Disclaimer: I do not own any of this because it belongs to Stephanie Meyers. No matter how much I might want the Twilight characters to belong to me, they don't.

Summary for This Chapter: (This chapter is in Edward's point of view.) Edward is at school, waiting to find something to do when he sees something he hadn't seen before. Then when he is heading to class he encounters a new student, who he has seen before. Although after the first day that the boy is here he doesn't see him again for about a week.

Warning: This is a yaoi story which means there will be guy on guy, but beyond that there may be violence, rape, or anything else along those lines. I'm not completely sure yet, but I will put in the summary for the chapter if there will be rape, violence and what not. If you don't like anything like that, you probably shouldn't read this story. Although, I assume that if you are looking at this, then you will most likely not mind any of that.


Edwards P.O.V.

I was sitting on the stairs next to my car, letting the few rain drops that were falling from the sad looking sky hit my face and body, when I started to look around at the different cars that were pulling into the school. The first think I saw was Bella's truck roar in, but I knew she wouldn't want to talk to me. We had been fighting for a few weeks now because I had lost my temper a few too many times for her liking. Not like I can always control myself! I'm a vampire for god's sake.

Losing my temper wasn't something that usually happened a lot though, but for some weird reason I lost it five times in one week and that was apparently too much for Bella to take, so now she refused to walk even five feet near me. I didn't like it, but at least I was starting to finally get used to it. I didn't go up to her every day asking her why she was so mad at me now. I simply let her be so I wouldn't be yelled at for the millionth time.

I watched her noisy truck pass where I was sitting and I had to hold my breath as it went by, because I hated the smell of exhaust that always followed the damn thing. It smelled like some crap that had been left out for weeks on end.

With a sigh I looked down at my shoes for a moment, not knowing really what I was looking for really, I just kind of looked at them. All I know is that I was sure that I looked either really fascinated in my dark blue jeans or my tennis shoes, which were actually a lot dirtier then they usually were -- I usually didn't like my shoes being dirty. Although I knew that this way, they went well with my white shirt that looked like someone had splattered blood all over it -- no it isn't really blood, it's pain on the shirt. Jeez, I like blood, but not that much.

I looked back up from my shoes to where the cars would enter the parking lot and lifted my hands so they rested nicely in the pockets of my jean jacket, the fabric rubbing against my rock like skin gently. This jacket had rips and tears all over the place, but not because it was made that way, it was because I had gotten in a fight with Emmett when I had been wearing this jacket. I had won the fight, but that was beside the point. This jacket was now full of holes and it only went well with some things. I didn't like all the holes.

After a while of starring a car caught my eye. It was a red rabbit that I had never seen in this parking lot before. It looked like it was a mix of something new and something old. I wasn't sure I've ever seen a car like it before.

I sat up straighter then before and craned my neck to see who was occupying the car. Sadly, my eyes were not good enough to see who was driving the vehicle, so all I saw was a big black blob that sat in the driver's seat, driving the car -- well no duh, he was in the drivers seat. They seemed to be unsure of where to go because there were several times that they almost turned, but didn't and they even stopped a few times as if they were going to turn around. They must really have been new to the school, because most people already know where to go or they at least knew to follow the other students.

I shook my head when the car disappeared and forced myself to get to my feet. From behind me I heard a few girls mumbled something about me, but I wasn't paying complete attention to them so I only know that what they were saying is positive. They were probably saying something about my ass or the way that I towered over them. Who knows what was going through those teen aged girls' heads.

I ignored them when they came down the steps and looked back at me over their shoulders, their cheeks as red as cherries probably because of what they were talking about. Instead of flirting with them, like most guys would have done, I turned and walked up the stairs and into the school where I would be able to go to my class and wait for the day to end so I could be home.

To be completely honest, I didn't want to be here anymore then anyone else that had to be at school. I wanted to be home, listening to the music that I have collected over the years that I have been alive, so I could forget everything. Hey, I have a good collection of music could you blame me for wanting to listen to it? Ok, you could, but it wouldn't be fair.

