Disclaimer: See Chapter One. I'm too lazy to write another. It's too troublesome.

I am currently in the process of moving, as I have now left the Air Force. (Stupid fucking rollback. Least I got an Honorable Discharge.)

This story will take place after the events of the Valley of the End battle, and proceed from there. If you don't like that, then why the hell are you reading this?

I am a lazy bum. If you are still reading this story, thank you for waiting on my dumb ass. For your infinite patience, you will receive a genetically altered super-fox that will attack anyone you order it to. Please allow 2-5 weeks for delivery. Thanks.

Flamers will be torched by a flamethrower, as your flames will just give me ammunition.

Please thank Dylan Millwood for being my beta and for providing me with the material I needed to destroy my writer's block, get off my ass, and write.

Got BlazBlue: Continuum Shift! Hazama kicks sooooo much ass! That game is awesome. The story gives you a serious mind fuck to chew on and Hakumen's identity is revealed. Great game, all in all. Name is TyrantRave90 on PS3. Look me up and prepare for an ass whooping!

Got hooked on WoW as well. (World of Warcraft for you idiots who don't know.) I play on Shadowsong server. Name is Xeritha. If you wanna hang out, then by all means, lets chill. (FOR THE ALLIANCE!)

Also, the storyline for the first Guilty Gear would be appreciated, as I haven't played it. Specifically, Ky and Dizzy's roles in them. Until then, I will be making shit up until then.

Remember this is an AU of Guilty Gear, so I won't be going word for word by the games.

On with the story!

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Chapter Six: Voices

Ky's desk was harnessed by a fresh piece of paper when he entered his office. At the sight of it, he thought, Oh, God, what now? But he couldn't avoid it. It called his name—for justice.

With some hesitation, he walked towards it. He kept his eyes on the paper on his clean desk before he picked it up. The paper was crisp and official, sent by the United Nations. It was clearly typed and was stamped with a seal at the right top.

It read:

Dear Ky Kiske, this letter requires your attention immediately. As a part of the Holy Order and the IPF, we feel you are best qualified to receive this letter. Without ado, I will get straight to the point and state that there has been reports of a Gear in a forest near a village in England called Rolling Hills. We are pleased to announce no one has been killed, but the village presses concern. There is a prize reward for it at five hundred thousand World Dollars if it is caught and killed. We are sending this letter to you first because of your qualifications. We hope you take this bounty and respond to us afterwards. When you do, the bounty money will be yours. Good luck.

The letter was unsigned by a name but had the title of the UN below instead.

Ky frowned as he lowered it and let it float down onto his desk again.

Another Gear? He hadn't heard from a Gear in a while now, and with them dying off these days, he was curious. His last kill had a dead look in its eyes, not raging or blood-thirsty.

He missed the old Gears he knew in a strange way. They killed mankind, they made them suffer and live in fear; they were soldiers of war. And so was he. Life was simpler then—in a sense. Today, he was expected to keep reports in order, keep in contact with other countries with different matters, and make decisions of who was innocent or not. A few years ago, he knew who the enemy was. He was also beginning to think he was becoming domesticated now that the war was over.

No, that wasn't going to happen.

He straightened the paper on his desk and looked at the words. Fine, he would do it. And his journey would start today. The sooner the better. He thought by late afternoon he would arrive to his destination. He didn't want to waste must time, not with a Gear report.

Ky never liked the lag from airships, but he forced himself to pull himself together quickly. His investigation would start here at the airport and end by facing the reported Gear. He had no interest in the offered money, only finding truth about this Gear.

The pleasant country of Rolling Hills lived up to its name. The landscape was blanketed by brilliant grasses where it rolled with soft hills and forests in the distance. It was warm and the sun shined down on his body as he walked the dirt path to the village. It was a quiet and peaceful place. The people greeted him silently with their eyes. They did not approach or speak to the stranger, so he had to open up instead. Was this the behavior of a startled community?

He looked around past the ancient houses and light traffic of people to the edge of a dark forest, perhaps where the Gear could be hiding.

He walked further down the village's streets, closer to the forest. There he paused, staring into it, and as he did, a man stopped and looked him over. He noted his uniform and sword. When they noticed each other, Ky pointed to the forest.

