All's Fair in Love and War: A Kyoya Ootori Story


Name: Reicheru Nakamura

Height: 5' 3''

Appearance: Deep blue eyes, light/icy blue hair; hair is short, and doesn't really have a style, is almost always wearing a headband.


Mom: Amaya Nakamura; lives in America

Dad: Hitoshi Nakamura; deceased (dead)

Brother: Ichiro Nakamura; attending college in Germany

Likes: music, sweets, ramen, black + red, dogs, writing, drawing, singing

Dislikes: anything annoying, obnoxious, or irritating, prideful people, fake people, cats

Status: Mom owns clothing line distributed all over world, but Reicheru prefers to not be associated with her mother, and lives as a "commoner" in an apartment like she has always wanted to.

Other: Is attending Ouran on a musical arts scholorship.

Chapter 1

Reicheru's POV

"This has got to be the biggest freakin' school I have ever seen. It's practically a castle!" I stood in awe at the giant school that stood before me. But I quickly shook it out of my mind and hurried to class. I swiftly walked through the halls of Ouran Academy to my class - class 2-A. As I made my way through the crowds of hideous yellow dresses and blue blazers, I heard many whispers and a lot of gossip. It was probably about my outfit. I thought since I wouldn't wear the awful girls' uniform, settling for a yellow and white, long-sleeved striped shirt, a yellow skirt that came down to just above my knees, and yellow Converse would do just fine. WRONG. I ignored it all, and finally found my way into my classroom and to a seat. But just as I was about to set my stuff down on the desk, someone else set their's down first. I was surprised at forst, but thought it'd be best to face the person -- like I always did.

I looked up to find a young man with jet black hair, glasses, and a fake grin on his face.

"A gentleman much?" I questioned sarcastically, folding my arms across my chest.

At this, the young student pushed his glasses farther up his nose, revealing onyx-colored eyes. As soon as I saw this, I knew. This was Kyoya Ootori. I contemplated whether or not I would be nice to him just because he was an Ootori. But then I remembered I had no obligation to do so since I was no longer associated with my mother. I could have some fun with this.

"Sorry Miss. I wasn't really paying much attention to you, " He replied politely, yet cynical at the same time.

"Oh, that's okay, Ootori-san, " He seemed taken back by my reply, but quickly recovered since class was about to start. We said nothing more; I just moved to the seat in front of him. The whole class time, I could feel his dark eyes boring holes in the back of my head.

I had not surrendered by moving seats. Oh, no. This was just the beginning of a war. I was sure Mr. Ootori was quite aware of this.

Hi everyone! First chapter! Yay! Okay, well, I know it's short, but I already have the next few chapters already written, so all I have to do is post it! Enjoy!