"Ed, you looked depressed when you were out there, is everything alright?" Alice's cheery voice floated over to my ears and I had to keep myself from groaning in annoyance. Did she have to be here?

She had taken Bella's side in the fight and was telling me that I need to apologize. Now she was talking to me again, acting like nothing was wrong. Ok, did I miss something or was I about to win this fight that Bella and I have been having? No, there was no way that that would be the case. So what was going on? Why was she acting as if things were back to the way it was before I met Bella?

"What do you want Alice?"

"What do I want? Don't sound too happy to see my Ed." Alice came over to me, stood on her tip toes and kissed my on the cheek lightly as if trying to make me smile. Her pink lips were soft against my thick skin, but that didn't mean I was going to lighten up on her because of that. She kisses me on the cheek a lot and to be honest, I get annoyed with all the kisses. Nothing is going to change now just because she thinks they should. "Now come on, why did you look so sad out there?"

I looked at her for a moment, trying really hard not to glare at the pixie girl who was getting on my last nerve. Luckily, to do so, I just had to picture that I wasn't fighting with the person I cared about and let myself fall into fantasy where I could still have the love of the person I so desperately wanted the love from.

"Alice, I didn't mean to look depressed. I was just sitting there, enjoying the rain. Is that a problem? Am I not supposed to do that?" I hadn't realized it, but my voice was rough and it sounded like I was going to kill someone, but it did and it made Alice flinch. Maybe it was just because I haven't eaten for a while, but I wasn't completely sure about that.

I shook my head and looked past Alice to her boyfriend Jasper, who was talking to Bella. She looked like she hadn't slept for days. Why was she not sleeping? Was it because of this fight? Whoa, why was I asking myself so many questions.

"Hey punk, watch where you are going." The furious voice of Emmett reached my eyes and before I knew it, someone slammed against my back. Lucky for me, I didn't fall over; I just stumbled a little before I was back to standing as if nothing had happened. Although, the other boy that had been pushed into me hadn't been so lucky, he had been sent to the floor like a ton of brick, falling from a two story window -- which sounds like it would hurt. He was sprawled across the floor, his head resting next to my foot, his face turned towards my shoes and his body in an odd position. An expression of pain was on his tanned face, which made me wonder how hard Emmett had actually pushed him.

I looked up at Emmett who was glaring down at the boy at my feet before looking back at the boy who seemed to have pissed Emmett off somehow. Emmett hadn't eaten in a while and if I was right, a werewolf was laying at my feet so this wasn't a good mix. We hate werewolves and they hate us, which was probably why Emmett was acting so mean. That fact made me wonder why the mutt was here though.

"Emmett, was that really necessary?" I asked in a bored tone as if I didn't care about any of that had just happened.

"Jacob!" Bella's high pitched voice made my head snap around to face her. She knew the werewolf? Oh right, their parents were friends, of course she knew him.

I looked down as she tried to help him to his feet. To his dismay, he lost his footing and fell back down, once again sprawled out on the floor -- poor guy. His light jeans looked like the culprit in making him trip because they looked way too long on him. What was even weirder about that fact was that he was really tall to begin with. How did he find pants long enough to be able to trip him if he tried to get up? I didn't think something like that was possible.

"I'm fine Bells; I just bumped into that guy. It's not like it's a big deal or anything." He smiled widely, making the expression of pain wash away from his face. I swear this boy was acting funny even before he looked up at me and glared as if I had been the one to push him to the floor. Did he usually act like this?

Bella helped him to his feet -- yes he actually got up this time, he didn't fall --, not bothering to glance at me, not even once to see if I was ok. After all I had been the one he bumped into. Although this meant that I hadn't won the fight. I was still stuck on my own. Damnit!

"Come on Jacob; let's take you to the nurse before you bleed to death."

