Edit de la Edit- I actually thought I put this up over a year ago. One of my friends just told me that I never finished my story. Oops! XD This chapter has just been rotting in my old computer for months.

Since this chapter wraps up most all questions in epicness, I would be disappointed if you didn't use an epic narration voice while reading. This chappie is a tad long and since it is so freaking awesome, it has to go to home: US and UK (I'm a Brit...[well not really, only grew up there for 5 years] who has been living in the US for 9 years now XD) I split up this chapter into mini sub-chapters.

Warning: I promised to have fun with the last chapter. So you have no clue what you're getting into.

Aphrodite's ideas often lead to rather odd situations: Hera being stuck in a fish tank, Ares getting a sickeningly cute puppy who he named Suzie and somehow managing to spike the nectar with something even more powerful. This idea led to a rather...impromptu meeting between a son of Caerus and a goddess bent on success. Most importantly, she had the whole prophecy (which could possibly put at least 3 gods into immortal drachma-less-ness).

You've gotta love Aphrodite.

The Plan of Awesome

"Guys, we need to find somewhere to crash. I doubt we could keep up looking for alleged 'signs' with nowhere to sleep." Juniper piped up. She had been oddly quiet around her '4-leaf Grover' so far. They had been looking for the 'signs' Chiron told them about in the general area with the giant tree as a meeting spot.

"Somewhere to crash? Why hello there, Mr. Giant Tree. May we sleep in you?" Percy asked the tree dramatically, ear cupped to it as if listening, "Uh-huh. Okay. Thanks." He came back to us and pointed at the tree. "The tree said yes."

"We can't sleep in the tree like homeless people! What if a monster comes to pick us off one by one?" Juniper said—worried out of her mind, "As good as my little 4-leaf Grover is, he hasn't been able to smell monsters as well recently."

All of the Athena kids were strangely quiet. They asked each other questions quietly forming a little huddle.

"But what if we-"

"No. I'm positive..."

The hushed talking was almost maddening. Percy, Grover and Juniper were just staring. Mostly from Annabeth they had learned to never interrupt a child of Athena while thinking.

"That's all we have to do?"

"I think we..."

"Riku?" Annabeth cried, running past everyone. Percy just subtly scowled and turned his head opposite the approaching boy. "Why are you here?"

"I take it you missed me." Riku said, dramatically wincing and covering his ears at the sheer volume of the call. "What did I miss?"

"Actually we were just discussing where to sleep and we have an idea that I think you could help with." Annabeth stated. Her voice became low and quiet as a breath, "And I want to talk to you later."

Nate smirked, "We're crashing the hotel room to end all others: the party room. So here's how it works..." And thus, he went on to explain the plot.

"Dang, Annabeth!" Percy exclaimed at the end, "He really is your brother!"

Thus, with a proud smile from Nate and laughter from everywhere else, the plan began.

Nate checked the Room Key Only entrance door. "Open," he turned to Malcolm, "talk about living up to standards." (AN: has anyone else noticed that they're almost always open?)

"Yeah, yeah. Just remember that if anyone asks we're brothers staying with our parents in room 317."

"In that case, go right along," a menacing voice boomed sarcastically, "I won't stop you. Of course not."

"U-uh...hello, sir. Could you please tell me where the complimentary coffee bar is? My father sent us down here to get a cup and we can't find it." Nate said. 'Malcolm' smirked proudly. Sharp as a tack.

"Coffee? At this time of night? I think I'd like to meet the man and get his reasoning behind that."

"Of course, sir," Malcolm said, "Room 317. Now if you'll direct us to the coffee, we'll be happy to take you to meet the brilliant man and his motives."

The man showed them to the coffee bar and sat in a chair, watching them carefully.

"But what if there's no one even in Room 317?" Nate questioned, panicking silently like it was nothing, getting out a cup and lid, "He might turn us over!"

"We only chose that room because the light was on and we saw someone inside from out of the building. Don't worry, I have twenty bucks. They'll claim us."

"What's the ruckus about? Can't remember what your alleged father's name is?"

"No, I think he wants decaf because he ALWAYS gets decaf, but my brother says that he's switching to caffeine." Nate said, looking up at him sadly, "What should we do?"

The man was at a loss for words. "Just...get him decaf I guess. Caffeine is bad for you anyway."

Nate and Malcolm shared a knowing glance. "Deal."

Shortly after taking the elevator up to floor 3, the man followed them to room 317 and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, he smirked and knocked again. This time a man came to the door.

"Hey dad," Nate said, walking up to and hugging the man, "I brought you the coffee you asked for."

"Caffeine or decaf?" He was going along with it!

"Decaf, dad. You know caffeine is bad for you."

"Always with the health tips from you. You're just like your mother! You never give me a break!" He looked at the large man, "And who is this?"

