A.N Ok, I said Tuesday—its Saturday. I kinda just…lost all inspiration. Yeah…

This is the chapter were you get some answers, but the rest will be in part three.

Disclaimer: If I owned them, I wouldn't be sitting her drinking Pepsi, (I don't own that either) I would be giving the fans what they want!!! (But I do own Samm, and her hero name, which I hope you could guess by now)

Teen Titans


Part 2

"Your right Robin." An all-to-familiar-female-voice said. She was standing in the shadows, making it impossible to tell who she rely was. But Robin knew.

They all knew.

"He won't get away with it."

She stepped out of the shadows.

Her blond hair clashed with the rest of her outfit.

A small, light blue top, that the left sleeve only reached a small bit past her shoulder, and her right one went to her hand.

The top reached all the way to her mid-blue skirt, which on the right side, only covered half her thigh, and went left-diagonal to about six or seven inches past her knee.

Her boots, that were a midnight blue, only reached her ankle, which had a sapphire-blue anklet on it.

The thing that stood out about her the most though, was the almost-glowing-necklace around her neck, in the shape of a heart.

"And who might this be? Another pathetic Titan?" Slade asked, although he already new who she was. He forced her birth father and mother to work for him, and he did that by threatening their precious daughter.

'But her father, her father ran away. Too bad. Now she will die, just like her mother.'

"No." The girl answered, as if it was an everyday question.

"Then let me guess…hmm…could it maybe be, Samantha?" He acted as if he had just discovered microwave popcorn.

She acted astonished, and played along.

"Oh no! How could you possibly tell?"

Under his mask Slade smirked.

"Lucky guess. But you will need more than luck to fight me, little girl."

"I don't plan on luck. That just gets in the way. I plan on skill."

She sounded more confident than she felt, actually, she felt like she had just jumped into a hole five miles down, with no clue how to get out.

"Don't get cocky. After all, your 'team' has already been defeated."

He echoed a small laugh.

"Then come fight me Slade."

He took a few steps towards her.

She took a step forward.

"Don't mind if I do!" He jumped into the air, pulled out his bow-staff, and lunged it towards her face.

She held her hands out, and almost as it hit her, it froze the entire thing, including Slade's hands.

She laughed out of surprise, and joy.

'It worked!! Yes!!'

Slade quickly broke the ice with his foot, and sent the other one strait at the girl.

"Samantha!" Starfire shouted.

"Look out!!" Raven added.

She ducked, but a little to late. She was sent flying.

She froze the hard ground beneath her, and landed on her feet, and using her boots as skis.

Then, she got an idea. Using almost all her energy, she froze most of the ground.

Slade slipped, but regained his balance by grabbing onto the wall.

Samantha, now freely skating on the ice, skied over to Slade.

And froze the wall he was leaning on.

With most of her energy gone, she would now have to rely on the last thing she wanted to.


She had never been good at fighting, and having to fight a super-villain with absolutely nothing but luck, was not a great plan.

As Slade was getting up, she rushed over to Robin, froze her left fist, told him to move, held up the net with the other hand, and smashed through it.

She unfroze the floor, so Robin could stand without falling.

Next, she ran over to Raven, froze the red 'X' around her mouth, and it broke into peaces.

She did the same with Starfire, and was hopping Raven and Robin could hold Slade off for a moment longer.

She rushed to Beast Boy, froze the goo until it burst.

As Samantha was connecting the correct wires together, as Cyborg explained what to do, The Titans were having a bit of trouble with Slade.

Starfire was throwing multiple starbolts, as Raven chanted her mantra, and sent boxes flying towards him. As he dodged the barrage of starbolts, and boxes, Robin threw a bird-a-rang at him, Slade dodged that to.

As Samantha finished connecting the wires, Cyborg jumped up, and hit Slade with a blast from his sonic cannon.

"We will meet again, Titans. It's only a matter of time."

He threw a couple of smoke-bombs to the ground, and as it cleared, he was gone.

Short, sweet, and just how I wanted it :-)

R&R please!