Take him to the nurse? Why would she need to do that, he just tripped? That's when I finally smelled it. There was blood, but there was defiantly not enough blood for him to bleed to death.

My eyes got wide and I looked at the boy from head to toe. His lightly colored jeans were unmarked so he wasn't bleeding there. Then I got a glance at his shirt. On his back of his shirt, there was a pool of blood on the collar as if his head was bleeding. That's when I finally noticed that his head was bleeding.

Now I remembered this boy. I had heard the name Jacob before, but I hadn't realized it was the werewolf. Actually, I sort of knew because he had come to the prom after James had attacked Bella, but he had looked different then. He had had long hair and his clothes had been a lot better. Ok, that's a lie, his hair was better short, but it was weird to see how much taller the boy had gotten.

I sighed and glared at Emmett who simply shrugged and went back to flirting with his girlfriend, who he has actually married several times, Rosalie.

"Well, that was interesting." Alice muttered. I hadn't realized how close he was, until her arm snaked around my own. Her soft, yet hard skin rubbed against my jacket, making my jacket rub against my own hard skin. It wouldn't have bothered me if it had been someone else besides my sister. Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly, I was just frustrated with her at the moment. If she and Bella weren't so stubborn -- not that I was stubborn -- I would be happy. Although I knew perfectly well that that would never happen.

"Yeah. Uh, I'm going to be getting to class. I'll talk to you later." I pulled my arm away from her grip before she could hold on tighter and jogged off towards the gym, where I was doomed to have my first period class.

I hadn't signed up for P.E. and I usually would have tried to find a way out of it, but I figured that one year of P.E. wouldn't kill me. Well, it might, but I didn't have as lightly of a chance as everyone else. After all, I was a lot less breakable then a human. That was proven at the ballet studio half a year ago.

As I made my way to the gym, I glanced around to make sure that Alice wouldn't appear out of no where and press me for answers that I didn't even know I had in me. Yeah, she is just that talented.

When I was in the gym, I walked into the boy's locker room, where several boys were already changing into clothes that they were required to be in for the class. I of course, had to do the same, but I usually waited until everyone as out of the locker room. Not because I didn't mind changing in front of people, I just didn't like changing in front of everyone. Yes, the vampire is self conscious.

Although as I waited for everyone to file out of the locker room, I listened to a little bit of a conversation that I could hear half way across the room. My vampire hearing sure did come in handy sometimes.

"You know that knew kid… Jacob?" The male voice I knew belonged to a kid named Mike. He was Bella's friend and had hit on her last year. He was a kid kind of cute -- that's what I hear at least -- but I find him an eyesore. I don't mean to be rude, but he is annoying. I can barely stand near him without glaring at him. I wasn't a nice guy, I probably never will be.

"What about him." The other voice I couldn't put a name to, but hey, I didn't need to know everyone did I?

"I heard that Emmett sent him to the hospital with one push. Talk about inhuman strength." Whoa whoa whoa, Jacob went to the hospital? Where the hell have I been?

"He didn't go to the hospital, remember. He just went to the nurse. Apparently his head hit the ground a little too hard." There was a pause and when the boy spoke again his voice was softer. Of course it was not soft enough for my ears to not hear what was being said. "He refuses to go home; I hear that he is stalking some guy. I don't remember his name."

Just when the boy had stopped talking the gym teacher knocked on the door and told us to get our asses out of the room before he kicked us out. Luckily everyone did as they were told, except me of course. I was always allowed to stay in a little longer. Why that was though, I could never quite figure out.

When I thought I was alone I heard the door open and someone walk in. At first I thought it was one of the boys, thinking that they needed to use the bathroom or something, but I didn't hear the bathroom stall open, so there went my theory.

A low cough rumbled in the silence of the locker room making a chill run down my spine. Although I knew that I should change and just get out of here, I couldn't help, but walk over to where the cough had come from. There, sitting on one of the benches located near the lockers, where the clothes and belongings were kept, sat the boy from earlier, Jacob.

