Chapter One "Secret"

This is a part of Breaking Dawn following Bella and Edwards's first argument about her going to the Volturi.

Edward stood silent in the centre of our little cottage lounge staring at me with flaring distaste in his eyes.

"Bella this is not a debate, you are not going!" Edward ordered.

"I disagree" was the best argument I could conjure. We had been yelling about the same "debate" since dawn, so roughly about four hours and I was over it. I swung around and swiftly exited the room before he could read my face. I passed over the little pond in front of the cottage. My toes hit the ground in a dead sprint, the forest passed me in a blur, and I knew I had to get as far as possible before he could unfreeze and inevitably come and find me. My newborn strength had not yet began to fail me so I had that one lone advantage. Twenty minutes later I was leaving Olympia in my past, luckily Jake was too preoccupied with Renesme to by running today. The realization of what I was about to do crashed over me, momentarily drowned by its force (metaphorically, since I wasn't completely certain I could drown).

I came to an old house isolated in the middle of the forest, moderately overgrown with ivy and wild roses. The house looked empty from where I stood, behind a tree in the shadows, careful not to touch the sun and start throwing rainbows, which would not be at all stealthy. I was admiring the house I would in about 10 seconds break in too, trying to figure out how to get in without breaking, scratching or denting something. I gave up on that and hastily walked to the front door to make my entry, but to my surprise I found that the wire screen had been broken, ripped out from the frame. I entered the little house cautiously, muscles tensed for an attack. I made a quick sweep of the house to double check I was alone and to ease my already tense tensions. The house was clear so I went to hunt down a piece of paper and a pen.

I knew Alice would see me if I focused hard enough, I wrote slowly on the paper:

Alice do NOT tell Edward, I am fine and will be back as soon as I can. I have some stuff I need to do first. I'm counting on you and Jacob to help me by keeping this secret. Look out for me I will send you messages of progress, tell Jake all of this and anything else he needs to know, I'm on my cell if you need to talk. Please keep this secret for me.

P.s tell Jasper if he gets to close to figuring it out.

Love you xox

I sat there for a moment just to make sure to worked. I knew I only had a few minutes so I quickly scratched on another piece of paper a note for Edward:

Edward I am fine I just need some time. Please don't get mad with me, I love you always and I know this will hurt you, but I will be backā€¦ I promise.

I love you.

Bella xox

I knew that if I said I needed some time he would try his best to give it to me. I laid Edwards note on the table where he would, no doubt find it in about 47 seconds. I retreated out the door, the letter to Alice in my palm. I would burn it as soon as I got the chance.