Hey everyone! This is set after The Last Olympian. It's about the Great Prophecy at the end. There are gonna be seven charectors, like it says, but it'll mostly be in one girls P.O.V. The first seven chapters are gonna be a little jumpy though, so bear with me please! Reveiw!



Ace's P.O.V.

"Ace, wake up," A voice whispered in my ear.

"No," I mumbled into my pillow.

"C'mon. Rise and shine, beautiful. Its June fourth."

"Awwwwwww man!" I said.

Will Solace, the whisperer, sat on the end of my bed. "Ace, as Apollo's cabin leader, I'm making this an order. We've been the only Apollo kids all summer besides Clara, but you know everyones coming back today. It's going to be super-crowded, and we need to clean up."

Clara was my little sister. She was just a baby, but she was enough to keep us busy. Ever since the war ended years ago, Apollo's cabin has gotten huge. Seirra, Athena's cabin leader, had to design a new cabin with two stories so we could fit everyone. Apollo and Hermes cabins are the only ones who need the second story though.

Just then, Clara started crying. Will wasn't very good with Clara because, well, because he was a guy. And he was eighteen. I was fourteen, but I made time for her. I rolled out of bed and stood up. Will smiled at me and hugged me.

"Thanks, Ace. Your a lifesaver. Its a good thing your co-cabin leader." Will walked down the stairs to start cleaning the cabin for inspection. I went over and picked up my baby sister. As I rocked her, I thought about the things that had happened since the war.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase had gotten married and had two kids, a boy and a girl, named Carrie and Max. They were about my age, but they stayed in their own little house with their parents down at the very far end of the beach.

Kari Lily was Demeter cabin leader; Kristina Love was Aphrodite cabin leader; Kris Alene was Hermes cabin leader; Daniel Rad was Ares cabin leader; Carrie and Max Jackson were Poseidon cabin leader; Malcom Gran was Athena cabin leader; Nick Dall was Hades cabin leader; Michelle Galager was Zeus cabin leader; Charles Black was Hephestus cabin leader, and so on.

Camp had been extended so that half-blood families could live on camp grounds in their own cute little houses. There were still all the same activities, but every once in a while we have a prom.

There was also a prophecy too. Only people in the prophecy got to know what its about. So far, the only ones are Carrie and Max. Figures. They were super-cool and always got attention because of their families. t wasn't fair, but then again, life isn't fair.

People had started calling this the Silver Age because it was amazing. The gods ruled, and the Titans didn't. The Titan's had been called The Golden Age, so it seemed only appropriate that everyone call this the Silver Age.

Later, I got dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, black lace boots with fuzzy stuff at the top, and my camp Hald-Blood t-shirt. Will and I had passed the inspection with flying colors, but with everyone here, it wouldnt stay clean after the first day. I put my hair in a ponytail and Will and I waited by our cabin while we waited for the rest of the campers. The other cabin leaders were doing the same, and Kari Lily was holding her little sister, Carmen, like I was holding Clara. The sun shone brightly on my golden cabin.

The first of Apollo's campers to arrive were Austin and Katie. They gave us hugs and went to go put their luggage away, and Katie took Clara so they could catch up. Whatever that meant. Clara was two. I dont think she's gonna do any talking soon.