"I take it they're your children, then? They were making quite a ruckus down in the lobby."

"Well, one of them is mine." He said, reaching down and hugging Nate. "His mother is responsible for that child, gods bless. One is enough for me." He laughed, reaching down and hugging Malcolm.

"In that case, have a nice night, sir. Sorry to bother you." The man said and walked away, defeated.

When he was gone, the questions were flying.

"Why did you do that? How can we repay you?" Nate inquired.

"Eh, the coffee will do. I can tell you have something to do, go on!" He chuckled.

Nate had started to leave when he saw Malcolm wasn't moving. "C'mon Malcolm. They're probably waiting on us by now."

"Just go. I have to catch up with my...dear...sweet...cousin." Malcolm nearly spat.

As Nate turned, he could just make out a, "What the Hades are you doing here Apol-" and the door shut.

Nate left skeptically and took the elevator up to floor 6; the last no-key entry floor. Easy to see from outside, the stairs to floor 7 were on the side of the building near the janitor's closet. Bounding up the stairs he came to the final barrier between him and sleep. Now all he had to do was stand there and wait for the click of the door.

Out by the side of the building, Grover was warming up on his panpipes by playing a Song of Dance. If he didn't get this Song of the Wind exactly right, Percy and Riku may fall to their death. No pressure. Suddenly, the giant tree back a short distance away started swaying to the beat. Juniper noticed and scrambled over.

"Excuse me, but are you a wood nymph?"

"I do prefer the term Dryad but yes, I am. I was wondering about your features and smell. Don't tell me you're one too?"

"Yes! Yes I am! Don't you ever move from your roots?"

The large nymph huffed, "The others say I'm fat and ugly. I haven't moved since. The song was just so...filled with joy!"

"Would you mind, just for a moment, letting us climb on your branches to get on top of that building?"

"Not a bit sweetie, thank you for being friendly." She said with a smile.

Meanwhile, the group had been filling in. "Guys," Juniper started, "we don't have to use the wind anymore. This beautiful tree is a Dryad like me!" The tree blushed green with chlorophyll just as Juniper always did. "She has offered to give us a lift to the roof."

"That's great! ...Should someone tell Annabeth?" Riku asked.

They all looked up. Since she had dawned her Yankees cap, no one could see her.

"Nah," said Grover, "she'll notice all in good time."

Everyone laughed. Everything was great and the plan, though changed, had worked. The group got onto the roof and opened the roof hatch with ease to get in. After opening a door for Nate and... Nate...only?

Nate sensed everyone's look and explained, "Believe it or not, we found his relatives here. He said they're probably going to catch up for a while. I have to say, I'm glad he was the—"

The roof hatch was pulled roughly open. "Did no one think to tell the invisible girl that you were hitching a ride on a tree? I had to go and distract everyone on a balcony so that they didn't see a group of kids being lifted by a giant tree!"

"Ooh, could you imagine explaining that to someone?" Grover chuckled and went on imitating a woman's voice, "No really! It waved goodbye to the children, I swear!"

Luck? That's My Daddy! (You Not So Much...)

After some yelling, explaining and worry for each others' sanity, everyone finally settled down to adore the room they had just crashed.

"Dude! This is so huge. Is that a swimming pool? An—"

Percy cocked an eyebrow, "Swimming pool?"

"What," Annabeth teased, "Jellyfish can't stay away from water?"

"You do know how I love the stuff." he admitted with a smile. He just then remembered that he was angry at her. I have to remember she hurt me. The way she smiled affectionately. The way she kissed Riku—the prat to end all others—leaving him alone on the hill for a newer, better friend. Or maybe even more how this is going, he spat to himself in his head.

He turned away from her wistfully and Juniper noticed. "Annabeth," she cried, "come check out the room with me!"

Annabeth reluctantly left with Juniper toward the other side of the giant space. She silently followed Juniper up to a little overhang filled with a flat screen television and posh furniture. "Let me braid your hair," Juniper suggested.

"I'm not really a hair kind of person..."

"Nonsense! I insist. It'll keep the hair from whipping your face like a ponytail does."

Annabeth took out the ponytail and let her hair fall. She handed it to Juniper who started working her magic. "So..." Juniper said, trying to lead Annabeth into a 'girl talk'.

"Yeah. So how've you been? I guess we haven't really talked in a while."

"Stop playing dumb and tell me what is with you and those two!" If it didn't apply quite so well, Annabeth may have laughed at a child of Athena 'playing dumb.'

"Juniper...believe me when I say that I would tell you if I knew. I just..." Annabeth ran out of words for once, "It's hard to know for sure, right? Like, Percy and I have been friends forever and so obviously I like him more than the average demigod. But Riku came to me, returned my intelligence and gives me thought-filled conversations that are also fun. Like the dream friend of any Athena child! I can't say I didn't like it when he kissed me but Percy did the same before and I liked that too! And don't even get me started on how even though I 'got over' Luke he's still special to me. Does that make me a horrible person?"

