I think I'm going to cry! This is the last chapter.. :'(

Goodbye Imprint! Hello You and I Are A Story That'll Never Get Told.

Read. Enjoy. REVIEW. *MOST IMPORTANT.. OKay, no. Reading would be the most important, because if you don't read you can't enjoy or review!*



Leah's Point of View

I got up early this morning to make a big breakfast for everyone.. Sam must have heard me, because as I stood there making breakfast I felt his strong arms wrap around me. "Hey there beautiful."

"Hi." I said, smiling.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Um.. I'm making breakfast." I said, struggling to keep my concentration as he moved the hair off my neck and kissed it.. I moaned quietly.

"You like?" He asked, kissing my neck again.

"Yeah, but stop." I begged.

"Why?" He asked, crestfallen.

"Because I can't concentrate and I'm trying to cook." I explained.

"You would rather cook than have me kiss you?" He asked, frowning.

"No. But I'm trying to make a big breakfast for Beth's big day." I told him, tearing up.

"Beth smeth." He said lips touching my ear.

"Sam." I begged and he let go of me, quite reluctantly."Thanks.." I turned around and kissed him quickly. "Later." I promised and then turned back to my cooking..

"Later then." He said, kissing my cheek.

I heard Josh cry out from upstairs and I turned to him. "Why don't you go check on the baby?" I asked him..

"Alright." He said, before walking out of the room to go check on our little baby..


"Morning." Beth said, walking into the kitchen and smiling at me.. She was in a little white sun dress, a lot like mine.

"How was your night?" I asked her.

"Pretty good." She answered.

"That's good." I smiled as I set her plate on the table... I placed all the plates on the table and then looked at Beth who was busy eating some eggs.. "I'll be right back." I told her.

"Alright." I answered.

I walked into Josh's room to find Sam sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room holding my baby boy.. "Hey there." I said to them.

"Hi mommy." Sam said in a baby voice, waving Josh's little hand.

"You two hungry?"

"Yeah." Sam said, standing up.

"Let me see the baby." I said, taking the baby out of his arms.

"You took my baby!" He wined.

"Our baby." I corrected.

"Yes.. Our baby." He repeated.

"Come on." I said, walking out of the room.. As I passed, I knocked on Jessica's door.

"Yeah?" Jessica called.

"Breakfast." I called to her.

"Thanks." Jess said from inside.


We had left for the church at two thirty (the wedding started at three thirty.. Sam and I (I had Josh wrapped in a little blue blanket.) went to go see Seth. I knocked on the door Embery had pointed at saying that Seth would be there and waited for a moment..

"Come in." Seth said from inside.

Sam opened the door for me and I stepped in to see my baby brother in a black suit with his hair combed over.. "Aw." I said, rushing over to hug him. "You look so nice, dashing and all." I said, still hugging him, tears in my eyes. "You'll always be my baby brother." I told him, pulling away and kissing his forehead.

"Oh.. I love you, too, Lee- Lee." He said, smiling at me. "I'll always be your baby brother. Always." He promised.

"You look great man." Sam said, shaking his hand..

"Thanks.. Can I see the baby?" Seth asked me.

"Sure." I said, handing him Josh.

"Hey, little guy." He said.. "Say hi to your Uncle Seth." Josh just smiled at Seth.. "Well, that's good too." Seth hugged my little baby before looking at me.. "You guys should go sit down." Seth said, kissing my cheek and handing me the baby.

"Okay.. Bye Seth." I said, tears still falling.

"Bye." Seth said..

"Bye, Seth.. Good luck." Sam said, winking.

We walked back into the church and sat down in the front row.. I'm with Seth. The closest thing he has to a parent.. I sat there holding Josh close to my chest with Sam sitting close with his arm draped around me.. Josh wined a little and I held him closer..

"Shh, baby." I said, kissing his little forehead.

"So, Leah.. Are you going to cry?" He asked, jokingly.

"Um.. Let me see." I pretended to think about it. "I'm already crying!" I nearly yelled.

"It's okay.." He said, pulling me closer.

Seth, Jacob, and Mr. Collins (the minister) stepped out of a door near the front of the church.. The music started playing and it seemed like everything was going on fast forward.. Soon enough Beth(in a stunning white floor length dress that made her look four sizes smaller) and Jessica (in a violet knee length dress that hugged her curves in a way that I was sure made any single man go wild.) were standing in the front of the church and Beth was holding Seth's hand, while staring lovingly into his eyes.

I didn't hear the words, not until the binding words were said.. "I do." Beth said, her eyes sparkling with bright tears..

When Seth spoke, "I do," I really thought I was going to start sobbing right here and now.. The tears fell harder and I felt Sam pull me even closer to his side, kissing the top of me head. It was over and people were leaving now.. Sam nudged me and told me it was time to go.. "Come on, Leah." He said, helping me stand up..

"Sorry." I said..

"It's alright, love.. Everyone cries at weddings." He said, taking the baby out of my arms.. "But I'm not letting you carry our baby like this."

"That's a good idea." I stated, as we filtered into the reception..

I spotted Emily, who was beaming, standing beside Embery.. Sam steered us in the direction to them and soon I was standing beside Emily.. "Hey, Leah." Embery said, as the first dance started. "You look awful."

"Everyone cries at weddings." I said, turning to Emily.. "So.. What are you so happy about?" I asked, smiling at her.

She took Embery's hand and then raised her left hand to show me what I knew would be a ring.. "We're getting married!" She squealed.

I laughed.. Not another one.

Well. That's it.

I'm not sure when I'll be starting my new one.. I'm trying to get it started and stuff.. So give me a few days and then I'll publish the next one... I already gave you the name, so you know what to look for! :)

Thanks so much for reading my 50 chapters, long and short, THANK YOU. You have really helped me keep going.. :) So try out my new story when I publish it. I'll try to hurry.. Who knows when I'll be exactly ready? I'm not sure. Just don't give up. I'm going to try and be fast, but who knows..

THANK YOU.. And don't forget to review.

