
Virtual Season Three, Episode Five

By Lisa Zaza


Starbuck pressed himself against the wall, instinctively trying to make himself smaller. He scarcely dared even breathe. Footsteps were drawing ominously closer, and he paused only a moment to determine what direction he should head, before he raced away, cursing the loud clapping that his boots made, giving him away, as he fled down the corridor.

It had been just a harmless bet. How do you get yourself into these predicaments, Bucko?

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he repeatedly tried each of the hatches he came across, in order to escape, or at least buy himself a little more time. Each one stubbornly denied him entry, and he raced onward, sure he could hear the sound of pursuit snapping at his heels. He had to get away. He'd never live . . .

"There he is!"

Starbuck made a break for the ladderwell, taking a leap of faith and sliding down the side supports until he hit the deck hard. He hissed as he went over on one ankle, toppling to the surface sideways. Above him he could hear their voices getting louder and closer. He pushed himself to his knees, gritting his teeth as he forced himself upright. Pain shot through his ankle, yet he pushed onward, limping heavily and occasionally using the bulkhead for support as he sped around the corner, hoping to shake them. Idiot!

"Did you see which way he went?"

"Split up! You guys go that way, we'll go this way!"

He wrenched yet another handle to another hatch, but amazingly, this one gave way. Finally, the Goddess of Luck was back with him . . . apparently out for a luncheon with her friends for the last centar, where they had likely been looking down on him and laughing uproariously over their glasses of ambrosa. He pushed his way inside the dark room, pivoting to close the hatch and twist the latch to lock it.

That done, it broke off in his hand.