Juniper took one long blink and knitted her eyebrows. "Well, I don't think you're a horrible person. But I thought Luke was out of the question. I know it's hard to let go of a first love, sweet. You're not still in love with him; you're in love with the feeling of being in love. Like when I first fell in love with a big, amazing tree named Birch it was hard to—well, that's not relevant anymore. What is relevantis that you don't know what love is."

"Exactly! We're all pretty good friends how I see it."

"Not for long." Juniper mumbled.


"I said your braid is done! Forget swimming; just sleep this off, m'kay? In fact I'm about to suggest the same with my little—"

"Yes, we know. Your little '4-leaf Grover.'" She drolled sleepily. Sarcastically she added, "How witty."

Before settling down, she asked Nate if he wanted to come up and sleep at the top with her.

"Nah, I'll wait for Malcolm. I brought a good book anyway." He winked.

That's my brother, was her last thought before drifting to sleep.

A muffled scream awoke everyone. "Bill, call security!" A woman's voice forced.

Not long after, Grover and Juniper were forced out of the room with Nate already captured. Percy came out of his room a split second before Riku and Annabeth put up a hand warningly to both of them.

"Now may I ask what you were doing in a room unpaid for?" One of the guards asked curtly.

"We are from the Miyamoto party two days ago. We found this little boy here passed out by the foosball table. It was a rather...wild party and we wanted to make sure nothing happened to him." Grover played out, trying to sound a bit over-mature.

"I'm afraid our manager needs to have a few words with you, sir." He turned to the other couple, quite obviously newlyweds, "And you two please enjoy your room."

"But of course. Lead the way." Grover concluded sourly.

As soon as they were heading out of the room Juniper turned back and pointed toward a small window unseen previously obviously suggesting an escape route. Before they had time to discuss if it was the best way or not, Percy had opened the window and vaulted over it to the railing outside. The newlyweds were closing the distance towards the stairs where they would have a clear view of the sprinting children.

"Trust me?" Riku asked.

"Of course!"

"You shouldn't." He said with a grin. He then took her hand and sprinted toward the window, pushing Annabeth out in front of him safely.

Once the rapid breathing had stopped and the adrenaline had subsided there was a stark pause.

"So what do we do now?" Riku asked, just as clueless as Percy.

Annabeth put her hands together off to one side. "We shop."

Percy and Riku looked at each other and burst out laughing at her sudden show of girlyness.

"Well Percy and I will patrol the area." Riku shot a look at Percy, "We have some things to discuss. And I've never been a great shopper anyways."

Five minutes later, they had somehow gotten off the top of the 8 story building safely, Annabeth was in a deli/market and Riku and Percy were taking a little...walk.

"Love alliance." Riku stated matter-of-factly.

"What on earth is that?"

"We need to make an alliance for Annabeth. Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I'm a terrible person."

"Riku, it's not like that. It's not like we're both madly in love with her. We're all just friends."

Riku scoffed. "After that kiss you still think she thinks of me as just a friend? I'm being nice by letting you catch up. We can be friends or enemies in this, you know."

"Friends in what, though? There is no 'this.' I'm pretty sure she thinks about us as good friends."

"Oh, so you don't mind if I claim her then?" Riku said raising an eyebrow challengingly.

"Claim whoever you want," Under his breath something along the lines of 'you arrogant prat', "Just don't involve it with my or my friendships."

"Thanks then, I guess I had the wrong impression." Riku stated, continuing eastward.

"You're welcome." Percy waited a moment in thought. "Oh and Riku? I don't plan on losing."

Lost and Found

Annabeth walked out of the deli/market with two small bags full of groceries. "Okay, I got the necessities from the stuff we left in that room. Could you help with this bag?"

One of the bags was beginning to topple over. "Guys?"

As the bag fell, she took a look of what was around her. It was then that she realized she had no clue where she really was other than a market by a hotel, there was no one around her and no one planned on helping her with the bag she just dropped. She picked up a slightly bruised apple and headed to where she thought they would be.


"Hey Riku, we should go see if Annabeth is done yet." Percy stated, already turning.


"Why not?"

"Well," Riku truly looked troubled, "I can't explain it but in the same way you can control water, sometimes I just get these...feelings. To go somewhere, do something, say something so that it works out to my favor. Like a supreme luck complex. Once I saved a boy from being hit who just happened to be my teacher's son whose class I was struggling in. I ended up getting an A."

"And saving a boy's life! Well, I'm not sure I completely understand but by all means if it has that much power..." he muttered, "Run and I'll follow you Godspeed."

And with that, Riku took off through a few intersections, between buildings and after about 14 minutes of sprinting (which he would brag about in the future) finally settled on a parked car.

