So, my first chapter retype, looking forward to the reviews on how much better it is. I'll update this as much as possible.


Chapter 1: The New Beginning.

9:30, a mile from base Bravo in northern Iraq

I hate the heat. U.S. Sergeant William Danton thought as he walked fully loaded in gear down the hot, Iraq streets. "Rob, how much farther until we get to the base?" He asked to his brunette headed friend to his right. Will quickly slipped the clip of his M4 SOPMOD out and checked the ammunition then slipped it back in.

"We are about…ten minutes away from Bravo base." The man said taking off his desert camo helmet and wiping sweat from his forehead. As he slipped it back on the dirt around him started to puff up in small dirt fountains as bullets impacted the ground around the four man squad.

"SCATTER!" Will yelled as he grabbed the tall man, Steve, and pulled him behind a wall as Rob and Roc dove for cover in an alley on the other side of the dirt road. The tan buildings Will found dull and boring, but this was the first encounter in months and he was extremely excited. "Get some rounds their way!" He said looking around the corner and firing a short ten round burst towards the two building at the end of the road.

~ 9:30, Cornerian time. Great Fox, Slippy's personal lab ~

Slippy typed away at the keyboard in front of him. He looked up every now and then towards the long steel tunnel and at either end where there was indents in the walls, each with a dim source of light.

He pressed the space bar hard in frustration, and then jumped up as a loud yell was heard behind him. He panted heavily in fear as Fox laughed.

"How's this thing doing?" Fox asked leaning on the wall next to the window and looking at one end.

"We're almost done. And to think we are doing what seemed impossible, instant travel over long distances." Slippy ranted.

"Yeah, to think." Fox said sarcastically. The automatic door slid open with the hiss of compressed air.

"If this thing works, I owe you a beer, Slip." Falco said walking in. "Yo, Foxy, lets go sparing right now, I'm in the mood to release some steam."

"Sure, get ready to get your ass kicked." Fox said calmly walking towards the door and pushing Falco out.

~ 9:32, fire fight with Delta Squad. ~

Will slipped a bullet shaped grenade into his M320 grenade launcher, then flipped up the day/night flip up sight. He leaned out from behind the building wall and angled it up as he looked through the sights. With one quick pull of the finger, there was a metallic thunk then a quick explosion.

An RPG terrorist unit fell from the second story window and his RPG, still in hand, went off and collided with one of the support beams holding the balcony up, which quickly collapsed.

Dust went everywhere as the four man squad coughed and waved hands in front of them trying to see past it. They looked at the collapsed front of the building in amazement.

"Damn…" Rob said stunned. "That was…one hell of a shot Will!" He yelled excitedly patting him on the back.

"Alright guys. That was intense. Let's get to the base quick and stock up and get ready for our next mission." Will commanded walking down the dirt road towards the collapsed tan building with the others in tow, making a right at the intersection.


Ten minutes later, the base wall came in sight. The tall fence, sand bags, and look out tower with turrets placed in strategic spots reminded Will and the others of every other base they went to. They stopped at the front of the fence as another U.S. soldier ran up from the other side.

"Hey guys, how did the mission go?" Jerry asked in his trucker like voice, the husky man pressed a button on the fence and the sliding door slowly opened.

"You might want to stock up on ammo, we might have company. We're heading over to the command tent." Will said shaking hands with the man.

"Will do, you guys take care ya hear?" The man said walking off.

"He's such an awesome guy." Roc commented.

"Yes he is." Steve added. They walked towards the biggest of the tents near the middle of the camp. They passed many other tents and Marines lifting crates and placing them inside the tents.

"They're still setting up here?" Rob said sarcastically.

"Apparently, they've been at it two nights straight." Will said pointing towards the commanders tent. They walked inside as they put the safety on their standard M4 SOPMOD carbines and put them on their backs with their squad signature MP5 sub machine guns. Will looked to his side too make sure he had his MK.23 pistol. "Commander, sir!" He yelled as him and his squad went into simultaneous salutes as they practiced many, many times.

"At ease." The old, grey haired Commander said returning the salute. "How did the recon mission go?" He asked turning and leaning on a table with a map of the area as Will and the others looked at it.

"We found that they are actually planning to attack the base, around about twenty minutes from now." Steve said.

"How did you find this out?" The commander asked looking up at him.

"One of them had a cell phone with the command in the voice mails." Rob finished.

"Interesting… But this leaves us with very little…" the commander was cut off as him and they others were thrown to the side of the tent as the other half exploded, shrapnel and cloth flying in random directions. "RPG'S!" The commander yelled.

