Hi everyone my apologies again for not being around so much lately. School and work have become hectic and now i fear I will be updating even less on both accounts due to my now second job. I know this chapter is short and I am sorry the next one shall be longer due to the epicness that is surely to come! Reviews are welcome cookies are given to those who review.

Constructive Criticism only please. No Flames.

Dislcaimer: I only own Arianna

The large cargo plane landed finally with a loud thud. Meyers looked at his watch, 2:00 a.m. Most of the agents were asleep which they needed. It had been a long flight and they needed their strength. He stared at the three Angels who stood together off to the side. Their eyes never leaving the figures of Nuada and Arianna.

He was just as worried over her. Her hair was getting whiter as she began to look as though she would die at any moment. She was very weak and he was scared. Scared for her, but mostly, scared for Nuada. How would he react if she did die? Would he fly off the rails and go on a killing spree? No one could tell with him.

"Alright boys time to wake up and move out." Manning called out and almost instantly they were awake and gearing up. "Alright you three," He said addressing the ArchAngels. "Tell me what are we to expect down there.

Raphael looked at his two older brothers with a cautious gaze, should he say anything? Gabriel remained silent keeping his stern look down upon Manning, but, it was Michael who spoke "This creature may be unlike anything you have faced before. He is quick, he sticks to the shadows and will attack the moment anyone lets their guard down. He steals the souls of any living thing to remain young. It will not hesitate to kill you and rip your soul from your body. Kill the animal but, do not hit or kill any of the souls he had contained. You kill the soul of a being and they fade into nothing as if they have never even existed."

Manning stared at Michael with a wide eyed look as he tried to gulp down the large knot that was now in his throat. "Okay..."

"When we head in I shall be at the front with HellBoy and Nuada. Gabriel and Raphael are in the back. You and your men shall be in the middle with Abe." The ramp of the plane opened revealing what was outside to their eyes.

It was dark and a thick fog had settled on the ground. Not far from the plane sat the mouth of the cave. Long stalagmites and stalactites were nestled around the opening looking like jagged teeth. Manning gulped again before turning to the team.

"Alright everyone gather around. Okay we don't know what will be inside that cave. But all of you are equipped with guns and grenades. Avoid hitting any of the vessels that contain souls. Get only the creature do not use the grenades unless it is a last resort. Understood?"

They all nodded their gear now all strapped on. HellBoy stood at the front with Michael and a reluctant Nuada.

"Meyers is staying with Arianna along with two other agents. Our objective kill the creature and obtain Arianna's soul before it is too late."

"We must release all the souls Agent." Gabriel said in his baritone voice. "They must be released so heaven can claim them and allow them to finally move on." The Archangels brandishes their shields and swords. Their Roman like armor now visible again as they prepared for battle.

Nuada looked back at Arianna, the three agents stood around her with their guns at the ready. He feared what was to come but he dared not speak his fear. He was a warrior, he had to put his fear away. Especially now when Arianna needed him the most. He could not fail her.