"I heard there was a Gear around here," he said. "Where?"

"Yeah, there's a Gear here," the man said. "It's secluded deep in the forest called the Grove. But no one goes in there. I wouldn't go in there either, if I were you."

"Don't worry," Ky said. "I have experience with Gears. Has this Gear come into the village before?"

"Once," he said. "About a year ago."

"And you hadn't seen it since?"

"No, but it's still in there. Everyone knows it."

Ky frowned and looked at the forest again. "The Grove," the man said, then looked at the man. "I'm going to see what 's going on."

"I don't know—"

Ky raised his sword so the man noticed it and that he had the serious determination to kill the creature if it came to it. The man took a step back and waved his hands. "Okay, your funeral."

Ky glowered at him. "It will be the Gear's if it attacks me." He then turned and entered the forest, overstepping a few logs and piles of dead leaves. He felt eyes on his back as he went down a faint path left by failed fighters but he ignored them. He would put the village at ease when he returned.

The ground became stonier as he continued through the forest. Nothing had followed him, there had been no movement at his side or anything that turned him on edge.

Had the Gear been a rumor or maybe someone else had gotten to it before him? No, it had to be real. The UN wouldn't contact him like this if there wasn't a Gear out here.

No one said this was going to be easy.

He began to see stone markings sticking out of the ground. He squinted and veered his coarse slightly. Some were random carved stones and others were grave markers.

Ky bit his lower lip. Yes, there was something here, and as he went further down, he saw a dark figure across from him. He was standing in front of the opening of what could be the grove.

At first look, the figure had a human form, dressed in black with a short cropped top and a side-opened skirt. His hair was long and black. He was armed with a great scythe. He had red eyes that stared him down eerily. Ky sensed he was no man but a Gear, a rare humanoid Gear.

Ky frowned as he stood across from him. "Are you the Gear?"

The humanoid Gear took a defensive stance. "Stay away, officer. This is no place for you."

"Then this is it," Ky said. "This is where the Gear is being hidden. Let me see this Gear. Please, step aside. It is my duty as a police officer to—"

"Never! You are also a Gear-killer!" the Gear snapped.

Ky spoke calmly. "Only if this Gear is a threat to others."

"You see yourself as just, don't you? You think killing Gears is the only way to solve humanity's problems."

"No, I was corrected of that. And I want to be prove that Gears are no longer a threat again. Not without Justice."

"What do you think you'll do when you do see her?" The Gear glanced at his sword and frowned.

Her? Since when did Gears have genders? Then again, Justice had been a woman...

"I have a feeling things will be different this time. If I go inside, I will come back out and tell the villagers she is no threat."

The Gear shook his head. "I will not risk it. Even past that badge, you are just like every other human. Now go back!" He raised his scythe and swung it. It nearly took Ky by surprise but the quick-footed swordsman lifted his blade in time to block the strike. The two blades sang a sharp note as they married together.

"I will not back down now," he said and gave a swing of his own blade. They struck together again, chiming. The Gear swung again and again, and upon each strike, Ky held his sword up to block him.

He drew back and held his sword high over his head with the tip pointing to the sky. He jolted it down with sparks flying as if lightning hit it. He then took a stance in front of his opponent while the white of his blade ran with electricity. The Gear jumped lightly but didn't draw back from his display.

"That won't stop me from protecting her," the Gear said and charged. As he came closer, Ky's head flooded with attacks he could inflict on the Gear so he could pass, but he didn't want to push it. He only needed to put his guard down long enough so he could find this Gear. He quickly dipped to the ground and threw his foot out. He tripped him. He slashed his sword as he went down.

Ky stood, and so did the Gear, slowly. When he did, Ky thrust his sword across the air, releasing a charge of electricity. His opponent saw it coming and ran from its path. It struck a tree instead.

The Gear growled, then called, "EXE BEAST!" Behind him, a strange creature that looked like it was made out of teeth came out of the ground and rushed at him.. Ky danced backwards at the sight of it and tripped as he did. He fell and hit the back of his head on the ground.

He laid there a few seconds, dazed, before he got to his feet again.

"If you want to live, leave," the Gear said.