A parked car with the label 'Delphi Strawberry Farms.'

Riku and Percy shared a worried glance. Something was going wrong with the camp. Looking past the car, Percy moved forward and recognized Half-blood hill about 500 feet to his right. He walked forward through the invisible border.


Riku smirked, confounded, "Well that was a short quest."

A couple walking by, linked hand-in-hand recognized them and ran up to meet them. Percy snickered at the sight of Brooke and Connor together. He had nearly forgotten the out of character love between the Aphrodite girl and Stoll boy. Brooke ran up and hugged him.

"I'm so glad nothing happened to you! Given the circumstances we all thought you might be dead!"

"For the third time I might add." Connor chided.

"Given the circumstances? What's going on?" Percy worried.

Brooke and Connor shared a glance, "Don't worry, Peleus upped security here."

"But there's a powerful monster on the loose."

"And we have reason to believe it is being controlled by a titan...Coeus."

Riku gasped loudly. Percy had heard the name but not recalled it.

"Isn't that... Wasn't he confined by Zeus to the Tartarean pit? "Riku started

"Yeah. That's what scares everyone so much. They might be able to get out." Connor rushed, "He was the leader of the Kouretes when they aspired against Zeus so it makes sense! He might be trying to restore the ranks and finally defeat the Gods."

"I have no doubt he is." Riku stated solemnly.

"Well how do we know for sure? Could it just have been working on its own accord?" Percy asked, "What is it the titan of anyway?"

"Coeus is the titan of intellect. He also controls the constellations. About a week back, this report came out." Connor handed him a news flyer.


In a meeting of astronomers and astrophysicists from NASA Professor Tom McGlenden (Harvard Astrology professor) claimed, "The stars are 2 months off of rotation as of yesterday. Where Perseus and the Little Dipper constellations are supposed to be there is Canes Venetici."

Professor McGlended was forced to resign his post at Harvard. While astronomers quickly dismissed his theory, he was replaced by Henry Steinberg at the school. Further research has confirmed this theory. It is yet to be determined if he will be posted at Harvard once again. Rumor says Yale is vying for his attention. There have been no theories on the event of the stars.

"Coeus runs the axis of heavens in the north. If he moves, the stars might go with him." A voice that could only be Chiron's stated. He was trotting up to them on the hill. "Where are the others?"

"Malcolm found relatives, Grover, Juniper and Nico are in the custody of a hotel and-" Riku and Percy looked at each other, "Annabeth!"

"What happened to Annabeth?" Chiron interjected.

Percy groaned, "We left her at a grocery store a few miles away. See, Riku got this feeling to come here."

Chiron looked wistfully toward the border, "Well I guess that can't be helped. At least we know that Malcolm is safe with relatives and Nico and Juniper are in good hands with Grover. We can think the best for Annabeth, she's strong. Meanwhile, you must stay here. Safe. We've already started calling back some people who left camp for college and most are on their way here already."

"But what about Annabeth and the others? They might be in trouble!" Percy exclaimed.

"If I concentrate all of my energy into following my whims I'm pretty sure we can find the others."

"There is a limit on how far even luck can take you." Chiron stated, "You'll stay here tonight. Tomorrow we'll iris message the others and send Argus to pick them up with some of the graduated campers. Coeus is after you, Percy. You're the only one that can save the Gods and he thinks this is his last chance."


"Time for dinner already, see? All you boys need is good food and a good night's sleep. Don't fret over this more than needed. We'll have both groups back by tomorrow."

And with that, the group walked—or, rather, trotted for some—to dinner. But to Percy, somehow the blue Coke didn't taste quite as sweet and he ate his food in a mindless silence.

"Gods, Percy. You had the drachmas so I can't even IM anyone." Annabeth muttered to herself, taking a bite of the apple. The sun was starting to set creating a beautiful scene in front of her. Well, it would be beautiful if I knew where in Tartarus I am!

All too quickly, the sun dropped as if playing a game of peek-a-boo with the ground. Though Annabeth hated to admit it, she despised being alone and lost almost to the point of a phobia. Between bites she began humming a nostalgic, yet unplaceable, tune. As she gathered her surroundings she noticed a faded, graffiti ridden sign that said simply 'Sands Point State Park and Reserve.'

