Okay guys! I'm going to be gone for 3 days without internet, which will be a great time of coming up with tons of little plots for stories! But, in the meantime, I would love some reviews to read when I get back! So please read my stories and review!

((By the way, Deeta, if you're reading this… You made me smile real big! Jacks a prat and Ianto should stick with the cat? Nice use of rhyme xD You're amazing. Thank you for making my day!))

Inspired by the song One More Time by Daft Punk.

My first ever multi-chaptered Torchwood story! Hope you enjoy!

Ianto Jones lived by himself in a small flat and his only company was his cat. He didn't have a girlfriend, he worked in a tourist office, his mother called him twice a week, and his favorite show was Gordan Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. Ianto was a decent cook but he only liked the show because of the excessive amount of cussing that came with it. (He also liked that Chief Ramsey took his shirt off in nearly every episode, though he'd never admit that to anyone. Besides his cat, that is.) At first glance, his life was pretty dull. Probably on second glance as well.

But take a good long stare at Ianto Jones and you could see something deep in his eyes. Something that wasn't common among normal folks. It was even uncommon in un-normal folks as well. Deep in Ianto Jones' eyes, was the truth. And with truths comes knowledge, and Ianto Jones prided in himself that he knew everything.

And while you were staring you might have noticed that there is a secret door in the so called tourist office in which he worked. If you some how managed to get inside this secret door, you'd find yourself in a large secret underground base filled with tons of amazing gizmos and gadgets that couldn't have come from this world.

Welcome to Ianto Jones' life. A life where you see so many extraordinary things and save the world on a daily basis. And this most wonderful life currently found Ianto Jones in a neatly pressed suit, delivering the morning coffee. It was just like every other morning in the Torchwood hub, and Ianto was slowly starting to get bored of it. It seemed like every day the Torchwood crew sat at their respective chairs, staring at computer screens waiting for the next weevil to attack. Pointless. That's what it all was. Abso-bloody-lutely pointless.

So Ianto did what he always did. Straightened up, organized the files, made coffee, ignore sexual remarks from the oh-so-smooth Captain Jack Harkness and looked after Janice. And for once in his life, Ianto Jones actually wished that something would try and take over the world. There was only so much normalness a man could take.

"Sir?" Ianto stood in front of the handsome looking captain, a coffee mug in his hand and a folder tucked neatly under his arm. The captain smiled up at him dashingly.

"Ianto Jones!" He all but smirked, his hands moving to rest behind his head. "What may I do for you?"

"Just bringing you your coffee, sir." Ianto set the mug down carefully on the all but buried coaster before setting down the folder neatly on the center of the desk. "And making sure that you get this morning's paperwork, personally."

Jack grimaced and pushed the stack of papers away. "I was hoping you were here for more… enjoyable reasons. Reasons that would have you bent over my desk." The smile was back, this time larger and more suggestive. Ianto shook his head and replaced the papers back to where they were.

"Not during work, sir. You know that. And not until you've finished this paperwork. I don't want U.N.I.T crawling up my arse about the report on last month's accident that you've been putting off." Ianto had to stifle a laugh at the pathetic look that crossed Jack's face. Ianto had to guess that it was a strange mix between a flinch and a pout.

"It was just a scrape! No one got hurt! Well, severely hurt. Minus that car. I doubt the owner was too pleased at seeing it totaled like that." Jack waved his hand in the air as if to dismiss the topic.

"Sir, please. You're not the one that has to deal with the phone calls. They've even resorted to spamming my inbox with what can only be described as hate mail. Sir, I'm begging you." Jack's eyebrows raised at this.

"Begging me, are you?" Ianto immediately regretted his choice of words, but nodded anyways. "So, if I get this paper work done, I'll get a reward?"

"I never said that, sir."

"Well, then I never said that I'd do the paperwork." Leaning back in his chair, Jack smirked. Ianto just sighed and hung his head.

"Fine, sir. If you do the paperwork, you'll get a reward." Jack perked up at this and grabbed for the files.

"Thank you for the coffee, Ianto. Now leave me alone, I've got some paperwork to take care of." Ianto nodded his head and promptly left the office. Once a safe distance away, he burst out laughing. For having lived for so long, Captain Jack should be way smarter and a bit tougher to manipulate. Or at least have the common sense to ask what kind of reward he was getting. He did have a lollipop laying around here somewhere that he could give the good Captain, it was just a matter of remembering what drawer he put it in.

It was while rustling around through his neatly kept drawers that he noticed it. The box shaped thing sitting on the computer desk opposite of him. It was a pretty little thing, being about the size of ring box with little intricate designs engraved all over it. It glowed a soft red color that you kind of had to squint to see, but it definitely was there. Ianto didn't remember ever seeing it before. And if Ianto had never seen it before, it meant that it hadn't been filed yet. Because, of course, no one could spare the time of day to handle such an easy task as to writing down a few sentences on a sheet of paper.

As he was reaching for the said object, he failed to notice that horror stricken face of one Jack Harkness emerging from his office with a finished stack of papers in his grip. And by the time the handsome older man could yell for Ianto to stop, the Welshman's fingers already grazed the smooth outer casing of the object.

His hand felt hot. So very hot. Like it was burning or on fire. And the feeling was spreading. Spreading up his arms and across his chest until his whole body felt like it was being incinerated. Ianto Jones screamed in pain as his vision turned red. He figured he must have lost his balance as he felt like he was falling. And his fall was broken for a mere second by something blunt and hard on his head. A searing pain throbbed in his temple before he was falling again.

Ianto Jones passed out before he hit the floor.

Here's a quick little intro! Please review and tell me what you think!