"I said no!" Ky took a breath and locked his eyes on the Gear. "You leave me no choice. As an officer of the law, I order you to step aside. This is my last warning."

"Your stubbornness will be your downfall, human!" the Gear said. He began to raise a hand.

Ky gripped the handle of his sword tighter. "And yours the same! RIDE THE LIGHTNING!" He ducked down and arched his sword forward with a ball of electricity engulfing him. The Gear stood half blinded by the light as he flew at him, and struck him hard.

Ky slid to a stop. He looked down on the fallen Gear who laid on the ground, stunned. "I'm sorry," he said and dashed further into the forest.

The Grove opened up before his eyes. It was a peaceful place, although dark. The sun struggled to push through the trees, leaving nothing but shade throughout its land. The flora was cloaked in that darkness, and was actually living vividly. He sensed the fauna around him, too. What a strange place this was.

Ky never knew why, but part of him always found forests to be a comfort to him for some reason. The grass gave in under his boots as he walked in. There were tiny balls of light moving about like fireflies. In the distance, there were more stone landmarks, although these were not graves, they were rocks piled together or carved. There was one that was a high archway that led into nothing. There were stones lining a stream, and by it sat a figure, female by the shape.

She had her back to him, completely unaware of his presence. She wore a long black and white shoulderless dress. The open shoulders of her dress showed her soft pale skin. Her hair was a strange cobalt blue with the sides held up by yellow bows.

This gentle maiden looked too innocent to be in this dreadful place.

He approached her from behind and stopped a few feet behind her. He moved silently like a stalking cat.

"Miss, I don't know why you're here but I heard there's a Gear—"

The girl suddenly snapped her head around with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging agape at the sound of his voice. She looked at him like he was some horrible monster. Then she screamed. She jumped to her feet and began to back away.

"No!" she screamed. "Go away! Leave me alone!"

"Wait." Ky held a hand out to her. "I'm not going to hurt you. Now calm down."

She shook her head. "Why do people have to do this? I'm sorry. I can't stop it!"

He saw tears in her eyes and as he looked at those eyes, he noticed they were red. He thought for a moment he had mistaken their color but he was wrong. Now why on Earth would—

His own eyes were shocked when two wings, one green and the other white burst from her back. Her dress was thrown from her body, exposing a form fitting leather outfit. It was replaced by a short jacket with white sleeves and an open belly. A bikini robbed her of her modesty and black stockings reached up to her thighs. Ky was ashamed just to look at her. Then he saw a tail . . .

Her green wing raised and took shape of a hooded grim reaper and punched him with one great fist. He went flying and rolled across the grass until he came to a stop on his side.

His mouth hung agape as looked at her. So that gentle maiden by the stream, the sort of image found in a fairytale had turned into a Gear. He blinked at her almost stupidly. That image still remained in his mind, though.

"You're a Gear?"

"Yes, I'm a Gear," she said. She sounded ashamed of the fact. The way she cried, how she held herself in the moment of fear— This was no Gear, but a girl. An innocent girl.

He loosened his grip on his sword and held a hand up. "If you'll hold back . . ."

She shook her head. "I don't know if I can. Please go away."

He sat up. "I will not. I am officer Ky Kiske of the IPF. I was sent here in response of a report of a Gear." He looked her up and down. "But . . ."

She took a step back. "You're going to try to kill me, too. That's why you're here."

"No, I—!"

"Go away! Please! I don't want anyone hurt anymore!" she said.

Her white wing then formed the figure of an angelic woman, but he soon found that was nothing angelic about it. It thrust its arms forward with its hands pointing downwards. Ky began to get up, and the decision to move may have saved his life, or maybe a few body parts. A sharp shard of ice burst from the ground where his body had been laying defensively. Instead, it knocked him backwards. He stumbled, close to falling, but he kept his footing.

He pulled his sword close to his body. A part of him wanted to fight after the attacks but he had to remind himself of the girl behind those wings and tail. And those eyes...the eyes of an outcast who's lone sin that condemned the to being a pariah was something beyond their control...something in him refused to harm one with such eyes. Why was it he part of him felt he could empathize with her just by seeing those eye?

"I'm sorry!" the girl cried, bringing Ky out of his thoughts.

