Ikuto: don't act like you don't know whats going on...

Me: what do you mean? :D

Amu: you haven't posted anything for around a month!

Me: uh.. hehe!

yea... i've been the most hell of a busy person for these past days (Ikuto:*cough* weeks) -.-** shaddup.... well, i had graduation.. i started guitar... (yay~) and well my family and me have been planning our first trip EVER! to the tropical paradise~! FLORIDAAAA lol so yea. you can say i've been really busy. Also because florida is around 6 days away *cough* (5 days, 2 and a half hours) away... i will be gone for 2 weeks! and when i come back i have to UNPACk so... i wrote a long chapter for you guys today :) TOOK ME THE WHOLE DAY! T.T ou~ grapes!


naw nawww ima kidding!~ BUT REVIEW! please~

(teehee just wanted to try out the talking to cartoon characters cuz im so hyper today. =]]]]])

~Amu's POV~

, I ran out the classroom with my schoolbag and the bag filled with treats in my hand, hoping to find him and kill the blue-haired boy. My mind was so filled up with rage that I didn't notice the warm hard figure I bumped into…

Chapter 5

Na na na na na~ -What?!

The impact from the speed I was running at made my whole body jolted towards the ground when I accidentaly bumped into the figure. My eyes were shut closed as I readied myself to land painfully on the ground with my personal possessions scattering across the hallway floor. I stuck my right arm out towards the ground to lessen the impact, but the pain from my previous fall made my arm collapse; causing the head to hit the floor with a 'thud'. With my eyes still shut closed and lying on the floor, I quickly grabbed my arm as the pain was shooting up from my hand, all the way to my shoulder.

"Ow… hey, watch where you're going- eh?! Are you okay?" replied a voice in front of me. From what I heard, it seems like the voice belonged to a boy.

I slowly opened my eyes (while still clutching my right arm) to find spiky auburn hair, and deep emerald eyes.

I blinked twice. I didn't notice I had been staring until the boy had waved his hand in front of my face

"Hello? Are you there?" asked the boy whose face was covered in concern.

I quickly snapped out of the blank state I had been in.

"oh- uhhh sorry bout that. Guess I wasn't looking where I was going" I stuttered while rubbing my head, smiling and laughing softly.

"s'okay" replied the boy as her stood up and dusted off his uniform. He then reached a hand towards me; offering to help me get up.

"Thanks." I replied quietly as I rose; with the help of his assistance. After I was finally standing, I had noticed that the boy was dressed in some sort of jersey. White sport shorts with yellow lining, and a tree green jersey with the number 9 imprinted in yellow.

"My name's Kukai! How bout you?"

"Hinamori. Hinamori Amu."

"So whatcha doing here so late after school?" he asked kindly with a warm smile plastered on his face.

"um-well you see…" I replied until I heard a beeping of some sort.

Kukai quickly looked at his digital watch before turning back to me. "

"Oh! Sorry talk to you later. My break's over and I gotta get back to soccer practice. We got a game in 2 days so we're practising overtime." He quickly said as turned away and started running down the hall.

"Bye Hinamori-san! Hope to see you again some time around!" he shouted as he turned his head and smiled while running.

"Bye!" I shouted back.

Afterwards, I looked around and saw that my possessions (such as my notebooks and my treats - again) were strewn across the floor. Sighing deeply, I began the bend down to collect them and put them back into my bags…

~At Night In Amu's Bedroom~

After my long awaited shower, I sat on my queen-sized bed, drying my wet pink hair with my towel. I closed my eyes as I recapped on my overly active day. After I was down, i hung up my towel and let my wet locks fall down my shoulders. Since it was warm, I tend to always let my hair air dry, just because it tends to feel more relaxing to me; don't ask why. It just does.

I then went down to my kitchen fridge and grabbed a small glass of milk. I made my way back up to my bedroom and slipped on my slippers as I made my way to the only place I go every night to calm myself; my balcony. Even though it was small, I still go there every night (unless it rains) to stare up at the sky and think. Dressed up in my T-shirt and my loose cotton pants with the words "2 cute 2 B True" I used for sleeping, I opened my screen door and stepped outside. I leaned on my balcony railing while casually sipping my glass of milk and staring at the night. All the beautiful lights from the cars and street lights filled up my mind and I continued to stare downwards. All the mixtures of green, white, and red would always mesmerized me in a way I could never describe.

When I finally turned my head upwards to gaze at the stars, I saw a dark blur flash off the roof. Shaking my head in disbelief, i turn my head directly towards the night sky before I noticed I am not looking at the sky; but at a face. An upside down handsome, blue-haired face, which kinda resembled-

"IKUTO!?!!!" I yelled as I stepped back from the sudden surprise; accidently splashing my milk all over his face in the process…

Ikuto's POV

I had awoken on the school's rooftop to find that the sky was now stained with stars and the black of the night. With sleep still in my eyes, I yawned as I stretched outwards to stretch out my muscles from a nice nap. Because of that, my cat ears and tail suddenly popped out. Rubbing my eye, I lazy got up and noticed the box of empty pocky beside me. Smirking, I remembered what had happended earlier that day…

After a couple of minutes, I decided I should go. Not home of course. My parents didn't care where I went as long as I stayed away from drugs, did well in school, and away from violence. So I decided to explore my new neighbourhood in my favourite way. Roof jumping. With my cat ears and tail still out, I jumped off the school building onto another roof which looked like it belonged to a convenience store. As I made my way from roof to roof, I noticed a light emitting from a balcony. Curious just like any cat, I made my way towards it; making sure I wasn't heard or seen. When I made my way close enough to see a little more, I noticed a small colour of pink, and a glass of- milk.

