Joe: A... A...

Children: A WHAT?

Joe: I don't know...

Children: Let us see it, dummy!

Joe: Okey dokey, you smart blokies!

Children: ...

Joe: *gives them second clue* Wow, heavy!

Children: *Struggling to hold up the clue* you... Seriously... Don't know what a customer is?

Customer: Unhand me, you fiends!

Child: Okay. *drops customer*

Customer: GEEZUZ!

Joe: Gee, you are one clad mue!

Children: MAD CLUE!

Customer: Well, you'd be mad too if you were at some fancy place eating pizza when all of the flackin' sudden captured by some crazed, savage blue creature who tackles you and ties you to a chair in the basement with only one light hanging from the ceiling while the blue thing slaps you a million times until your entire face is blue and you're not fed anything for weeks and have to make do with the cockroaches that crawl towards you-!

Children: That's enough, sir.

Customer: Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit...

Joe: It sounds like fun! We should try that, guys!

Children: No you turd!

Joe: Actually, I took a bath this morning!

Child: Congrats.

Joe: That's right, buddy boy!

Child: ... I'm a girl... idiot.

Joe: I said that, man!

Child: *facepalm*

Joe: Let's put this in...

Children: *crickets*

Joe: IN?

Children: *still crickets*

Joe: *Turns into Satan Joe* IN YOU STUPID MOTHA-

Children: Handy Dandy Banandy Notebook!

Joe: *Turns back* Yupsicles! *takes it out and draws the customer*

Children: Now what?

Joe: Let's sit in our...

Children: Not yet, dummy! There's still one more clue!

Joe: None?

Children: One!

Joe: NONE?


Joe: Oh, five!

Child: Oh, good lord.

Customer: Not to be rude, but I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!LET ME OOOOOUT!

Child: Dude, relax. *opens door*

Customer: YAHOOOOOO! *Runs out the door as the song "Freedom" plays*

Joe: Bye! What a nice lady.

*Customer is run over by an ice truck*

Everyone: ...

Slippery Soap: *comes in* What just happened?

Kid with sunglasses: It looks like he needed to... *takes of sunglasses*... chill out.

*shows the house as you hear !*

To Be Continued...