Hey guys!

I know it's been a REALLY long time... thanks to those of you who stuck by me the whole time I was MIA. I really appreciate it and I was really touched that I was getting reviews the whole time from people who read my story. This is a short chapter but there wasn't much else to put in it and I wanted to make sure that I got this out for you guys because it's been so long. If any of you were wondering why I wasn't writing, I'm not
going to make up some excuse that my arm was broken or something like that, cause it wasn't. I have no excuse, I simply stopped writing for awhile, but don't worry, I'm back now!


Cammie POV

Bex's dad left early the next morning. I knew she was upset by it even though she didn't show it. Bex had both of her parents occasionally and I had one of my parents most of the time. The good thing was that she knew both of them were alive.

At least we had something to look forward to. Today we started our plan to mess with the boys. When I woke up, Macey gave me my clothes before I went in the shower so that I didn't go out of the room in a
towel again.

When we had all gotten ready for the day, we were still early for breakfast so we put part 2 of our plan into action.

Zach POV

The girls sat on the bed. It was silent for 3 minutes and 57 seconds before Bex spoke. "Guys," she started. I think... I think Grant... I think Grant might be gay."

Jonas paused the footage. I was unable to hold in my laughter. Grant looked as if he were in shock. He stood there, mouth gaping open, eyes wide, frozen in that position. He came out of the state and promptly yelled "What?" I'm pretty sure it could've been heard from anywhere in the mansion. I clutched my stomach; it hurt from laughing so much. Grant stood there impatiently. "Are you finished yet?" he asked.

Once we had calmed down, we continued the footage. Cammie, Liz and Macey looked surprised for a moment before composing themselves. "Why is that?" Liz asked curiosity evident in her voice.

"Well," Bex explained, "It's like he's always trying to get the other guys to look at him and pay attention to him. It seems like he wants other guys to notice him. And really, I mean c'mon, what straight guy
do you know owns a bubblegum pink tie.

"I don't try to show off in front of the guys! I try to show off in front of her! And my mom got that tie for me for Christmas last year. Is it really that bad?" Grant asked, frantically.

Jonas and I looked at each other before answering simultaneously, "Yes, it's really that bad."

Grant spluttered for a while longer before yelling "That's it! I'll show her I'm not gay!"

Cammie POV

After we had finished with phase two of the plan, we went downstairs for some breakfast before our morning lessons.

I was sitting beside Bex in the Grand Hall, Macey and Liz across from us, when Grant burst in to the room. Everyone jerked up as the doors slammed open. He stormed over to our table and sat down, he wasn't in uniform just a wife beater and the uniform slacks hanging low, showing off his plaid boxers. His hair was in disarray as if he hadn't done anything – or showered – since he got up. He sat down and stole food off of our plates, shoveling it into his mouth. I tried to hide my laughter at his obvious attempt to prove to us he wasn't gay.

Mr. Solomon walked over to us winking at me as he approached, I smiled back. "Mr. Grant" he started, all proof that he had just smiled gone from his face, "I suppose there is a reason you are so blatantly out of uniform and causing a ruckus?"
"I know, I know, headmaster's office." Grant huffed and slouched out of the great hall. We laughed as he left; our plan had worked out perfectly. One down, two to go. Well two, plus the fourth part of our plan.
Joe looked at us suspiciously, "I don't suppose you four know anything about that, do you?"
We looked up at him innocently, "Well, why ever would you think that, Joe?" I asked, obviously lying, on all of our behalves. He sighed in defeat and went back to the head table.

Later that night I made my way to my godfather's office, but tonight, Bex, Macey and Liz we're with me as well. When we got to his office, i noticed immediately that he looked exceptionally pleased about something. "Hey Cam, girls." He motioned for us to sit down. We greeted him back as we took our seats in front of his desk. As usual, he was not sitting behind the desk but on the corner of it. "So, tomorrow, you four girls will be taking part of an Op. Now Liz, I know you're on research track but I'm going to ask you to participate behind the scenes." Liz gave a brief nod and he continued. "Now, the boys think this is a rematch to give the rest of your class another chance to beat them. The fact that the boys know who is surveilling them is a huge advantage. They were also told that you four girls are practicing counter-surveillance with them. Now your job is to be a double agent. Every Blackthorne student is going to be given a location, each different from the last, that they have to arrive at, at a certain time, you and your classmates, jobs, are to find out where they're going, and get there before them. Every girl has a target, different from the last time. You girls won't have a target. Your jobs, is not to be involved in the action, lay low, and help your classmates by listening into the boys comms units and telling the girls where they are. But be careful, you don't know their codenames yet so you'll have to figure that out on your own. You're dismissed." He turned and walked through the door leading to his private quarters.

We returned to our rooms, rather excited about seeing our sisters again. As soon as we went into the bathroom and turned on the shower we all let out a simultaneous shriek, we chattered for hours in excitement, I hadn't realized how much I missed everyone until Joe told us that we would get to see them again.

I woke completely exhausted from our late night gossip session but I was also practically bouncing in glee at what would occur later that day. My sisters where all in similar moods earning us many odd looks. We hadn't been this happy since we arrived at Blackthorne. We somehow managed to make it through the day, finally, it was Cove Ops class. We were almost dying as we entered the classroom and Joe was acting completely normal, as if it was just a normal class. Finally, half way through, he finally broke the news, we got to hear what they were telling the boys which would really help us as double agents.

They found out who their partner was for the mission. Obviously, Cammie and Bex were paired up, despite Grant and Zach's disappointment.

We couldn't wait for the next day. Even Liz was excited because she got to watch everything from our pin-cams from a van in the parking lot. She was also going to tell us about different ways to access wherever we want to go. This was going to be great! But tonight, we need to focus on our revenge on a certain research track Blackthorne Boy.