Hmm… I am quite thirsty I thought as I licked my lips as I swiftly made my way towards the balcony. Thoughts of milk filled my mind, (Author's Note: Hahahha lol Ikuto's mesmorized by milk XD) when I suddenly stopped a short distance away. The girl holding the milk was Amu. Amu was looking at the streets. The moon shawn delicately on her face as she smiled down towards the car-filled streets.

For a few minutes, i stared at her smiling face, before i suddenly saw that she was going to turn her head at my direction.

Shit i cursed to myself as i used my cat-like reflexes to jump off the roof to hide myself. I jumped onto another roof and discreetly hid myself behind some sort of bulky thing on the roof. Making sure i didn't give myself away, I peeked again at the balcony.

After a few minutes, a thought came to my mind. A devious thought.

Let's have some fun... I said to myself as I began to cautiously jump my way onto her roof...

~Normal POV~

Amu stared wide-eyed at the upside down Ikuto. Milk was dripping down his face and his locks of midnight blue hair was drenched with the white liquid. His brows furrowed when the jumped down from his hanging position from the roof, onto Amu's balcony.

"uh-uh... I-I'm sorry." Amu said softly while her cheeks were turning pink from the laughter she was trying to hold in. The fact that she had just soaked Ikuto was the most hilarious thing she had seen today and she could no longer hold it in any longer. Amu's knee's gave away as she crumpled to the floor in laughter. Holding her stomach, she continued to laugh at the still drenched Ikuto weho was standing in front of her with an annoyed look.

"AHHHAHAHAHA Oh my god! you should have seen your face! AHHA- ow ow my spleen! hahahah!" her cheeks had turn red from the laughter.

"Are you done?" asked the annoyed Ikuto.

"ye-hhaha yea..." replied Amu as she slowly stood up again.

Amu's POV

When I steadied myself, i looked up to see Ikuto towering over me in a very close position.

I knew he was tall, but wa he really THAT tall? Come on... how about us short people? Don't we have to suffer enough being short? Why does he have to be so tall?! i conversed with myself as Ikuto stared at me with his deep blue eyes. I looked up into those blue eyes and it seemed like i could see into them; and that they could see into me. We stayed in that position for a few minutes until Ikuto slowly raised his hand to softly touch my now dried hair. I jerked, and he quickly let my hair fall. Blushing madly, i turned my back and went back into my room and sat on my bed. Forgetting to lock my door behind me, Ikuto followed behind me.

"Who let you into my room?" i spat with attitude as i sat with my back faced against him with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"Who didn't let me in your room?" he replied cooly and smirked like it was the best comeback in the world.

I rolled my eyes. With my arms still crossed over my chest, i turned to face him.

"I did."

"oh so you let my in your room?" his smirk grew.

"Wai- no! I mean! OH FORGET IT!" I groaned in defeat as i threw my hands in the air.

I turned myself again and re-crossed my arms as my back was facing him once again.

"You know I'm NOT! Under ANY circumstances gonna talk to you!" I said angrily with my back still facing him.

"okay whatever you say AMU." he responded while stretching out my name with his deep, velvety, se- WAIT NO!

Lost in my own thoughts and arguments in my head, i barely felt the little pressure on my bed. As soon as i did, i jerked my head around to see Ikuto lying on my bed casually with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed.

"HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT!? YOU'RE GONNA GET MY BED WE-" was all i could say when i stood up abruptly and turned towards my bed to get Ikuto off before i tripped over my own feet.

Accidently, because of my own stupid two left feet, i tripped onto my bed and onto Ikuto.

Before i could get off, Arms wrapped around me as i struggled to get up.

"Amu... i didn't know you were so assertive" Ikuto whispered into my right ear and he sat up with me still in his arms.

"N-no! DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA! i said, muffled by my mouth against his chest.

"uh huh." Ikuto answered before he suddenly pushed me down on my bed.

Oh no... not again i thought to myself. TWICE IN ONE DAY??!!!

I was then trapped in between his arms like a bird in a cage. He held my wrists, while his legs prevented me from moving my legs. All i could see was his blue hair, draping over his face and his midnight blue eyes, shining like the moon.

My face began to get very hot as Ikuto leaned inwards toward my face. My heart was begining to beat very fast and a whimper came out of my lips as his face and lips began to come closer, and closer, until....

"AMU!!!!! It's almost time for bed! GET READY! DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!" shouted my mother from downstairs.

Ikuto stopped. He quickly got up away from me. I stood up rapidly. i was right in front of him; glaring, while he was looking at me with a huge smirk on his face.

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. Before i could compute what was going on, he pulled me in and kissed me smack dab on the lips.

His right hand was on the small of my back, while his left hand was caressing my cheek.

Shocked, I just stood there, my arms limply down my sides as my eyes were wide open.

The kiss lasted a few minutes. When Ikuto finally pulled away, he turned towards my ear and whispered "2 cute 2 B True eh?" and back away. He hastily said "Ja Ne" before going out to my balcony and jumping over and off the railing.

After a minute i rushed to my balcony and looked over the railing. He was gone. No where in sight.

What the hell!? that was at least 2 stories high!!! HE SHOULD'VE DIED OR GOT SERIOUSLY HURT!? i yelled in my head.

All of the sudden, the memory of what Ikuto had said right before he leaped off my balcony came into my mind

"2 Cute 2 B True eh?"

"2 Cute-"

"2 B True"

It ringed in my headas i finally realized what he meant.

"HOLY CRAP!!!! HE S-ST-STARED AT MY ASS!" i yelled at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly a voiced boomed throughout my house.

"What did you say Hinamori Amu!?!" yelled my mother at my sudden vocabulary.

"uh-uh... NOTHING!!!" i replied back as sweat formed onto my forehead from how much trouble i was going to be in... good thing she didn't know what happened at least.......