Who thought a simple sign could fill her with such relief? Now she knew where she was. She was still somewhere in Long Island. Most likely miles and miles away from camp. But close to something that comforted her: architecture. Walking up through the park she happened upon what she was looking for: Sands Point Reserve. She sat, reading the plaque of information she already knew:

Sands Point Preserve a nature preserve and a prime example of Long Island's Gold Coast estate period. Visit the Hempstead House and Castle Gould, the castle built on the estate in 1902, fashioned after Kilkenny Castle in Ireland. The gothic, medieval looking castle was the estate of the Guggenheims, a wealthy and powerful family. The mansion was built by Howard Gould of whom the Castle Gould is named after. In its heyday in the 1920s, the Hempstead House revealed a taste for extravagance. In the Entry Foyer was an organ made of oak. The pipes still visible on the walls above were merely for show - the music reverberated through openings in the floors. Medieval tapestries once hung on the walls, and oriental carpets covered the floor.The sunken Palm Court once contained 150 species of rare orchids and other plants. An aviary housed exotic birds in ornate cages among the flowers. The walnut-paneled Library was copied from the palace of King James I which inspired much of the building.

Such information made Annabeth feel comforted as she contentedly sat on a bench with a cheese stick admiring the building, calculating the build of it and marveling at a chance to see it. The same nostalgic tune popped into her head as she started humming. Remembering that the park's closing time was at around 4:30, she climbed a tree, bag of groceries in hand, so the night guards wouldn't find her. This, to her, was truly home.

(AN: Can I please get an 'Awwwwww' from the imaginary crowd there? listens Why thank you, imaginary crowd. I know her home life isn't very good, so can't I give her the one home she's always loved, even if it is just fiction? imaginary 'awwwww' again)

Saving Grace. Without Grace.

Later that night, Grover, Juniper and Nate showed up after abusing the only taxi in New York accepting drachmas. The drivers who took Percy to his second year of camp had long since been fired. Either way, as Chiron stated, they were home safe and sound to look forward to a good night's rest. It was noted by everyone that he didn't mention the MIA status of Annabeth or Malcolm. Not that it wasn't the talk of the camp:

"Did you notice that of all the people that went, the two smartest don't come back?"

"Do you think they sacrificed themselves for the others?"

"Pity. She was my friend."

"And still will be once we get her back! " Percy once blew up, "Unless she sees she's better than that. She's not gone yet! She's...not..." He stormed back to his cabin, Grover in tow—wisely not saying anything.

Percy sat on his bed and picked up a small bouncy ball and proceeded to bounce it against the ceiling back at him. "Is it wrong for me to be worried out of my mind? Is it wrong for nothing here to be as good?" He shifted, looking to Grover, "Because it just seems that everything is different."

"Nah, it's pretty common to feel like this when you love a person far away."

Percy chuckled breathily, "You're worse than my mom. She's been having conspiracies about Annabeth and me for years now."

"And you can truthfully say she's completely wrong?"

Percy shrugged, "It's one of those '4 out of 5 dentists' things." Seeing Grover's look of confusion, he continued, "Like...you know you love Juniper right?"

"Of course!"

"How do you know?"

Grover thought for a minute before answering, "Well, all the qualities about her are things I adore. She's smart, funny, pretty and has a wonderful personality that just makes her right for me. And I love her for that."

"But couldn't you use the same descriptions for Annabeth? Smart, funny and pretty right? And you don't love her."

There was an awkward silence as Percy stared at the smile on Grover's face. It was the same smile his mother gave him whenever her name came up in conversation. All of a sudden, the smile made sense to him.

"And yes! So what if I call her smart, funny and pretty? It's true!" Calming down and realizing what he said, Percy gave him a 'this- is-off-the-record' face and mumbled, "That doesn't... mean I l-like her. Just like with you. She has Riku for that kind of love anyways."

"Just because I don't love her in the same way I love Juniper doesn't mean I don't love her." Grover stood up, pulling the covers over Percy in his bed before heading to the doorway and turning off the lights. "No one expects you to know for sure. Goodnight, Percy."

And along with the lights, Percy was out. Just because the quest only lasted two days doesn't mean it wasn't a quest. Yet, somehow, his brain managed to pump out the most peculiar dream:

"Lost? What kind of a show is that? All I can imagine are a bunch of people walking around town lost, crying for their mothers." Percy feigned thought for a moment. "So it's a reality show!"

Annabeth glared at him as he raised his hands defensively. "What? I was just saying that it wouldn't make a very good show! Like, when I was lost in a store or whatnot, I used to sit on the floor clapping my hands and screaming 'MOMMY!' at the top of my lungs. Eventually someone would help me find her. Who would want to watch that?"

Annabeth started laughing. "I can imagine it now, Jellyfish!"

Percy wasn't about to take her badgering. "Are you saying that the daughter of Athena was too wise to scream for her daddy?"

She sobered up at his retort, but just a little, righting herself to sitting on the floor. "Actually, what I did made no sense, too." At my gesturing her to go on she continued, "I used to absolutely hate strangers. I never felt safe around them so I used to try to get lost in my own world by singing softly. Then I just instinctively found the biggest landmark around, almost like an unspoken meeting point. While I distracted myself with architecture and humming, my family learned how to find me."

"Where would you find architecture in a store?" Percy snorted.

