A/N: This is musicalverse, but I do use the terms "Center Munch" and "Colwen Grounds", which is bookverse. But other than that, it's musicalverse. Also, this is AU. I was actually debating about whether to make it an AU pre-Nessa getting house'd fanfiction, but I realized that there were several canon pre-Nessa getting house'd fics out there already, so I decided to do AU. Hope you like it. Reviews are very much appreciated. And thanks to my cousin Brett who beta'd this fanfiction for me.

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own Wicked. Gregory MaGuire does.


It would be me who did something so incredibly stupid.

I was alone, with no one but my servants. I was all alone. Elphaba had left me. Boq had left me. I swallowed. The truth was so terrible. I started to cry.

It all seemed like a blur to me. Elphaba appearing…her enchanting my jeweled shoes so I could walk…Boq coming out and accusing Elphaba and me of being wicked…him finding out I could walk…then admitting he loved Glinda…me getting upset and accidently causing his heart to shrink…Elphaba then saving his life by turning him into a tin man…

And then I blamed Elphaba. My sister, one of my closest friends, the one who had saved Boq's life.

And I blamed her.

"It was Elphaba, Boq!" I yelled, shocked, and even a bit scared. "It was Elphaba!

The scene played through my mind. If I could take back anything I said, it would be that. My sister did not deserve that blame. I did.

After a few minutes I tried to calm myself down from the crying. That was one of the things I didn't like about myself: I seemed to cry about everything.

After awhile I did stop crying, though. My eyes were pink from crying now, but I didn't care. I wanted to go outside. Maybe that would make me feel a bit better.

I started to walk towards the front door, for I planned on going to Center Munch. But then I looked down at the shoes. The shoes that started it all. The shoes that caused Boq to leave me.

Could I wear those shoes? I thought. Certainly not.

I went back to the parlor where my wheelchair was still sitting. I sat down in it, and then took off my shoes. I threw them into a corner, and I wouldn't be surprised if it made a little dent in the wall. I didn't really care.

I wheeled myself back over to the front door of the mansion, and then realized I wasn't wearing any shoes.

Oh well, I thought. Who cares?

I opened the door and went outside, then rolled myself to Center Munch. The walk (well, roll) there wasn't as nice as I found it when I was younger.

There weren't a lot of Munchkins there, but there weren't just a few. Maybe no one will notice me, I thought. Well, more like thought and hoped.

I saw a group of Munchkins talking to each other. Then one of them saw me, and I saw him whisper something to his friends, then they all took off.

How could I have that effect on people? Was I really that bad? How in Oz did I go from being that cripple girl that people looked at with pity, to being that wicked governor that people looked at with hate, with fear?

I sighed. It was starting to get a bit windy. I should've brought my shawl, I thought.

And then it got even windier. In fact, the wind kept picking up speed, and somewhat quickly, too. It was like a cyclone. No, it was a cyclone.

I noticed that the Munchkins were starting to leave, and I started to get worried. I wasn't too far from Colwen Grounds, but if the storm got worse…I didn't want to think about what could happen.

I started to roll back towards Colwen Grounds, and then I saw something in the sky. I stopped rolling for a couple of seconds, trying to figure out what it was. I squinted my eyes and waited a few more seconds, and it dawned on me that it was a house.

What in Oz is a house doing in the sky? I thought, very worried. I started to panic. The house was coming towards me, and I couldn't seem to move. Oh, Oz, don't let this be the end of me.

But when the house was about thirty feet away, I got a sudden grip on myself. I knew I was not going to die today.

I started rolling away as quickly as my scared self would let me, and seconds afterwards I heard a loud thump.

I turned around to see that the house landed 10 feet away from where I was. I let out a sigh of relief. If I had just waited seconds later to start rolling away, I would have been crushed flat by the house.

It would be me who almost got crushed flat by a house. But I didn't. I suppose fate was odd in that way

I started to examine the house, but there wasn't really much to see. It was a small, wooden farm house that had a gray tinge.

Munchkins started to come out from their houses, and there was talking all over. It was like the loud buzzing of bees. And because of this, I realized I would have to deal with the house that landed here. It would be me who would have to figure out how to get it moved and what would happen to the house.

I hated being the governor.