(Author's note: Well, here we are at chapter 10. We've come a long way haven't we? I might do one more, but it depends on how this chapter goes. No more cliffies though, I promise! So, without further ado)

Last time: He was given his wand, which he hadn't realized had been taken from him. He was forced into a duel with the Dark Wizard. What happened in that duel was strange, but it provided enough distraction that the pops of incoming Apparators went un-noticed. As the golden sphere was broken, it was apparent that the Death Eater's had been ambushed. Harry soon found himself dragged away from the battle by none other then Severus. After making sure that the panther would be okay, Sev ran back into the battle.

Flummoxed, Harry watched the battle. He noticed that Albus had taken over his duel with Tom. Then something caught his eye. It was Sirius battling with a witch(whose mask had fallen off). Harry's heart leaped into his throat with worry for his godfather. He didn't see the approaching enemy until he had been hit on the side of his head with a fist. Unfortuantely, Sirius had seen this and it distracted him. Another Order member stunned the one who had hit the panther, but it was too late. Siri was hit by a cutting spell. Harry managed to get up just in time to see his godfather falling, bleeding heavily from a wound across his chest.

No, it couldn't be. Not Siri! Harry felt his heart breaking. Then a rage like he had never felt before filled him. The rage was so consuming, it reached deep inside of him. That rage tapped a power he didn't know he had. It brought it out to the surface, and it glowed along him. Gold seemed to pour across his body, turning him from a black panther to a gold lion, complete with a mane. When the power was finished covering him, Harry stood. His eyes focused not on the witch that Sirius had been fighting, but Voldemort. He was the cause of all Harry's troubles. The lion began walking towards Tom. His power swept aside the battling wizards. The Heir of Hogwarts was in his full glory. The prophecy was being fulfilled.

As Harry strode towards the Dark Wizard who had caused so much misery, those who saw him stopped battling and moved aside. Even the Death Eaters, who felt it was in their best interest not to get in the way of this enraged lion. The emerald eyes had a stone-cold hardness about them that few had ever seen in any child. It was a matter of minutes for a path to have been cleared and the Heir to reach the circle where Tom and Albus were fighting. Neither noticed him until he cried out "Tom Marvolo Riddle, turn and face me you coward!"

The two stopped dueling, and turned towards the young wizard. Albus was surprised, but pleased to see that Harry had taken initiative finally. Voldemort, however, felt the blood in his veins turn to ice at the sight of his foe. Power radiated off the lion, power far stronger then the Dark Wizard had ever encountered. For some unknown reason, Tom never raised his wand, though it was doubtful if it would have mattered. Harry was soon right in front of him, reaching for him with clawed hands. Riddle was unable to move, and was soon grabbed by the vengeful lion.

"Do you know something, Tom? Your line was never truly Slytherin's heir. He renounced all lines who followed the Dark path." said Harry, who had put his palm flat against Voldemort's chest as if in friendship. But the hard eyes denied any friendship to the wizard who had betrayed all human-kind with his arrogance. A spell began to form on the mentioned palm, though it wasn't entering Tom yet. Harry said one last thing before casting the spell "It's time to answer for your sins Tom. EGO exuo vos of vestri vox , quod redintegro vos huic somes. Vos vadum exsisto haud threat illis vos sought subvertio, O Atrum Veneficus. (I strip you of your power, and fix you in this body. You shall be no threat to those you sought to destroy, O Dark Wizard.)"

With those spoken Latin words, the spell that had been building in Harry's palm went through Tom like a shot. The effect was dramatic. The face of the Dark Wizard aged by several years, and any who could sense Riddle's magic could see it was being broken down piece by piece. Once the spell was over, Tom was little more then a Squib, and forever trapped in his weakened host. Though Harry didn't notice at the time, the backwash of the powerful spell severely burned his arm up to the elbow. The lion turned from his foe, saying "You probably can sense it Tom, but you are no longer the greatest threat to mankind. Professor Dumbledore, will you provide Riddle with a one way Portkey to a far away place?" Albus nodded, knowing it was a sign of Harry's good soul that Riddle was being allowed to live.

Harry strode quickly towards where his godfather had fallen, his eyes softening slightly with the worry that had renewed itself. He had to check, maybe hope wasn't all lost and Siri was still alive. The lion barely noticed that the wizards who had been battling had stopped, and parted to let him through when he came. Many of the Death Eaters were in awe that such a young wizard had defeated their powerful master with a single spell. They knew that they wouldn't stand a chance against him. The Order members pretty much felt that way to, though they doubted he would turn on them; the boy was just too kind.