Ky kept himself calm. "It's all right."

She wiped at her tears. "What?"

"I said it's all right."

She stood still and stared at him. She grew quiet. "But I just attacked you. No one ever said it's all right when I attack them."

"Miss, I don't see why people call you a Gear and want to hurt you." The girl stared at him and listened. "I don't see a Gear, I see a girl. You didn't really try to hurt me, did you?"

She hugged herself. "I didn't mean it. I did try to defend myself. I thought you were going to hurt me."

She seemed so peaceful, so innocent. What was this feeling that his heart knew her suffering? He felt sickened by it, that was understandable. But why was it that even the case? Why did he have this seeming instinct to help guide her out of her isolation?

He bit his lip before saying, "I won't now." He bent down and set his sword slowly to the ground, then stood again. "There." He watched her red eyes dart skeptically then rest on his figure again.

"What do you really want?"

"I came here in search of a Gear," he said. "But I don't see one." He passed her a light smile and she returned it shyly. "This case is closed. If you don't attack again."

She shook her head. "I didn't mean it."

"I said I forgive you. It's other people I'm worried about." As he spoke, he remembered the letter, the letter that brought him here which still sat on his desk in Paris. If he was sent here first, who else would follow? He was sure they wouldn't see the human side of her. His heart jumped at the thought. He quickly said, "You can't stay here. Other people will come for you. I was the first to be informed about this place."

"No. This is my home. I can't leave."

"Then would you rather have more people come here and to fight you?"

She shook her head.

"Then let me help you." He held a hand out to her.

No! Wait! Why was he doing this? The moment he stepped inside the Grove, she attacks him and now he was offering help? What was wrong with him? It was like she had some sort of spell on him.


Ky's eyes widened as he heard that voice. He hadn't heard it since London, during the Crusades.

She stared at his hand for a few moments. She slowly began to reach out, then drew back as if his hand was full of needles.

He dropped his hand to his side. "Or not."

"Sorry," she said. She hugged herself and turned. "I'm not used to people."

She doesn't trust me, he thought.

"I don't blame you," he said. "You've been isolated most of your life. You're not happy."

"How do you know that?"

He shrugged. "I can tell. Are you truly happy here?"

She looked around herself, through the grasses, the forest and the stream he found her nearby. "I've been here most of my life," she said. "But—" She looked at him. "I . . .I haven't seen much outside the Grove." She paused.


Something was going on in her mind.

"What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Nothing."

He sighed. He was growing tired of convincing her, but he wasn't done yet. How could he try to convince a girl who had been living in isolation and darkness to finally step out into the world, a world that could easily kill her just for being born the way she was.

"Tell me," he said.

She kept her head and gaze away from him. "People hate me."

"I know. But people will come looking for you. And they won't be like me. Let me help you. Let me . . . Let me take you somewhere safe where no one will bother you or know you're a Gear."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I don't know. But will you?" He held his hand out again. She stared at it. Her tears had dried but there was still a glassiness to them. A glimmer.

Then, finally she reached out and took one of his hands. He instinctively wrapped his hand around hers. They were soft and fragile. His were cold and calloused from under his glove.

After they touched, Ky sighed. It was a sigh of relief. Phase one was through.

"Well, why don't we start now?" he said. "I don't want to waste any time." Not letting go of her hand, he bent down and picked up Thunderseal. He then gave her hand a tug. She gave way, with her feet taking her first steps like they were pulling off of Velcro.

They walked through the forest hand in hand like lovers, with Ky leading. He never held a woman's hand in escort, or anytime. But this felt natural. Her skin was soft and warm. He wondered if she could feel his through his gloves.


The voice again. Ky wondered what it was or if he was just hallucinating.

No, he wondered what she was thinking . . .of him, what was going to happen to her. He could feel some resistance but he didn't have to drag her. Was she starting to trust him? He hoped she did, otherwise it would make it more difficult. He didn't want another enemy, especially her. She proved to be a powerful Gear.

She announced herself as Dizzy. She was a mystery to herself as well to him, which didn't help him much. She told the tale of the village and a blind girl. A friendship with the girl made her feel human . . .like the human girl he saw before him. She explained it all as they walked.

