Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

In Remembrance and a Cry of War

The days following Bellatrix's death were sombre, the news had spread quickly throughout the school but the story behind her death had remained private, only a small explanation had been released to the school, she had been killed by Deatheaters for betraying her bloodline. Those who had been very close to Bellatrix had been given a few days off from studies to grieve and Bellatrix's body had been released to her parents.

Since the death of her sister Narcissa hadn't been at school, having been gifted special exception to be with her family at home.

The tension in the Slytherin common room was tense and it had been since Bellatrix's death. The younger students avoided the seventh years like the plague and even Severus, Lucius, Crabbe and Goyle were avoiding Rodolphus. It was unheard of for a male pureblood to show any signs of weakness, and since leaving the headmasters office Rodolphus had done just that. He was in fact emotionless, his face was numb, he'd not cracked a smile, a scowl or even a frown, simply nothing. His movements were steady and slow, careful, nothing too rushed, he was straight backed and tense and it was starting to unnerve those closest to him fearing if something didn't happen soon he would snap. For Draco and Hermione it was far more worrying. It was no surprise to them that Rodolphus was a strong minded wizard they had seen all of this in his future the many years in Azkaban hadn't broken him so while others were expecting him to crack they were not. They were more afraid that he would go the other way, would he turn cold and full of hate would he seek revenge, would he lose his compassion to others, and risk their lives for revenge.

"You should speak to him," said Hermione to Draco quietly on Saturday evening, it was the final meal of the day and they were seated together facing Rodolphus who seemed completely oblivious to everything around him.

"What do I say to him exactly," snapped Draco, this wasn't the first time Hermione had approached this subject with him, she mentioned it a few times in the week since Bellatrix had died and though he wanted to help the man he didn't have the words.

"I don't know he is your Uncle." But Draco shook his head.

"He isn't anymore, in our world he is my Uncle but unless he runs off with Aunt Andromeda he's not a part of my family."

"So what!" hissed Hermione "Severus isn't related to you but I know you call him Uncle."
"Yeah Hermione, that's because he is my godfather. Listen my father always said Rodolphus was a cold man, had a dark sense of humour and always appeared unnervingly calm. Maybe he's always going to be that way and we've just brought it out of him earlier."

"Aren't you afraid that he'll become that murderer?" Draco shook his head.

"Uncle Roddy morphed into that person, probably a coping mechanism for all the horrid gruesome things he'd done, then those years in Azkaban it probably just made it worse plus Dementors suck the horror from you and they can break you but he wasn't broken Hermione he was sane. Rodolphus however is a very loyal man, he willingly went to Azkaban for a cause he believed in instead of lying and trying to claim his freedom. There is no way he will join Voldemort as a loyal Deatheater he will want Voldemort dead, he was loyal to Bellatrix, loyal to this cause and the future we are trying to build we need to trust him and trust his inner rage. Yes he'll want revenge and I'm certain he'll be able to have that when the war starts. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid and loses his own life." Explained Draco. "He will talk when he wants too and if he doesn't want to then it's not our place to meddle."

"We all grieve in our own way I suppose," Hermione said softly as she closed the page of her book, Draco nodded in agreement.

The great hall started to fill as more and more students arrived for dinner and soon the hall was a buzz of noise. Hermione and Draco greeted the Marauders as they arrived for their food, Sirius was quiet and he had been since Bellatrix had died, his reaction to her death and shown Hermione how different things had become, the Sirius she knew would have celebrated his cousin's death openly but now he was grieving, and the four boys had not pulled a prank since the announcement of Bella's death.

Normally food would arrive on the table as the Great Hall filled but today was different, students sat around looking at one another all wondering why their meals hadn't appeared on the table. Suddenly movement at the Professor's table caught a few people's eyes and it wasn't long until all eyes were on the staff. The last time food hadn't arrived on the table Hermione and Draco had arrived. Slowly Dumbledore rose from his seat and the room fell quiet.