When Harry reached where Sirius had fallen, he saw that Remeus and another wizard had reached him first and were trying to stop the bleeding. Harry was surprised, not at Remeus but at the other wizard, for he knew that black hair all too well (you're not surprised though, right folks?). Severus had made it to Siri first, and had tried to stop the bleeding while Harry was preoccupied with Tom. It had seemed to work, for by the time Moony had made it over Padfoot was still alive, despite still being injured. But both knew it was merely a matter of time before their best efforts failed.

Harry knelt by Siri, putting his paw-like hands on the wound. Severus leaned back, letting the boy have some time with his godfather. The lion seemed to concentrate however, and soon enough a gold aura poured into the wound. It began to heal, and Harry held his position for about a minute before removing his now blood-stained hands. He had given Sirius as much chance as anyone could to live. The spell was too much for him, however, after battling Riddle. Swaying, the lion would have fallen over had not Severus caught him before he did. Sev and Moony looked at Harry, seeing a contented smile curl on the feline muzzle before the lion passed out. As he did, the golden aura that surrounded him sank back into his body. The boy was once more a black-furred panther.


A week later

When Harry awoke, it was to see the all too familiar white walls of the Infirmary. The panther rolled his eyes softly before looking around. Draco had fallen asleep in a nearby chair, and the ermine looked as if he was going to get a crick in the neck from sleeping in the position he was in. Sitting up slowly, Harry winced as his head began to pound. He noticed that his right arm was bandaged to the elbow, while it was merely his hand bandaged on the left side. The power that had been coming out of him must have been strong for Pomfrey to put bandages on him though.

Making sure there was no one awake, Harry got up and headed for the bathroom. When he came out, his eyes were drawn to a bed in the corner. Two brown eyes were watching him, and the face they belonged to had a happy grin on it. The panther's heart skipped a beat, and before he knew it he was at the bed hugging his godfather around the shoulders. Siri hugged him right back, though not nearly as strongly as he used to.

As Harry was told by Siri about how he had woken up a few days after the Great Battle, and was told who had saved him etc., Draco snuck up behind his friend. Harry soon found himself pinned on the bed, with an irate ermine poking him. Poor Padfoot had had to quickly draw his legs up before they got crushed beneath two teenagers. Draco sent to Harry ~Never do something as irresponsible as this again! You do realize that your actions has caused quite a stir? No one will let you out of their sights again!!~ Harry shrugged, and bucked Draco off him as best he could before attempting to tickle the ermine.

It was to this sight that Severus came in on. The Potions Master rolled his eyes, grimacing before striding over to pull the two apart. He stated "Must you two bicker constantly? You, Potter, shouldn't be out of bed. But no matter, for I have good news to deliver." Harry quickly sat down on the edge of Siri's bed, while Draco rearranged his clothing. Severus continued speaking "After the Battle, a lot of Death Eaters were captured. One of which was the loathsome little rat who called himself Peter..." Sev was able to say no more, for all three (even dignified Draco) let out a whoop of victory. The panther soon found himself dragged into a hug by Siri, while Draco bounded about the room.

Severus hid a grin, and walked out. No need to say anymore, he reasoned. The wrong that was committed was finally made right. Harry would have a proper home, and had made a friend out of one who had been his enemy. For the Potions Master, this was a job well done.


Six months later

"C'mon Harry, or we'll be late for lunch!" cried Ron. The boy grumbled slightly, and put the finishing touches to the potion he and Draco were working on. They then got up from the work station and followed the redhead to the Great Hall. It was shortly after New Years, and the students would be returning home in a few days. So the two friends had been trying to finish making the potions that Severus had assigned them as Christmas homework.

~That one has the appetite of a hare, don't you think?~ sent Harry. Draco agreed, smirking at his friends reference to the Muggle books they had discovered at the end of last summer. Both stretched, getting the kinks out of their back. Draco murmured "Merlin, but I'm missing my tail. It sure came in handy during our last match." Harry grinned, stating "True, but you still stood no chance against me." Draco shoved his friend lightly, but his smile belied the supposed anger. He was quite pleased that he had made friends with his former rival.

The black haired boy agreed silently with the emotion Draco was sending over their link. Harry couldn't help but feel that his life was now wonderful. He had a new friend, his godfather had been able to adopt him, and they finally were un-furred. Tom had been right about one thing. The spell that had been cast upon both of them only lasted five months after the casting. But Harry missed the feline eyes, as they had been better then his human ones. He would also miss seeing things from a cat's eye view.

Ron called back from a few feet down the corridor "C'mon lazybones, or there won't be any food left!" Harry and Draco hustled to catch up, while mentally laughing at Ron's ravenous behaviour. Some things never changed, and it was very refreshing after such a hectic year.

(End Author's note: Well, what do you think? Did I live up to standard? At least I didn't end it in a cliffie this time. Now, I'll go on to write Runner, so keep an eye out for those updates. And a Thanks to all my Readers and Reviewers for sticking with me this long :), I couldn't have done it without your support.)