"You know what I meant, Seaweed Brain. Like, the first time I tried to make amends with my father when we went to Disneyland shortly after Matthew could toddle, I thought he had gone missing. I separated from my father to go looking. Next thing I knew, I was lost. There were so many people around me, a little scared 10 year old, so what was I supposed to do? I started singing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah and headed toward King Mickey's castle. I stood in fascination and my dad came and found me. The rest of the day was great!"

"Pssshh! And you laughed at my singing today!"

Percy awoke with a start realizing that that wasn't a dream; it was a memory. The clock said 1:37 but he just had to go, knowing that she'd be so scared. Under normal circumstances he may have laughed that the person who could 50% of the time kick his butt was scared like a lost puppy. As of now he just grabbed on a coat and prayed that he wouldn't get eaten by the camp harpies.

Because it was at this point in time that he admitted to himself his love for that girl. She was a smart-alec, teasing and difficult girl. And for that he loved her. And he knew exactly where she was. Because he knew that if he followed his heart, he would find hers.

(AN: I wanted to end it here SO BADLY!)

(AN P.S: But I didn't ;))

Riku watched the dark form of Percy sprinting across the lightless border. Guards were no use. Either Percy was crazy or he knew something Riku didn't. This race to find Annabeth was also a race to love her. Once Riku crossed that imaginary line, he knew it was an unspoken war cry.

So he focused his luck energy and soldiered on.

Randomly and instinctively he walked; Left, left, right, keep walking, down an alley, left. He scanned everything around him, noticing something that piqued his interest. A rather insanely large tree.

"Excuse me; were you the tree that helped us onto the roof yesterday?" Obviously wanting to keep the 'inanimate-tree-who-cannot-talk' façade up, she was still. "You're a dryad, yes?"

"Yes, I do recognize you now. Do you need back up there?"

"No. I was wondering if you had seen the other one that was with us. About my size, blond hair, gray eyes?"

"Yes! In fact, I just saw 'em about an hour ago heading that way." The tree said, gesturing with her lowermost branch westward.

"Thank you so much! You may have just saved my love life!" Love life? She thought, I never would have guessed he was like that. As she watched Riku run in that direction, she knew that whatever messed up love life he had would live.

Focusing on his instincts, he knew that the tree was right. He had a feeling that what he wanted to find wasn't far away and the distance was closing. What started as a speck of orange turning down a street soon became a shirt. The blue lines became pants. He could tell that the hair was blond with how it blended into the body. The shirt by now was definitely Camp Half-blood.

"Hey!" Riku yelled, "You coming back to camp with me or not?"

The person who used to be so far away turned around toward him, smiling. "You're my savior!"

"Well, how do you feel about finding your step sibling first so that everyone is safe?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." The gray eyes seemed softer than ever with relief.

(Another AN: Oh, I KNOW right now you're thinking: NOOO! PERCY FOR THE WIN! And to you I say: haha! Now back to the awesome story)

So what if it was dark? So what if he was in the middle of Long Island? None of that mattered as Percy raced on toward his love...hopefully. It was his only guess on where she was, though she could be miles away by now. Sprinting past the deli/market she was last seen by, jogging past the signs and into a mess of trees.

All of a sudden, he came across a fence. And behind the fence was a tall, muscular and generally mean-looking man.

"Sorry, kiddo. No one allowed on park grounds at these hours."

"Sorry, I dropped my gameboy here earlier today and my parents would kill me if I didn't have it! I just came to look around here."

The guard thought and came to a mental conclusion. "I'm not permitted to allow you inside but I'll go check the lost and found in the building. You can pet the guard dog until I get back if you'd like." He said, briskly walking away.

As if, Percy thought, staring at the snarling dog. It seemed that the dog was snarling at something past him. As he hopped the fence, the dog didn't even care, eyes focused on something coming closer to the fence. The only thought breaking through his mind focused on running and looking was the stupidness of that dog.

Percy saw the large, gothic building in the distance and approached the clearing.

No one.

All he wanted to do at that moment was punch something, kick something. Anything to let another thing share his anger. Rearing up for a hard punch, he hit the park bench nearest him. He then noticed a cheese stick wrapper. The same type they had at camp. She had come here! But she was gone already. He went through with the punch and left a small dent in the soft, weathered wood—killing his hand in the process.

As he allowed a single sob for good measure as he sat on the bench, frustrated. He looked up toward the stars thoughtlessly.

"Zip-a-dee-doo-dah," Although the voice was just humming he knew he could add the words to such a nostalgic song, "Zip-a-dee-day, my, oh my, what a wonderful day."

So what if he was off-key? He knew that voice and thus, nothing mattered anymore. "Annabeth? Annabeth!"

A groggy voice answered, "Percy?"

Percy jumped up from the bench locating the sound. The tree above him? Soon enough he spotted an orange T-shirt and beautiful face he had come to memorize. "Annabeth!" He exclaimed as he scrambled up the tree. Open arms embraced Annabeth in the tree.

