Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. I wish I did though.

Summary: It was natural that they fell for each other. Weaving manga-related events with a tension-filled, romantic scene, this will delight IchiRukia readers!

Covers the manga from the beginning to chapter 300-something. I think the anime is caught up to this point.

Random but cute. And always, please review!!


Just Natural



It was natural he kicked her in the butt

She was a stranger that changed his world

Her eyes drifted to his bed. Shining. Widening. Breaths were quick and she inhaled sharply when he touched her.

It was natural she pushed her blade into his chest

She was the gear that pushed him forward

His eyes were locked onto her small mouth. Intense. Wanting. Breaths were more rapid than he expected as his hands skimmed up the soft surface of her arms, gripping her shoulders.

It was natural she smacked him in the head

She always knew how to get through to him

She felt small circles drawn by his thumbs. The midnight was cool but humid. The thumping in her heart seemed to metastasize to her throat.

It was natural for her to fall in love with him

After all, they spent most of their time together

He didn't think this would ever happen. Not with their fiery tempers clashing ever so often. But he supposed tempers can translate to other things. Passion. Desire. Enough so that it made him silent and thoughtful.

It was natural it was raining when she was taken back to Soul Society

Because the important people in his life always left when it rained

But she knew what these fluttering feelings were. Should she act? No. Will she act? Yes. The cold floor beneath her feet was nothing compared to the heat that will come.

It was natural that he would go and save her

He didn't want her blood on his hands

There was no moon. But the soft light from the lamppost was enough. He could see her caution. She could see his uncertainty. But it was okay. It was all okay when they smiled at each other.

It was natural that she would try to protect him

After all, she only cried for him

They did not speak. His hand moved up to her face, fingers caressing her round cheek. She followed his touch, and her fingers interlocked with his before he captured her wrist, pulling her closer to him.

It was natural of him to love her

She did stop his rain

Still they did not speak. Not until after six heartbeats did she have to break the silence.

It was natural that he was the sun

And she was the moon


The question was simple. But it had no answers.

It was natural he went back to Earth

And she stayed in heaven

"Why what?" he asked. He didn't understand.

It was natural she met him again

When he needed a gear pushed, when he needed her to hit him

She often had to explain things to him. "Why did we meet?"

It was natural she would stay in his home

Because his home was hers

He didn't answer her. Not until he was distracted by the silkiness of her hair. "Do you believe in destiny?"

It was natural her zanpakutou was white

His was black

She was unsure. "I don't know. Do you?"

It was natural he would give her the look

Because he hated seeing her in pain

Finally, he looked at her face, her eyes, and he said, "I'm not sure. I think so." Fingers were caught in her hair, and gently he pulled her head back. Her mouth looked so inviting.

It was natural they would fight together

She wouldn't let him be without her

She needed to feel something solid, something real and all she could do was to hold onto his strong arms. So near to him in his near nakedness made his scars visible to her. They were surprisingly minimal, she thought, and she touched the longest one on his chest.

It was natural that she saved him, again and again

She always had his back, and he had hers

He was partially fascinated at the way she caressed his skin. As if it was something beautiful. When her eyes rolled up to his, they asked if this scar, the one right above his heart, was from a battle in Soul Society.

For her.

It was natural that he didn't want them to split up

She was a warrior, but she was still Rukia

He could only nod. The warm sensation her touch created slightly alarmed him. When his father touched him, it was nothing like this. Even when his sisters touched him, hugged him, it was nothing like this.

A stupid, simple touch.

He shuddered once as her fingers danced over his nipple. And then it was time.

It was natural for him to lose focus and heart in the mission

Because saving her, Rukia, was more important than anything else

She stopped then, frozen. She felt him come even closer. She couldn't run. Not that she wanted to.

It was natural he fought the one that hurt her the most

He couldn't help his feelings

He bent forward, his mouth brushing against her soft lips. The hesitant act showed trust, waiting for her permission to continue. The palm of her hand trailed up to his neck, gliding over his hard muscle. Gently, she tugged him and received his kiss.

It was natural for his face to light up in a way never seen before

When he sure she was alive

How long he waited to kiss her, he couldn't exactly pinpoint. But it was long due, he knew. The way she kissed him back. The way he held her. The way they found the bed, like instinct.

And it was natural for them to be together

They were death, life, light and darkness.

And although they only kissed, and kissed, and relished in each other's companies, they knew this all was long due. They also knew it was okay to take it slow, wait, because…if it was meant to be… it will happen.

They knew.

One couldn't be without the other.

Just natural.

Because the things that are natural tend to happen. Oil doesn't mix with water. But a little salt doesn't have a problem dissolving in some H 2 0.


Thanks for reading! Annnd I would love a review!