A/N thank you for all the reviews! You guys are my new best friends!!! This is the last chapter by the way!!! I'm sorry but, that's the truth lol.

On with the story.

Disclaimer; I, unfortunately don't own Twilight…

Arianna's POV:


And with that, she stepped forward and touched my forehead lightly. When she did, I saw her concentrating and then suddenly, a shock went through me. I heard her say 'sorry love' before moving her hand away from my head. She looked a little dazed and actually wobbled on her feet a little. Dad was beside her in an instance and was steadying her while I just stood there confused.

And that's when we heard it…

We all froze, not daring to breathe. The quiet sobs grew into a more choke-y sound and I shivered slightly. Slowly, mom stepped forward. Dad immediately grabbed her hand, and holding it tightly, he gave her a worried glance.

His expression was pained and weirdly, so was Uncle Jasper and Aunt Lexi's.

"they're thoughts are filled with nothing but pain and anguish so I can't get a proper reading on them," dad said frustrated, his knuckles were white and her pinched the bridge of his nose in a way to calm himself.

"yes, and they're emotions are all negative vibes so we don't know what this person is like and the danger he or she poses…" said Aunt Lexi trailing off as Uncle Jasper nodded in agreement.

Mom took a deep breath before lightly pushing dad off her.

"I need to see this. What if this person is hurt? We can't just let them rot in the forest," mom said quietly, pleading with dad.

"Yes but…but…Anna's still a newborn…she could harm this person," said Uncle Jasper.

I did a double take. I wouldn't ever hurt a human- even if he or she was undeniably tasty and even if the person was my hateful, so called father.

Okay, maybe I would eat my father, or a t the very least kill him…I shut that thought down so I wouldn't be tempted to run all the way back home to fulfil it. Mom was suddenly angry.

"Anna would never do that! And besides, I said I'm going alone," she said icily before turning on her heal and disappearing through the thick forest trees. She ignored our protests and to be honest, I was quiet grateful because I knew she was very powerful and that she could take care of herself quite easily all. Besides, what human in their right mind would even think to mess with a vampire for crying out loud?!

Mom came back a minute later and her face was torn between excitement and smugness.

Before we could even ask, she stood on top of a rock and then announced in a clear, powerful voice, "I know where Alice is!"

A/N oohh, sorry for the cliffy peoples but I totally wanted to end this story like this. I will be putting the sequel up soon so don't worry.

Who do you think the person in the forest was? Where do you think Bella will find Alice? Where is Alice? What do you think will happen? What will the Volturi do? How will Alice react when she sees her family and Bella back?!

All these questions will be answered in the next story in this series (the series is called TEARS DON'T FALL) so keep reading people!

Thank you all for reading this story and I know this chapter was crappy but ah well!

I love you all (not in the lezzy way if you're a girl =D).



Please review!