"Good evening Students," he said addressing the hall. "I hope we have all had a lovely day today and have enjoyed a day without classes. I'm aware you're all waiting eagerly for your food so I will not keep you very long. Bellatrix Black was a witch of great skill and magic, she was a bright witch with an intense passion for potions and wand work. She had many friends and was liked amongst many of her peers and had a dedication to do what was right no matter the consequences, she had desires and dreams of a future. As you are all aware those desires and dreams were cut short, murdered by the hands of a tyrant but those who are gone should never be forgotten. Her parents have organised her funeral and here at Hogwarts we will be holding a memorial for her. So I'd like to invite all of you to come and say goodbye in your own way to a witch who laid down her life so others would be able to have a bright future. The memorial will be held tomorrow at 5pm down by the lake." He nodded his head and returned to his seat, and as the headmaster sat the food arrived on the table it took a few moments for people to register what had just happened but slowly one by one people started to gather the food on to their plates.

"Will you two be attending the memorial?" Sirius asked quietly as he stirred his stew in his bowl.

"Of course, I feel responsible for her death. We may have a past or had a future but I feel it's important that I say goodbye, closure I suppose," said Hermione as she took a sip of her drink. "What day is the funeral?"

"It's on Tuesday," said Sirius as he pushed peas on his plate with his fork. "I get to leave around 12, it starts at 3pm."

"Do you think there'll be a problem with you attending?" Draco asked knowing already of Sirius' family history.

"I'm not going to be at the front with the rest of them, I'll sit at the back and say my goodbyes away from the others. Reg has already informed Mother and Father that I'm coming and he's told them to not cause a scene. I'm not going to cause a problem I just want to say goodbye." His voice was breaking towards the end. "I suppose now I survive in the future, after all it was Bella that was to be my undoing." James squeezed his friends shoulder as Sirius struggled to hold in his emotions. At times like this there were no words or jokes could take away ones pain and sometimes a person only needed that reassuring squeeze to know they were not on their own. Sirius smiled weakly to James before turning back to their plates, the group ate in silence just like many others in the Great Hall.

In the present or the future Hermione had never seen the Black Lake look quite as beautiful, even during the Triwizard Tournaments when the school had received a major uplift the lake had never looked like this. A small wooden boat, one used to ferry the first years to Hogwarts on their first day bobbed in the lake, inside it was filled with beautiful white, yellow and pink hibiscus flowers. It was said this flower were her favourite and Draco back up this rumour remembering a photo he had seen in the Manor of the Lestrange's wedding day, with Bellatrix holding a bouquet of Hibiscus. Lanterns with a single candle floated in mid-air illuminating the lake as the sun began to set. The flickering of the candle flame reminded Hermione of the fire she had often seen in the brunettes eyes, they had been cold and harsh in her time but here they were once bright and full of life. The grass around the black lake filled as more and more students made their way down to the lake. At 5pm, a soft melancholy tune began to play and Hermione reached for Draco's hand as range of emotions hit her. As the tune continued to play heads began to dip, shoulders shook and soft cries could be heard. In the distance she could see Sirius' head dipped his shoulders shaking, the Marauders stood silently beside him, James' hand on his shoulder. On the other side she saw Narcissa who had returned for the memorial and Lucius, his arms wrapped around her, pulling her in to his embrace as her body shook with grief.

Unable to watch the show of raw emotion on display Hermione turned away in search of Rodolphus, he was stood beside his brother from her spot she could see his face and even though it was starting to get dark she could see a lone tear trickle down his face, biting her lip she turned away she couldn't look at him, she couldn't face the pain the guilt that somehow this was all her fault, Bellatrix and her had shared a twisted connection since she had arrived in the seventies the mix of past and present had conjoined them more than any of the others she had come to help, and now she was dead and maybe just maybe she had shown the innocent teenager too much and her determination to not be that person had ultimately taken her life. Draco squeezed her hand and gently pulled her towards him as the headmaster stood as the tune came to an end.