The girl, Josephine, had wandered into the forest and grove when they first met, and with her blindness she couldn't see what people feared. She called her an angel when Dizzy found the poor girl, lost and scared. She called her an angel, sent by God. She never found out what brought her back, not then. And she didn't care. Maybe he was blind, too.

The two found a friendship, the only friendship she had at that time. The two explored and played. Dizzy said they tried to catch fish and picked fruit when they were together.

But their friendship ended about a year ago and the departure wasn't pleasant. It happened when the girl finally gained sight after many surgeries, and when she finally saw her— Josephine discovered what she really was. That friend betrayed her and hated her just like every other human.


Ky shook his head after the voice, as Dizzy continued. She and the rest of the village saw the Gear in her. They called her a demon and cast her out through fire and rage. And now he was taking her back, back to the past. But she would be in safer hands now. She was with a knight. She was a girl, not a Gear.

What a world this had become.

But the last thing she explained was the last of her story. It sounded more like a reminder. She spoke of the Gear he met before the Grove. Testament, she called him; a self-proclaimed protector of the she-Gear. He knew if he told her about their incident, she would be upset, so he kept his mouth shut and pretended he never heard of him. But it wasn't going to be so simple.

His grip on Dizzy's hand tightened when he heard something in the forest with them, something he let his guard down on. He had been too busy talking with Dizzy to notice. He was rammed across the side and thrown into the ground. He landed hard on his back.

He looked up at the tree shade and sky, the wind knocked out of him while he heard, "Testament, no!" He turned his head to see Dizzy's protector armed with his eyes locked on him. The only thing keeping him at bay was Dizzy. She stood in front of him with her wings and arms spread.

"Testament, leave him alone."

"Dizzy, get out of the way. He's a Gear killer!"

Slowly, she looked over her wing and went silent. Her eyes no longer held their red trust. "Ky?" she said. "Are you lying to me?"

He sat up. "Dizzy . . ."

Testament pointed at him. "He attacked me to get into the grove. To get to you, Dizzy, and now look. He's lured you out. Like an animal. He'll kill you. He'll try to kill both of us if I don't do anything about it." He stepped forward and past Dizzy. Ky quickly got up.

"Dizzy!" he said. "Stop him! I don't want to hurt anyone here."

The Gear laughed and lunged for him. He went past Dizzy as if she didn't exist, and swung his scythe. Ky jumped back and held the blade of his sword up.

They struck. They slashed their blades over and over with neither getting through each other's defenses. Their blades clashed and chimed. Nearby, Dizzy watched. She looked horrified, with her eyes wide and her hands bunched together below her chin. Ky saw her at the corner of his eye as he fought the other Gear. He spun, losing sight of her time to time. There were moments where he saw nothing but black as she came closer to the fight. And then, she grabbed a hold of Testament's arm. The two were in mid-swing. Ky had to pull back quickly.

Once safe, Dizzy pulled Testament aside, pulling on him hard. "Stop it," she said. "Stop it!" She stood between the two again.

Testament obeyed and Ky backed down, too, but kept on his guard.

"Dizzy," Testament said, "Get away."

She tugged on his arm. "No. Don't hurt him. He just wants to help me."

"Why do you think this human would want to help you?"

She stared at him with those soft red eyes. "He won't hurt me," she said. "If he wanted to he would have done it when he came into the grove." She lowered her head and licked her lips. "I attacked him."

"I'm sure you had reason," Testament said.

She shook her head. " He came to tell me people are coming here. He wants to take me somewhere safe."

Testament stamped his scythe into the ground beside him like a flag pole and looked at Ky with fiery eyes. "This human cannot replace the promise I gave to you. You are to stay in the grove where it is truly safe."

"That won't be enough," Ky said. "I was given a letter stating bounty hunters will be coming in search of a Gear. Her. I, too, came here for that reason. But now that I see her, I cannot bring myself to take upon that bounty. So I decided to get her out of here before someone else finds her."

"No," Testament said. "She will not leave here. People like you—"

"That's unnecessary," Ky said.

