It isn't until later that he remembers.

It isn't until after the Earth stopped turning, and his heart stopped beating, and he hung up on an angry Dwight informing Jim that it is his and Pam's fault that they lost to corporate. Particularly, Pam's weak ankles fault.

It isn't until after they make countless appointments, and Pam receives numerous prescriptions, and they call family member after family member.

Not until after her mom shrieks so loud, Pam has to hold the phone away from her ear, and the twenty minutes Jim spent on the phone trying to convince his dad it wasn't a prank.

"Talk about a classic boy who cried wolf." Pam had laughed.

After debating on when to tell the office, and deciding to let them figure it out on their own.

"As if I don't get enough grief from Angela and Phyllis already." Pam rolled her eyes when he brought it up.

It isn't until after the entire day that began with a simple goal of escaping a company picnic and ended with a whole new chapter of their lives, that Jim remembers, and laughs.

Pam looks up from the television screen (Slumdog Millionaire, how could they not?). She positioned with her head against his chest, and Jim has his arm draped around her, both of their hands on her stomach. It's amazing how well they fit like this, like two pieces of a puzzle.

"What's so funny?" Pam squints at him suspiciously, "He's getting tortured." She points to the screen with the hand not on her stomach and Jim shakes his head.

"I meant to ask you before Beesley, why did you never tell me you were a professional volleyball player?"

Pam giggles and turns back to the movie, "There's a lot you don't know about me, Halpert."

Jim nods, "And I plan to find it all out." He kisses the top of her head and she snuggles closer, "Starting with your favorite names."

It isn't until after he says this, Pam can't wait for nine months to come.

A/N- Because Pam is pregnant and I don't know what else to do with my joy