Nearly a minute later he started again, "You ready to go back to camp?"


Suddenly a rumble shook the...sky? Looking up through the leaves, Percy noticed that the stars were moving. "Coeus..."

Annabeth gasped. "What about him? He's one of the most down-low but dangerous titans ever! Even Zeus himself is afraid of him."

"He escaped." Was the only thing he could get out before an unseen force knocked the tree over.

Percy reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out his pen. Seeing it said Office Max, he pulled out the other which turned into his trusted sword. "It's been a while, Riptide." He smiled and lunged forward swinging the sword in a circle. Expectedly, defeating an invisible target was difficult.

Percy was hit. Being thrown backwards, his breath left his chest in a heave. He flew toward a tree and hit it brutally.

"Percy!" Annabeth shrieked.

"Put the cap on." He choked. She was still hurrying toward him, "I'm fine! Put the cap on!" She pulled the cap out of her large back pocket, bent and smushed. Quickly as that, she was gone. Percy felt her touch his back.

"How do you see wind?" He whispered, slowly moving behind the tree to stand up.

"You can't. Wind isn't something attainable or even visible."

Percy dodged behind some trees, "But hair blows. Leaves rustle. What would we do to be able to see a body made of wind?"

"You don't happen to have any colored powder, do you?"

Percy smiled. "It's called Long Island for a reason." At her confused touch he continued, "Everywhere is coastal which means water and sometimes sand."

"We're at least a mile from any beach. More than likely more."

"Well then I'll have to make some makeshift water. Get close to me."

Percy emerged back out to the clearing and was immediately knocked back according to plan. He focused all of his energy and power on the water in the leaves of the trees. While the leaves wilted and shriveled, he found a large swirl of water gathering in front of him. He dispersed it into a mist around him. A small gap with no mist alerted him to Annabeth's presence. In his little bubble of mist, he would be able to see wind displacing the particles. Whenever the wind reached out at him, he dived with Annabeth in his arms.

"Dodging is great but how do we kill it?" He exclaimed, diving from another attempted hit.

"While the wind can't be hurt or die, there has to be someone controlling it." She gasped. "Do you think we're dealing with Coeus himself?"

"Right you are." A deep, husky voice answered.

"We need the help of the Gods." Annabeth looked at Percy. "I hate to say it, but we need to get a hold of Apollo."

"Why him?"

"His and Artemis's mother is Leto, daughter of Coeus. If they can pull a few strings and try to get her to convince Coeus otherwise... Leto is on the side of the Gods now. Coeus still loves her, though. She was his shining glory that Phoibe gave to him. I think she'll be able to convince him."

"Then go. I'll hold him off while you Iris Message the Apollo cabin. We need to get her here."

"Percy..." And he got a big invisible hug before she started walking.

"And Annabeth? If I don't come back... tell Nico good luck. He needs to save the world." Percy smiled.

Like a response, he got knocked back not noticing the disturbance of wind in his mist fortress.

"Hey, Coeus! You can't kill your grand-niece's lover can you?" Percy taunted, the pieces coming together for him.

"It's not my fault she favored the gods. Pyrra, right? Or was it Ephyra?" He chuckled, "Like a nymph would fall in love with you." He thrusted his arm forward to command the wind monster.

"Neither." At his look, Percy continued, "Calypso. The beautiful, Titan-bound Calypso. I was even thinking of siding with whatever she says in the Great Prophesy."

"L-liar!" He stuttered, "You're just like your father. Poseidon, correct? You would never defy him like he defied me. And when you see him in Erebos, our underworld, please thank him for helping convince Zeus to let us free."

Percy stared into space at the fact. "My...father? The lost play!"

"Exactly. The lost play Prometheus Unbound. It was 'lost' because Zeus didn't want the info to reach the other gods; they might protest. It was your father's handiwork, siding with his father and uncles in the end."

"You're my great uncle?" Percy was stunned. Someone...anyone could have told him why Kronos and his brothers were loose.

"See? Now you know how unimportant family is to me. I killed my own father! And now only Atlas has to repent by taking his job. But there's something different here. No one else is there to take yours."

Wind swept by Percy nearly knocking his head back. Father, he thought, help me now. Without the sand dollar the effort was fruitless. A whisper alerted him to Annabeth's presence.

"Apollo has convinced Zeus to let Leto come."

"It won't work. Coeus...has no heart. He killed his own father and now only Atlas has to work for it. He values no family." He spat those last words, and then softened, "I need my father."

"Then give me your sword." Annabeth said, taking the cap off, "It's all I can do. You'll be vulnerable."

Percy handed her the sword and she started walking away. "And Annabeth?" She turned, "live for me, will you?"

