Chapter 1

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" The loud screech of a certain blonde, hot-blooded alchemist rang through all of East headquarters. There was no mistaking the shrill voice of the 15 year old boy...or who he was screaming at. "What do you MEAN I have to leave Al here?!?!?" The slamming of a steel fist on the desk in front of him followed the harsh yell. The man in front of him kept his expression relaxed, even as Edward was about 2 seconds away from jumping over the desk and slaughtering him where he sat.

"Please, calm yourself Fullmetal." The colonel said in an even tone, eyeing the fuming boy in front of him. Ed gripped the edge of the table until his flesh knuckle was white. He glared daggers across the wooden desk. For a second, Roy thought sharp objects might just come from his eyes if this staring contest continued any longer.

"You tell me to CALM DOWN?!" Ed screamed, moving his body forward to emphasis his point further. "You BASTARD! How in the hell can you tell me to calm down w-"

"Brother, please..." Als soft voice overpowered his elder brother somehow. Ed immediately stopped, turning his attention to the suit of armor that had placed itself on the couch, hands folded neatly in his lap. "I'm sure the colonel has a very good reason for this all, don't you, sir?" His head turned over to Roy, who, just as calm as before, laced his fingers in front of him and gave him a small nod. Eds head whipped back over to the colonel, anger written all over his face.

"Yes, I do." Roy started. "If you will let me talk Fullmetal, I can tell you what exactly this all means, you jump to conclusions much to fast." His gaze set right on Ed. The boy grit his teeth and growled before backing up a little. It was a sure signal that he was trying to control himself enough so that Mustang could get his explanation out. And it better be a damn good one. Roy took the que and sat back a little in his chair. "Now, as you know, seven officers have been slain...all in different towns, but further examination had revealed that it was the same type of death. The Fuhrer has requested that there be an investigation, a pretty decent one I must say. It seems these killings aren't going to stop. And everyone who has tried to hunt this killer down, has also ended in the same fate. Plus..." He locked his gaze again with Ed before continuing. "The Philosophers Stone may be involved." The expression on Eds face visibly changed from anger to surprise. "We don't know much, but the Fuhrer has partnered the lot of us up. Only thing is, Al cannot come along. He's not working for us, unlike you FullMetal." The blondes face went back to rage. "It's not going to be as bad as you think." He continued before the boy could make any nasty comments. "It could bring you a step closer to the Stone...and I know you want that more then what matters to you here. Please take note this wasn't my decision...I'm being forced into this just as much as you are." Ed looked down, his eyes distant and in thought, trying to process what has just been told to him. Roy kept himself quiet, allowing the boy to think, knowing if he disrupted him it would just send him into another anger-driven frenzy.

"It's alright, brother. This is important..." Al placed his large armored hand on Eds shoulder. "I can keep myself busy here, don't worry...and it might help us to get our bodies back to the way they were...just go Ed." Ed continued to look at the ground, then after a few more moments he looked up at Al. Al smiled, even if it wasn't seen, but Ed could feel it and knew it was alright. And much to his dismay, he looked back at the colonel. It seemed like he searched for what to say before opening his mouth.

"...Fine..." His voice was calmer now, but his hatred of the situation laced his tone. "...You said we'd be partnered up...for protection would be my guess..." He said more to himself then to Roy. "..then who was I assigned to work with..." Riza, who was in the farther end of the office, visably winced at the question. Al knew from that who it was.

"Me." The colonel answered, his smirk could be heard in his voice. Eds eyes flashed red.



The loud bangs, crashes, and screams made everyone at East Headquarters stop what they were doing.

"It's okay Brother, calm down." Al said gently, gripping his older siblings arms as he flailed and screamed obscenities at his Superior officer. Roy watched him in pure amusement, knowing the boy couldn't break lose from his bothers grasp. "Please brother, you're causing a scene." Als voice held a slight urgency to it that time. Ed, tired and realizing the tone of Als voice, calmed himself down. Panting from all the yelling, Al let Ed go so he could sit down.

"Why, out of all people, do I have to be with you?" Ed said, glaring the older man down. "You pompous ass..." He mumbled the rest, not wanting to get himself riled up. Roy sighed and for the first time since the boys entered the office, he stood up.

"I don't know; the Fuhrer put together what he saw fit. I don't know how that man's mind works for the life of me." He straightened up some paperwork on his desk... all of it unfinished of course. "But, orders are orders, and I will dutifully obey them."

Ed scowled and snorted, crossing his arms and looking away. "Suck up." He stated plainly and crossed one leg over the other.

"I'll ignore that comment."


The walk back to their apartment from headquarters wasn't a very pleasant one. One pissed off sibling, and another reassuring one, both trying to see the situation in different lights. The clanking of Als armor was the only sound between them for a little while, until the older of the two looked up.

"Are you sure about this all Al..." He said, the anger seeming to disappear and in it's place concern. "I hate just leaving you here..."

"I told you Ed, it's all going to be fine." He said using the most sincere tone he could possibly muster. "I think that this will really help us, it's worth it."

"I guess..." He fidgeted. "It's really bothering me. Plus that bastard colonel. Looking all smug up there like he owned the damn place."

"Well..it is his office..." Al reasoned.

"WELL STILL!!!" Ed screeched, the corner of his lip curving downward. Al gave a small chuckle at his brothers not very well thought out comeback. "Plus I have to go on a mission with the guy! Can it get any worse?!" He shoved the key in the lock of their room and swung the door open. It hit the wall behind it with a loud bang. Ed stalked in with Al following, delicately closing the door behind him as if to apologize to it for his brothers actions.

"well, brother..." Al started as Ed got undressed lazily. "Maybe this will be good for the two of you. You never really get along, so this might be a turning point, you never know." Ed grumbled and flopped himself backside up on the bed.

"Doubt it." He said, resting his head on his arms, one steel the other flesh. "I just want it to be over already...and it didn't even start yet." He let out a breath, trying to relax.

"The best way to get it over with is to start by sleeping...get some rest brother, you'll need it." Al said as he picked up Eds discarded clothes. "and really, I think this is a wonderful opportunity for you and the colonel to get to know each other more. It might stop some of the fighting...on your part at least..." He waited for Eds reply, but was only answered by a slight snore. Al gave a small laugh and pulled up the covers.

"Sleep well, brother."


Well, I'm back to writing fanfiction after a long 2 year break! I know...crazy. but it'd mean the world to me if you gave me some feedback to help me continue with this! So please R&R!