Disclaimer: I do not own any of this because it belongs to Stephanie Meyers. No matter how much I might want the Twilight characters to belong to me, they do not.

Warning: This is a yaoi story, which means there will be guy on guy, but beyond that, there may be violence, rape, or anything else along those lines. I am not completely sure yet, but I will put in the summary for the chapter if there will be rape, violence and what not. If you don't like anything like that, you probably shouldn't read this story. Although, I assume that if you are looking at this, then you will most likely not mind any of that.


Jacob's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks and I have received a few calls from Coco. The first time she called I told her that I didn't want to talk to her, but when I hung up she called right back and told me to listen. I found out then that she only wanted to kill all vampires because there were some over by her and that was why she changed. She was actually old enough to me my mother, which as rather creepy, but because of those vampires she had lost her love. He ha found out that she was a werewolf and freaked. He wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't go near her and because of that she worked up a grudge against the vampires. She had held it in for as long as possible, but a little while before she can come to see me her love had come back. She knew something was off, but she hadn't thought that he was a vampire until she saw him feed. That's when she finally lost it. She killed him, along with a girl that had come with him. She just wanted to take her anger out on something. Luckily she had cooled down when she had come here. Why that was, I wasn't sure, but she said it was because she saw that love could be stronger then anything else, which I guess is true.

Not only have I begun to understand Coco, who actually lives over in Oregon somewhere, but I stopped being angry with Embry. It turns out that she had twisted his words around, so it wasn't really his fault. Still, he had said that he hated vampires and that deserved a little scolding.

All in all, life was starting to get better. Edward and I usually had sex before I fell asleep in his arms and when we would wake up he would have already taken his shower and was busy making me a breakfast so big that I was stuffed at the end of it. That's not an easy thing to do because I'm a werewolf and a boy. My stomach is an endless pit. Still, he managed to fill me somehow.

Is this real? Was my life actually turning out to be good? I didn't know, but I was enjoying myself now. Although Jasper and Emily were still a little depressed they now trusted Edward and I again.

Jasper wasn't dating again, but Emily was. Emily was going out with some boy that had moved into town recently. His name was Shane Glass or something like that. He was nice, but he seemed a bit full of himself. Nonetheless he is good to her and that's all that matters.

Sighing heavily I fell back onto the couch which was, surprisingly, empty. Being at my house for once was weird, but nice. Billy was sleeping in his room, and all the other werewolves were probably out playing football or something. It really was nice having time by myself, but after a little while I missed Edward, so I wasn't sitting there for long.

Luckily my boy toy, aka my boyfriend, could read minds and once I was off the couch he was at my door, knocking lightly on it to announce his presence. God he was good.

"Come in." I said, as I walked over to the door. I waited for him to come in, which didn't take long.

"Wanna go on a date?" Edward asked, motioning his head to something. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the new car in the driveway. It was a black limo! I knew he was rich, but was that necessary?

"Why do you have that?" I asked in complete awe.

"I am waiting to get my new car. Rose was protective of her car, Jasper won't let anyone touch Alice's car, Emmett's jeep is in the shop, and Carlisle's car is wherever he is. So, I rented a limo. Is that a problem?" I heard the laugh that he was trying to keep away from his lips.

I shook my head and as I did so, Edward pulled me out of the house towards the limo that was parked outside. The driver was outside waiting for us and when he saw us he opened the door, motioning for us to enter.

I slid in first, sitting on the seats that were adjacent to the driver seat. Edward came in after me and sat on the seat that sat between the two back doors. In front of me there was some whisky, some wine, and some other kinds of drinks along with some ice to keep the drinks cold. I had never been in a limo before, but I liked it. It was comfy and it made me want to take a nap. Although I managed to simply lie down on the leather seats and keep my eyes open.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked, not looking over at Edward who I knew was watching every move I made.

