Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, Jensen, Jared, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Misha and you get my drift! The characters belong to Kripke and the actors well, I could only dream :P

Featured People/Person: This story is Sam-centric!

Rating: T (Just in case)

Pairings: Nil Paw!

Length: 251 words!

Dedication: So basically, I would like to dedicate this story to LadyKryptonite294! She has left a review on every story I have ever written and is the one person who has encouraged me to keep writing. I know she is, or was, a Sam girl and I always wanted to write her a Sam story… So, here it is! Thanks for everything Claire!

Let Down

I was glad that I had suggested that I should drive. This gave Dean the chance to sleep and me the chance to think. I drove for a good 10 miles. I drove as far away from our last stop as I could, but I couldn't go any further. I brought the Impala to a slow halt and quietly opened the driver side door. I stepped out and guided the door back to a closed position, before walking to a spot 10 seconds away from the car.

It was tough watching my big brother break down like that.

Why did I have to be so damn curious?

Why didn't I tell him to stop?

What I had heard was heartbreaking. After everything he went through here, on earth… I just didn't want to think about it.

But not thinking about that made me become disappointed in him. He gave in… After 3 months, he gave in. I always thought Dean would be stronger. I didn't think he would ever break that quickly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, the air slowly filling my lungs before leaving in a sigh of relief. I was glad it wasn't me. I don't think I could ever deal with those memories.

"Dean Winchester", I breathed, walking slowly back to the car, "As much as I love you, you let me down. Your always be my brother, but right now, I can't see you as the hero I used to look up to"