"What are you still doing in here?" Jacob's voice was harsh just like his gaze, but he didn't move to make me want to get into a defensive position. Instead I simply smirked and leaned against the lockers on the opposite side of where Jacob sat.

"I still need to change. I don't think they would like me going out there in nothing but my boxers." I could see Jacob fighting the smile that was threatening to come onto his lips.

"I'm sure the girls would have just loved that."

"I'm sure you're right, but I don't want to get attacked by ten million horny girls." I paused and let my forehead wrinkle slightly. "Although I have a feeling I wouldn't be mobbed by just guys." This time Jacob smiled, but it didn't last long.

"Would you mind going away then? I'm afraid I might be mauled by you if I change into my gym clothes." Jacob looked up at me with an innocent expression, which made me want to bite him, but if I did that Bella would never speak to me again. So with a sigh I rolled my eyes and walked off towards were my locker was located.

Once I got there I turned the dial left to the number 18 then right to the number 32 then back to the left to the number 24. After all three numbers had been entered I pulled down the lock and it came unlocked, which allowed me to open my locker. Inside laid a pair of sweat pants and a short sleeve crimson shirt. The shirt was provided by the school, but I had my own pants. I didn't want to use their pants. They weren't nearly as good, or soft, as my own.

"Hey, do you have an extra shirt? They gave me one, but its way too small." As if to prove his point he came over, and pointed to the shirt that only covered half of his stomach. It made me snicker, but only that.

"Yeah, you are lucky that I always have two of everything wolf boy." I reached inside and grabbed an old shirt that I had gotten that had been way too big on me. Apparently they had thought that I would need and extra large. I didn't need it so they gave me another shirt, but they didn't know that I kept the other. They thought I had put it back like they had told me too.

"Thanks." Jacob got one whiff of the shirt and his nose wrinkled. "That stinks!"

I chuckled at his comment and nodded my head. "So do you, but unless you want to wear that belly shirt, they you better get used to the smell."

Jacob groaned but took of the other shirt and placed on the new one. As he was changing I got a glimpse of his chest, which was amazingly well toned. I may not be gay, but I had to admit that the boy had a nice body.

A thought came into my mind and it was a troublesome thought at that. Why was the werewolf being nice to me and why was I being nice to him?

As if he could read my mind Jacob sighed and sat down on the bench closest to my locker. He didn't say anything, but he did watch me closely as I pulled off my own shirt and replaced it with the shirt I used to P.E. It was weird having his gaze on me, but I'm sure he had felt just as strange when I watched him change his shirt.

"I'm only being nice because Bella would want me too." Jacob finally spoke and to be completely honest it had caught me off guard.

I nodded nonetheless, and unbuttoned my pants. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jacob stiffen. "Don't want to see the vampire in his boxers?" I asked and walked over to him, letting my pants slowly slide down my hips as I did so.

"No, I don't." With that Jacob got to his feet and bumped into me, my guess was that he did that on purpose. I wanted to grab him and make him feel gay, but I refrained myself, knowing it would just come back and bite me in the ass.

I finished taking my pants off and replaced them with the black sweats that I always wore in gym and walked out, noticing that Jacob had left already. Funny. I hadn't seen him leave the locker room.


The only class that Jacob and I had together all day was gym, which made me happy because the werewolf and I usually didn't get along. Although when I went to school two days later -- the day after I realize Jacob was coming to our school for god-only-knows-why, there was sun making it impossible for me to go to school -- Jacob wasn't there.

Then the next day came. Again, he wasn't there.

The next day. Again, he wasn't there. I began to wonder if he had changed his mind about coming to this school. It didn't bug me that much though. Although it did made me wonder what was going on.

Oh well, it wasn't the end of the world.


So this was the first chapter. How did it turn out? I've been working on it for a few hours now, but I didn't know how it would turn out. To be honest I was just kind of doing random stuff right now. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Please leave a review. - Nikki