Author's Note: Hi there, Nagi here the usually friendly sweet authoress (lol I am sure friends may disagree with that statement.) Anywho, I just wanted to give a few disclaimers to this story. Firstly, I have no clue what even possessed me to write this story, dark as it is. I dunno it just begged to be written, so I blame my muse. Any complaints can be forwarded to her, I myself shall not answer them ^_^ And while this story is scary, sad and disturbing for a good long while, I do promise that there will be at least SOME happiness at some point…And also that my next fic will be happier. Also, if you don't like yaoi…Turn away now. It's also rated at the highest level…So expect there to be themes such as non-con, obsession, torture, death etc (Sorry to all you's that are making a face such as this: O_O right now.) I don't normally write this kinda stuff so if it's crap I apologize, I kept wanting to throw in bunnies and sparkles and pink into it . But that just wouldn't fit. Without further ado (actually one more thing…I OBVIOUSLY don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the affiliated characters) I give you this one piece of my mind I am trying to keep secret from my friends lol though they keep bugging me for the story.

Chapter One: Attraction

Ed slept soundly, curled up so that his knees almost touched his chin. After weeks of pushing himself past the breaking point and days of no sleep and little food, the blonde was finally exhausted, hardly having the strength to pull himself from his study and into bed before dozing off. He shivered softly, cold for being on top of the blankets, but it wasn't yet uncomfortable enough to wake him. His golden hair was beginning to slip out of the braid he always wore, and strands of silken hair were tickling his neck and causing his nose to wrinkle. The room was quiet, the only sounds the young boy's breath, deep and regular. The weariness of his features seemed to be insignificant, paling in the wake of the small serene smile on the sleeping child's face.

From just outside his window, eyes the colour of amethyst stared in. Envy watched the alchemist sleep. For months the so-called monster had followed this ritual, confusing himself far more than it showed. By all rights, he should hate the little bastard who slept so damn peacefully in a nice warm bed. Especially when Envy himself should be in his place, the prodigal son, the praised one…Chosen by birth. Edward had stolen that right from him, but Envy was fascinated by him. How else could he explain almost nightly visits to the youngest state alchemist's window…Always when he was sleeping, of course. As with most any other night cat like eyes watched him sleep, noticing his every movement. He had been contemplating just stealing him away lately. He didn't think the younger one would come willingly, but that wouldn't bother him. Envy knew his strength and cunning would be more than sufficient, and Edward was small. For tonight though, he saw how tired the other was and took pity, content to watch and wait.

As he was daydreaming the door to the room quietly opened, illuminating the space with a small triangle of yellow light thrown into the darkness, causing Envy to duck down so he wouldn't be noticed. A tall figure stood in the doorway loosening the tight collar of a military issue jacket. Ed didn't even wake up as the older man gently lifted him from the bed only to place him more comfortably under the covers, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek in both greeting and promise. Then the stranger climbed in next to the sleeping teen and to Envy's surprise the boy turned towards him wrapping his arms around the other, waking up without a hint of worry. Envy's eyes widened as the blonde smiled at the other, then kissed him, and realized this wasn't a stranger...But the chibi's lover. He memorized every detail he could in the half light: The pale creamy skin, the messy black hair and eyes the colour of onyx. As the kisses became heated and the couple on the bed began their dance of passion Envy took his leave, feeling hot anger. How dare another touch his possession. The wheels were rolling in his mind..And a wide sneer slowly stretched across his face. He'd teach the slut who dared to take his chibi away from him, and make Edward accept his rightful place in the world, with him. Envy had never once been denied what he wanted, and for some inexplicable reason, right now what he wanted more than anything else…Was the Fullmetal Alchemist.