A/N- Thank you for reading my fic. I hope you enjoy it.

Summary- Harry and Ron are in the library doing homework. Ron finds out that Harry is gay, he then wonders who Harry likes. Harry is in italics-Ron is in bold.

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter, the library, or the characters. This is for all other chapters.

"Harry." Ron's voice broke the silence. Harry and Ron were working on their Potions Essay.

"Shh." The librarian hissed.

Ron rolled his eyes as his head traveled back to his book. When she thought they were good on their own the librarian left them to shelve some books. Soon Harry felt Ron poke him. He looked up to see a paper by his arm. Harry's eyes did a quick scan of the library to make sure that the librarian was not near them. Then he took the paper.

Harry, I'm bored.

So work on your essay.

I don't want to. Besides I'm bored, not desperate.

Well what do you want me to do?

Harry abandoned his essay and waited for the reply.

I don't know...do you like anybody?

Yes, as a matter of fact I do.


I'm not saying.

Why not?

Because, you'll laugh.

No I won't. You know that.

I still don't want to tell you.

Can I guess?


Is she in Gryffindor?

Yes, but she's not a she.



So...you're gay?


Ron read that and didn't write anything else down. After a few awkward moments Harry began working on his essay. He stopped after he felt the paper by his arm. Harry took the paper and unfolded it, dreading what was in the note.

So is he in Gryffindor?

Ron watched as Harry read it. He saw Harry's cheeks turn slightly pink as he passed the paper back to Ron.

Yes, he is in Gryffindor.

So I know him.

Yes, you know him pretty well.

Will you tell me who he is now?

No, keep guessing if you want to know.

Is he smart?

I think he is.

Is he taller than you?

He's slightly taller than me.

What color is his hair?

I can't tell you that.

Does he think Malfoy is a git?

Everyone is Gryffindor knows he is.

Who does he hang out with?


Like who?

Just people.

You won't tell me will you?


Does he ever hang out with us?


A lot?


Is he seeing anyone?

Not right now, but I think he likes this one girl.


I know.

Have you told him?

That I like him?



Did you drop any hints?

...until recently, no.

How long did you like him?

Since I met him on the train first year.


Is that a good wow or a bad wow?

Neither, it's just wow.

"Boys," the librarian called. "If you want to pass notes, leave my library."

"Sorry," Ron mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Sorry Professor," Both boys answered.

"One more time I have to talk to you two and you will leave my library." The librarian warned them.

Harry went back to his essay while Ron stood up. He walked over to the nearest shelf and pulled off a book. Sitting back down he flipped the book open at random, and he looked down, as if reading. The librarian watched them for a few minutes, then, satisfied they were not breaking the rules, she left them. Ron looked over to Harry as soon as the librarian left, he was working hard on his essay. Not wanting to get Harry in any more trouble, Ron began reading his book. He had opened it to a new chapter. It had a picture of a small man battling a dragon. Doesn't look that bad, Ron thought. He was reading for about ten minutes. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. Ron ignored it and went back to his book. A tap hit his shoulder again. It was more persistent. Still he ignored it and went back to his book.

"Oii!" Ron yelled in surprise.

"That's it!" The librarian shrieked as she came around a shelf near them. "Out of my library at once!"

They gathered up their things and made their way to the Gryffindor tower.

"Why'd you have to hit me?" Ron complained while rubbing his arm.

"You're fine." Harry replied. "Besides you wouldn't take the paper."

"What paper?" Ron asked.

"This one." Harry handed him a piece of paper. Ron stopped walking and read it.

Do you like any girls?

Ron crumbled it up and threw it in the wastebasket near them, thinking of a way to answer.

"We should put our stuff away before we go to lunch." Harry said, obviously knowing Ron didn't want to answer yet.

Ron nodded his head in agreement. As they stated off again they fell into a silence.

"No." Ron said after a few minutes of quiet.

"No what?" Harry asked absentmindedly.

"I don't like any girls." Harry stopped walking and looked over to Ron in surprise.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

This time it was Ron's turn to blush. When Harry saw this he smiled, realizing what Ron meant. Ron saw the smile and his face got redder.


"You..." Harry encouraged.

"I'm..." Ron hesitated. He looked up to see Harry give him a reassuring nod. He looked down to the floor. "I'm gay." He whispered. They were both quiet for a while. Then Ron looked up. He saw Harry look over his shoulder.

A/N- How was this? I have an idea for the next chapter, but I'm not sure if I am going to have one or two more chapters. Please review and tell me what you think.