"Wherever you want to go." Before I could respond to what Edward had said he climbed on top of me and pressed his soft lips against mine gently. Well, it was gentle for a second and then he went wild. He moved my legs so that he could put himself between them and he forced his tongue into my mouth. You know how people usually ask for entrance first? Yeah, well, he didn't. Although it just made me horny so I guess it was ok.

"Sir, where are we going?" The driver asked the window that separated us from him was open, which made me slightly self conscious.

"Take us to Port Angeles." With that the little window went up and we turned out attention back to one another. "Sorry about that." Edward moved his head so he could let his teeth graze across my neck gently, which sent a shiver throughout my entire body. "This driver knows what my plans are; she just wanted to see some of the action." He let out a laugh that rang in the air like church bells. I love his laughter. I love everything about him and I doubt that will ever change.

Edward bit down on my neck, but not enough to break the skin. He bit down just enough to make me squirm under him, which made him chuckle. Why was seeing me squirm so much fun?

"It's fun because your hips go against mine." I blushed and pushed against his shoulders, making it so that his head just hovered over mine.


"I know." After that I gave in and he kissed me hard. It made me forget whatever had been on mind before and it made my head spin. Good thing I wasn't standing because if I had been then I probably would have fallen over. This reminded me of heaven for some odd reason, but if it was heaven that meant something bad had happened and I was dead. Even though that would suck, I didn't really care at this point. All I knew was that Edward was with me and that was all that mattered at this point.

A smile spread across both of our lips as I let my arms snake their way around his neck. As I pulled him closer he began to mess with my shirt. I didn't realize that his lips had left mine until I felt his skin against mine. God he was fast! How could he pull back long enough to take bother our shirts off without me knowing it?

Edward chuckled again and his breath rolled across my skin, making me shiver. Everything about him was cold, but I didn't care. It felt good against my own burning skin.

As our lips began to have a silent war, Edward yanked my shorts from my hips, exposing me to anyone that might be able to see inside the limo. Although that might be a little difficult because of how tinted the windows were for this kind of vehicle, so I guess no one would really be able to see. It was nice, but at the same time kind of creepy. No one knew if the inside of the limo held someone important or simply some stupid person who was blowing all their money on something as stupid as a limo. No offence to any limo drivers, it just, limos are expensive and if only going a short distance, is a bit pointless.

Edward shed his own pants and let them fall to the floor. Even before the material touched the floor of the car his hips were pressed firmly to mine. Because we were in a car there was a bit of rocking being done so his hips were moving against mine, making me moan softly in response.

Edward pulled my legs up a bit and positioned himself. He gave me no more warning then that because once I was in place he slowly pushed his dick into me. It hurt, but he made up for it by showering me with kisses and letting one of his hands wrap around my own dick. His dick was completely in me, but I forgot about it while he simply sat there and pumped his hand that was wrapped around my cock.

He had me on the verge of cumming when he stopped and started to kiss, bite, and suck on my neck. He waited until I was starting to calm down to start pulling his dick out and then pushing it back in a slow rhythm. Although it was slow it had been a while since he have actually gotten this far and the last time it had been the other way. When did I become the one that was one on the bottom?

I didn't think about that long because the pleasure started to build as his trusts became rougher and quicker. I hadn't thought that it would feel this good until now.

It didn't take long for me to cum, because while he was fucking me he started to pump that hand that was wrapped around me, and when I did I was out of breath. Edward came shortly after I did and when he did, he stopped thrusting and he pulled out. I tried to protest but he silenced me with a kiss. Jeez, why did he have to do that?

Edward moved me so that I was pressed against both him and the back of the seat. I was squished between the two, but I didn't mind. I was comfy. It looks like life was going to be good again.


I know the last chapter is short and everything, but I hope its ok. It ended with some yaoi! Oh and school is finally out for me! I'm so freaking happy. I'll have more time to write other stories. I'm so excited. Anyway, please tell me what you thought of the ending. - Nikki