"Hey, Edward, can you please do me a favor?"

I like Edward. He's really nice to me.

"Just cut those? The last time i took these damn things off everyone got all mad....."

He'll do anything for me. I just have to ask, and he will do it.

"Yeah, like that. Thanks."

And he will never complain about it.

Edward set down the knife in his hand and came towards me, holding the perfectly peeled and sliced apples on a plate.

The most beautiful smile was on his perfect face as he sat down beside me.

He smiled at me a lot. I liked his smile. Sometimes, he had that crooked grin, and others he just had the innocent smile. I loved both.

Edward sat down in the rolly chair beside me, and held up an apple slice in front of my face.

I leaned up to take a bite, but he pulled it back rapidly.

I pouted at him as my stomach growled for nutrients.

"Don't be a jackass."

The crooked smile appeared on Edwards face and he gave in and gave me the apple slice. He directly fed it to me, since i was forced to the bed and all body parts restriced.

I liked it when Edward fed me. He always fed me the right way. I can't explain the right way, but i know it's right.

Like Edward: He's right.

I've been stuck in the hospital for four months—if you include the time i was unconcious. My conscious time has been a total two weeks.

Edward is like my butler. He does everything for me without a single complaint. Not even a frown. Just a smile and 'sure, anything'.

I didn't get why Edward acted like this towards me. It made no sense. I was sure he had better stuff to do then hang out with me, a person who has lost all his latest year memories. But he did. He never went home at night, always stayed here, with me.

I didn't understand, i probably never will.

When Edward was done feeding me, he went to the sink and started washing of the plate.

I looked at the windows to the right of me. The sky was a mixture of pinks and oranges and purples, and the deep orange sun was almost under the Earths surface. There were tiny twinkling stars in the sky now.

My heart gave a tweak, and i felt kind of sad.

Not turning to look at Edward, i asked:

"Edward, who am i?"

I knew who i was. I was Jacob Black. A human being.

"That's a question you should ask yourself, not me."

He always replied like that. It was kind of annoying. Maybe if i never told him that i knew who i was he would answer honestly.

I sighed, still looking at the sky.

"Ok, then, if you want to be a cocky asshole, who are you?"

The room became silent.

And then:

"I am your friend."

He always said that too.

I sighed, knowing that i wasn't going to get any information today.

Edward can be a very kind person, but sometimes, he's just an annoying prick.