Save Me

disclaimer: I own nothing!!! It all belongs to S-Meyer! I am just making my own story out of the wonderful things she wrote. :D

Dedication: This story is dedicated to my bff Mia again! She is amazing and she makes me laugh so hard every day! I love you Mia! I hope you like this story and I hope you liked the other one dedicated to you called, "I Won't Let You Go!" I WUV YOU ME-ME!! =D

"You... don't... want me?"


The words stung my heart like a million knives piercing through it at once. Edward had left; Edward didn't want me.

But yet, I still loved him more than anything and everything in the world. I missed him so much, I would give and do anything to have him back.

Nothing could top this kind of pain; the pain of loneliness.

I made my way through the woods. The pain I felt had not gone away and right now, at this place, it was even worse.

I was making the stupid mistake of going to our meadow. I didn't care if it killed me, which I knew it probably would. I just needed to at least grasp a little bit of him; to bring a piece of him back to me.

I needed him. I would die without him, I was sure. I surprised myself with how long I could live without him, but I knew it wasn't going to last long.

As I made my way through the trees, images of me on his back flashed through my head. It took every ounce of my energy not to crumple to the ground, tearing myself apart at that moment.

That would be later, when I was in the meadow.

I passed moss covered trees; almost tripping over the roots. It's not like I cared anyway. Without Edward here, nothing mattered to me anymore.

Not even my death.

Something told me that I should turn around. That something was waiting for me in the meadow, something that would end my life.

But as the thought came to me, I accepted it. Things happened for a reason, right? If I died today, the pain and loneliness would be over.

I would be gone, just like Edward.

Only I knew he wouldn't miss me.

Okay, I'm going to continue this soon. Sorry it's so short, I just wanted to get the idea out in the open. I will update again today, don't worry!

I love you all!


smiley =D