumblebee stated simply, his front bumper now supporting a brand new dent to a collection of others, then transformed quickly as a big barrel was pointed straight at his windshield, "Hey, did you carve out a giant bucket and just put it on your head, or did your maternal unit decided to put it on 'cause she couldn't stand to have a youngling as ugly as you?" Megatron trembled in absolute fury as he heard the other bots snickering, some of the brave ones just outright laughed out loud.

Pit, even some of the Decepticons are failing at keeping their amusement hidden, their muffled laughter ringing quietly around him. And off to the side he heard Starscream muttering to himself, "Bucket-head….got to remember that…" while covering his snickers.

So with a roar of rage, he aimed his Fusion cannon at the little bot, which he noted, was extremely slender looking, and was about to fire, but he was painfully distracted by two golden throwing stars hitting his arm. And a golden foot hitting squarely in his face, knocking him to his aft.

This time, every single bot stood still, looking at who had knock Megatron on to aft. They narrowed their optics to a dark colored figure who went to the yellow one's side, whacking his head in a blatant display of disproval of the yellow one's reckless action, "That was real stupid of you Bumblebee!"

Every bots, including Optimus and Megatron, widen their optics, then every stare directed itself to their Bumblebee, the bug and not the slender one, who looked on in shock. Now that the dark one mentioned it, the slender one does look like Bumblebee, especially with the horns on his head.

Megatron quickly got to his feet after the initial shock wore off, ready to fight again, but stopped short when 'Bumblebee' switched his hand into weapons crackling with electricity, the black and golden one moving into a weird stance by dropping to the ground in a predatory crouch, and Optimus Prime leveling his gun on him, perfectly able to take him out.

Megatron looked at the three again before calling out, "Decepticons, retreat!" in a horribly scratchy voice that had both Bumblebee and Prowl cringing.

Bumblebee and Prowl stared at the Decepticons flying away for a moment in silence before Bumblebee leaned over to Prowl and muttered quietly, "I don't know about you, and I really, really hate to say this, but Megatron's voice is better than the bucket-head."

Prowl only nodded, but stop when his comm. beeped, signaling that Ratchet is calling.

Opening the connection, every bot, including Prime jumped when they heard Ratchet's calm voice come out only seemingly to have anger visibly restrained, but only to stare at the bot that was addressed to,

"Prowl, is Bumblebee here?"

Prowl hesitated was Bumblebee squeaked out a small Uh oh, "Yeah….Bumblebee is standing right next to me…"


Bumblebee yelped and Prowl tried to move his arm as far away from his ringing audios, "Ratchet, please, not so loud. You have Sari in you."

"I'm going to weld the younglings aft to the ceiling, because he hasn't been answering my calls."

Bumblebee gulped nervously, "Uh…the communication device might have fallen loose when I rammed into… the bucket…head…." Bumblebee trailed off when he saw Ratchet, in his physical form of an ambulance.

The silence was chocking as Prowl shifted nervously, slowly lowering his arm down and turning off the comm. as it was no longer required and Bumblebee slowly shifted to hide behind Prowl with intent as using him as a shield from the enraged ambulance. The silence only continued to thicken.

That is, until a couple pop fizzled out, breaking the intense silence and several resounding crashes reached the three's adios. And a yell that sounds like Ratchet coming from afar, "Fraggit! Now I have to fix their CPU's?!"