Author's note: Yeah, my first attempt at Dollhouse/Dissociative Identity Disorder fanfic. This whole thing is based off one line.

The mind you have been given is so primitive…

No, don't say it. Don't finish it.

…that it is amazing you can perform basic motor functions or form words!

Shit, you said it.

Screw you Bobby!

Well, she's smart enough to be insulted.

I can't believe you said it. Why did you say it?

Why shouldn't he have said it?

It's not fair. He made her that stupid.

All I did was imprint her. Not my fault she's a dimwit.

You chose the imprint. I could have told you it was a bad idea.

Well, she won't be stupid for long. Soon she'll be superior, like us.

She won't understand. She's too slow.

Crystal is slow. Echo is not.

Ok, ok! Everybody just shut up! We need to focus!

Somebody needs a few medicinal carrots….

A/N: Feel free to flame if you want to. This was written entirely for fun. I'll write some serious Dollhouse stuff soon!