"We stand here today to remember a young woman whose desire and determination should be admired by all, her bright spirit and infectious laughter she brought smiles to many, to some of you she was a friend, a lover, a sister and a cousin, to others she was a housemate and classmate, an older student you looked up to. Life can be unfair and far too short and may her spirit shine brightly over you all in this dark time. Remember her courage and her bravery as you move on with your lives. Behind me is a boat filled with Miss Blacks favourite flower, we do not have a body but we will follow tradition of olden time and burn the boat in memory of a warrior who has left us far too early."

As he finished speaking the boat slowly started to float away, Draco reached for his wand he raised into the air and a single light shone from his wand, Hermione followed straight after. One by one all the students followed suit. As the night shone with bright white lights the boat on the lake erupted into flames. Silence filtered through the large group as everyone stared at the burning boat.

"She's really gone…" said Draco as he blinked away the tears, it was the first time he had spoken since the memorial ceremony had started. "I can remember the first time I saw her. It was Christmas break they'd just fled Azkaban and had stepped through the manor. My mother rushed to hug her not caring how filthy she was. She hugged mother back, she was gripping my mother's cloak in her hand and she was crying. She approached me and I froze, her skin was stretched so tightly across her face, her fingers were filthy and her nails so long. Her hair was a mess and her teeth were repulsive I remember telling myself to keep a neutral expression because of how dangerous she was I didn't want to get on her wrong side but she smelt so bad. She looked at me like she was trying to work out who I was before saying Draco… before pausing… you were knee high and had only just started to talk when I last saw you, you had finally learnt to say Bella but now you're a boy... no a man." Hermione nodded saying nothing but just listening to Draco speak. "That moment is never going to happen now, she's never going to hear me say Bella as a toddler, never going to see me grow… never get married become a wife and an aunt. They've taken it all from her, he's taken it from her. First he ruined her life and now he's taken it."

"I know and I'm so sorry. You're grieving the same as your Mum and Sirius but you've to keep that hidden because you're only supposed to have known her a few months but I'm here if you need me Draco." Hermione said softly releasing his hand to give him a hug. His arms wrapped around her waist and he rested his head on hers before taking a deep sigh. He was supposed to make things better, improve the lives of so many but instead he could only see the lives he was ruining.

"Dementors!" someone in the crowd screamed and everyone turned to the Black lake. A swarm of Dementors were heading towards them, the black lake was freezing over and the fire disappeared instantly. Professors jumped up wands at the ready. Students stepped back in fear. In seconds the night sky was filled with silver creatures and the battle of light and dark quickly commenced.

Hermione and Draco looked at one another alarmed.

"Students to the castle!" cried Professor McGonagall as her silver cat caused a Dementor to flee. As students turned to flee back to the safety of the castle they froze. A fog of green mist appeared in front of them followed by a familiar voice.

"You think you can defeat me! Such a disgrace the wizarding world has become, infiltrated with Mudbloods and traitors, there's filth that swarms this world but I can make the world right again. Bring wizards and witches out of the shadows and back into the light to rule the world. We'll make the Muggles and Mudbloods bow to us. Come to the right side and we shall rule the world. You have an hour before I destroy everyone who defies me." The mist disappeared as cries of fear spread around the crowd. Hermione and Draco looked to Dumbledore, Voldemort had just declared war and hundreds of lives were at risk. There was nothing more that could be done they had to destroy the final Horcrux and bring down Voldemort before he destroyed everyone and everything they had worked so hard to protect.

So sorry it's been so long since the last update, I finally gave birth to my daughter in July and haven't found the time to write anything until today. It's bee half complete has this chapter since June but hit a case of writers block, finally got to the end of it today and had to admit it felt quite sad to write. I hope you all like it and thank you for being so patient.