
This is not my normal type of story, but I felt like what the heck. I figure there are a large number of people who have great ideas for characters, but do not for whatever reason want to write their own story or whatever. So I figured that I could write a story using OC characters from other people who want me to use them. I will try to use the OC characters to the best of my abilities. I have to admit, I might change the characters slightly so that they can fit the best into the story which I have in my head right now. I think that this story could turn out to be good, if I get the OC characters I need for this story. So if you want to have your OC in this story, just fill out the form below in a review.

OC Form




Rank (Gennin,Chuunin, Jounin, Missing-NinJ





Other important info about character:

Here is one for an example

Name: Tenou Anu

Age 15

M/F: M

Rank: N/A

Village: None, Fire County Shinobi (Works for Daimyo of Fire)

Appearance: Tall with long black hair, and red eyes, he looks more like a farmer then a shinobi, he wears white pants with a fancy black and white shirt.

Abilities/Skills: A skilled fire and wind jutsu user, he is weak when it comes to Taijutsu, but has above average genjutsu skills. Also carries a quarterstaff.

Personality: Quiety and Intellegent, he does not really talk that much, but does enjoy being around people, though normally never has that chance.

Other: Tenou is a member of the 12 guardian shinobi of the Leaf, though he was never a leaf shinobi.

A/N- So that is it, if I write this story depend on if you send in your OC characters or not. I promise I will do my best with the ones sent in. Thanks for at least reading this.