With an invisible, soft pressure on his lips (of which Annabeth would never admit in the future), he knew he had no hope and kissed back. Crunching leaves marked the girl jogging away. Percy lay back, attempting to relax in his last moments.

"Hey, Coeus? Did you ever regret killing your father?"

The evil titan faltered. "Never. Now where are you? It's your time."

"I know. I was just thinking that you might want to rethink the Gods." Percy said doubtfully.

"The brats killed my brother! We killed our father for a newer, better world! He didn't want to live in fear of his children doing the same. Eating them was a must. That way, he could never defy them."

"I never thought of it that way."

"No doubt. I had guessed you were just as pathetic as your father."

"But he was the one that helped release you! He had hoped you would be a better person now! I'm your great nephew who now understands both sides!"

"And for the Great Prophesy?"

"Water..." Annabeth muttered to herself. "That's it! The stream!" Annabeth ran as she recited the line in her head:

The Hempstead house was protected from two of the major European/American wars. This is because of the natural barriers. Small but perilous mountains guarded to the North to the east, the melting snow flowing into the Barrers River to the south. When north, east and south were blocked, a drawbridge was put up to prevent soldiers from entering.

She would have fallen in the stream if the moon wasn't reflecting brightly. She threw Riptide in the water ahead of her and plunged her head into the depths.

"Concerning Poseidon, a great god, I begin to sing: the Shaker-of-the-Land and of the sea unharvested; god of the deep. A double meed of honour have the gods given thee, O Shaker-of-the-Earth. Hail, Prince, thou girdler of the Earth, thou dark-haired god, and with kindly heart, O blessed one, come save your son!"

Suddenly, the earth shook as a bull rose from the water. The bull morphed into Poseidon.

"Where is Perseus?"

Annabeth didn't even say a word before she started running toward the clearing. Not but a moment later they were a few feet away from Percy's hidden, still body. He started speaking.

"I never thought of it that way."

"No doubt. I had guessed you were just as pathetic as your father." Poseidon sneered and clenched his fist tighter around his triton.

"But he was the one that helped release you! He had hoped you would be a better person now! I'm your great nephew who now understands both sides!"

"And for the Great Prophesy?"

"I'll... The titans have a point—" Poseidon burst out of the trees in a rage.

"Dad!" Percy shouted.

Coeus started with a demeaning voice, "See, nephew? Even your own child goes against you. I guess it's a family tradition."

"But he's still my son!" And with that, Poseidon summoned the water out of the leaves to form a humid, misty fortress around them. Then, everything froze.

Breathing was painful, no movements were made and there was a dull sloshing sound through the air. A slow moving scream was heard as Coeus was cut into pieces.

"Just like your father and brother. I speak for all of the gods when I condemn you to Tartarus to be frozen in pieces." Coeus's pieces were swallowed into the ground toward the deepest pits of Tartarus. "Now that's the family tradition."

Percy looked at him in horror. "For immortals, at least, son." He chuckled, "Speaking of which, you were favoring the titans?"

"Can you blame them for having to live in fear of their children?"

Poseidon glared into thin air. "I really do love you, Perseus." He opened his arms and enveloped Percy in a huge hug.

He turned to Annabeth and chuckled, "How did a daughter of Athena, a sworn rival, know the Homeric Hymn to Poseidon?"

"I've been interested in Poseidon," Annabeth glanced at Percy, "for a few years now."

"Well then it's good you are. Otherwise—" He stopped, "I am forever indebted to you. I'm afraid all I do are horses, earthquakes, bulls, sea creatures and water; but I'm sure that I can arrange with my brothers."

"You saving Percy was enough for me." She bowed her head, "Thank you, Lord Poseidon. I shall try to stop my mother's badgering of you."

Percy put an arm around her shoulders, standing shakily, "Just like you to try and end a thousand year old feud."

They started following Poseidon back to the water, "Would you mind if I designed a city in your honor?"

"I couldn't think of anyone better for the job." He laughed as they reached the water. Stepping in he added, "And make it better than Athens, would you?"

"I'll try my best, Lord Poseidon!" She said, waving goodbye.

"Oh believe me. I know what's going on even if your mother won't admit it. Lose the formalities—you can call me 'Dad'."

"Dad!" Percy shouted, red in the face.

"Until next time son." He said, disappearing into the brine.

"Don't be a stranger!" Percy yelled back, turning around.

With an arm over Annabeth's shoulders once again to steady himself, he started, "Well, we defeated the threat, didn't get killed and started to end a feud lasting thousands of years."

"That pretty much sums it up."

"We should run away—go somewhere, just for tonight. Together."

"Are you insane?" Annabeth was bewildered in a calm way, "I'd like that."

And the rest of the night was filled with small talk, food, hot chocolate from street vendors and general exploring the city. A normal person would call it a date.

But us demigods... we aren't normal people.