
My name is Thomas Rogan. I am a member of the newly reformed AMS which is now an abbreviation for Advance Mysteries Solvers. My daughter, Lisa, my best friend, G, and Daniel are also members of the reformed AMS. Two years have passed since the incident at the EFI facility. Several towns have been built. However, there were still some parts of the desert wasteland where the EFI facility was remaining. Speaking of the facility, it has been used by the AMS for it's research in new bio-threats.

Apart from all this, the AMS has made friends with another organization from another town called Terra-Save. I knew their members well. I along with G and Lisa became best friends with three of their members. Their names were Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield and Rebecca Chambers. Leon is just a U.S agent who is working for Terra-Save temporarily while Claire and Rebecca are permanent members.

Throughout the two years, I lived happily with my family. Everything was fine until one day, something happened. The EFI facility was taken over by another horde of the undead. They seemed to be tougher than the ones we had fought before. So, I went there with G, Lisa and a squad of AMS soldiers to liberate the facility. We fought the undead forces inside the facility. We seemed to be on the losing end. Just as we thought we would lose, something weird happened.

We were helped by a group of mercenaries. But, there was one thing about them that was quite unbelievable. They weren't human. We did know what was going on. They kind of looked like animals. They had powers and even had weapons that were far more advanced than ours.

Thus, our story began here