"Please stop arguing," Dizzy said then, holding her ears. "You're almost as bad as these two." She raised her shoulders, and as she did, her wings took their forms and pointed at each other in silent threats. The green hooded wing had its fist bunched while the white one flipped its middle finger at the other.

"I'm sorry," Ky said after looking at them, then let his eyes fall on Testament.

"How can I convince you she will be safe with me."

"By leaving," he said, and twitched his scythe.

"Stop it," Dizzy stepped up to the other Gear and took his arm. She shook it lightly like a child. "Testament, I want to go."

He put a hand on her head. "I cannot let you. The grove is where you belong. It's your home, isn't it?"

She put a finger to her mouth, looked at Ky, then to Testament again. "Let me go. I want to see the outside again. It will be different. Won't it, Ky?"

"She shouldn't live her life in solitude," Ky said "It's no way to live. Hiding isn't the answer."

Testament glowered. "Keep talking."

"Maybe she should." He gestured to Dizzy.

Being the center of attention, Dizzy looked between them. "Umm, I think . . . I think I would like to go. I trust him. He's nice."

Such a thing coming from a Gear made him smile lightly. No! A girl! Stop thinking of her as a Gear dammit!

"Dizzy," Testament began.

She released his arm and tottered to Ky. She grabbed a hold of his arm instead. She held close to him as if he were her new protector. "See?"

The whole thing was starting to get awkward. Very awkward.

There was a long moment of silence; then Testament pointed at Ky's Thunderseal. "Then what do you think of that sword in his hand, Dizzy?"

She looked down on it. "I don't think there's anything wrong with it," she said. "It's kind of pretty."

"That sword is dangerous, Dizzy. It may look pleasant, but it will cut you, like it has to numerous Gears before it."

The same could be said of a scythe... the knight thought irritably, sparing a glance at Testament's own blade, yet kept his face completely blank to avoid the risk of another possible fight. "I assure you, Thunderseal will never touch her flesh," Ky said. He unconsciously put his free hand against Dizzy beside him. When he noticed what he was doing, Testament was sneering and he felt Dizzy's warm flesh against his hand. He quickly let go and took one small step away from her. "Sorry."

Testament kept that hateful look on his face, with it more stronger after he had put his hand on her. "Either way, you cannot convince me, human, no matter how you—"

"Testament," Dizzy said, "Please let me go." She then turned her head to Ky with her soft red eyes melting into him. As he looked back at them, he believed he could never hate her, even if she was a terrible Gear like Justice in hiding. They were so startling, so innocent… so beautiful.


He swallowed hard before he said, "As a knight, as a man of his word, and honor to God—"

"A knight, exactly!" Testament said.

"Now you listen," Ky began, but before he could finish, Dizzy put her hands over her ears.

"Not again," she muttered.

Ky quickly silenced himself. The other Gear meanwhile was staring at him, like an unapproving father. Ky said nothing to him, although, he had a mouthful to say. He took Dizzy by the shoulder, feeling her flesh again while he looked across at Testament. He apologized at the air between them.

All three of them went silent while Dizzy concentrated on her attached wings who remained in their forms over her. She slowly came out of her invisible corner and looked at Testament first.

"Necro says the grove is the safest place..." she began slowly.

"Then Necro is correct."

The white wing waggled an unapproving finger at Testament. "...but Undine says you don't have the right to run my life," she continued, then looked at Ky with those beautiful eyes. "I'm going with Ky."


"I'm going with Ky," she repeated.

Testament's face dropped. "I don't see why you have decided this. But . . .but I will make sure you will be all right. No matter where you are." He raised an arm level to his chest and stood there. When he did, a black object, a crow-like bird, descended from the shadows and perched on his naked forearm. It picked under its wing after settling.

"I'd like that." She turned her attention to Ky and took his arm again. She glanced at Testament before she got her new guardian going down the path with a tug. As they moved, Ky felt Testament's eyes heavy on him.

Location Unknown…..

A red haired woman sat on a luxurious bed, going over what happened today.


The woman lay back on the bed.


The woman closed her eyes as if to sleep.


End of chapter. Like it? Hate it? Leave a review.

"Voices" is by Rev Theory. It's Randy Orton's entrance music. For those who don't know who he is, I will reach through your computer screen and RKO you. All hail The Viper!