"Steve! Rob! Roc! Get the commander and yourselves somewhere safe! I'm heading to the armory to get ammo!" Will yelled grabbing his MP5 with rifle scope. He aimed towards the ripped half of the tent, then ran to the other side towards the steel room noticeable through the sides of the tents.

He quickly opened then closed the steel door, then looked around at the open boxes of many loaded clips for different weapons. They were clearly labeled, he reached into the M4 box and grabbed a good twenty clips, then grabbed ten grenades and M320 grenades and ran out towards the fence where he knew the team would be.

~ 9:58, Slippy's lab, Great Fox. ~

Slippy pressed one more button and either end of the tunnel lit up.

"Ok, it should be ready. Where would you guys want to go?" Slippy asked turning to the four others.

"Aquas." Falco said.

"Sauria." Krystal said after him.

"Pepetoon." Fox said with a grin.

"Corneria." Peppy finally said.

"Umm…it would help if you all agreed for one place. Slippy said turning back to the keyboard. The others looked at each other curiously.

"Sauria." They all stated flatly.

"Sauria it is!" Slippy said excitedly typing rapidly, then tapped the final button, making the ends of the tunnel light up more, blinding the team and forcing them to cover their eyes as the two lights converged and smashed together, finally dimming into an image of desert and tan buildings.

"I don't think that's Sauria." Fox said looking at the wavering image. Something appeared in the teleporter hole and slipped through, emerging and slamming into the hard steel floor.


Will slid to a stop next to his team/friends and let the clips and grenades drop from his arms.

"I got ammo, grab it while it's there." Will said looking at his team. Rob and Roc had shrapnel in their legs, but not that serious for it wasn't bleeding that much and they could still move it. Will could not tell what was wrong with Steve, for he was looking the other way unloading his M4 at the enemy. He turned and revealed his wounds.

His face was bloodied up from shrapnel to the left cheeks and jaw.

"Hey, Steve you need medical, now!" Will yelled to him as he reloaded his weapon.

"No, I came to fight, that's what I am doing." Steve said turning and standing gun raised. "Shit…GET DOWN!" He yelled jumping past Will onto the ground along with the others, Will didn't react fast enough and was blasted back as an explosion hit where Steve once stood. There was a bright light that engulfed Will as he closed his eyes.


"SLIPPY! GET THE DOOR OPEN!" Fox yelled running towards where the door would be. Falco and Krystal starred in wonder at the black furred vulpine lay back first on the hard floor, the front of his desert camo outfit torn up and gripping an unknown type of weapon tightly.

"Who is it?" Slippy asked pressing a button and the large steel door slid open slowly allowing Fox to slip through, but at gun point.


Will slowly opened his eyes and saw steel, felt steel, even smelled the freshness of the steel. He quickly sat up and looked down at himself, the front of his shirt torn open, but he was shocked to see black fur under it.

He stood and looked around at the steel room; there were neither windows nor doors seeable. He checked his weapon then raised it at the hearing of compressed air, he turned and saw the wall was opening. He watched in aw as a standing red fox walked through the opening, maw agape.

"Easy…" The unknown vulpine said as he raised his hands. "Easy…I'm a friend." It said stepping forwards.

"And how would I know that?" Will said stepping forward and pulling the bolt of his M4 back, letting a bullet fly from the side. The red furred vulpine watched as it pinged off the floor.

"Metal slugs? They have been outdated for thousands of years…Where did you get one?" The vulpine asked.

"I think I would be asking the questions, considering I have a weapon." Will said sliding his M4 onto his back and grabbing his MP5 and MK.23, without hesitation bringing them up to bear at the vulpine and stepping forwards. "Who are you?" Will asked. Without expectation a blue feathered avian jumped from the open wall and pointed a strange pistol at Will.

"Drop your weapon!" The bird yelled. Will stepped backwards as he aimed his own pistol at the birds head. Then a blue vixen jumped from the wall with a strange tribal looked staff, jewelry at both ends. The thicker end glowed red as she aimed that end at Will.

He continued to back away, then quickly dropped to a knee and dropped his pistol, holding a hand to his chest. He panted then fell to his back. The unknown humanoid animals surrounded him. Will expected to die, but instead he was lifted up and carried away to some sort of white walled room.


"I'm still wondering who he is." Fox said walking out of the infirmary room with Krystal and Falco.

"I got an ID, he looks nothing like he does now." Falco said holding up the plastic card. Fox looked at the picture quickly.

"He doesn't even look like a person." Fox commented. "Not one that I have seen, anyway."

"It says his name is…Will…William Danton." Falco stated. "What kind of a name is that?" He said flipping the card in the air, then catching it.

"Best name I ever heard, I would kill for the first name." Fox said. Falco thought about it a minute.

"It sounds like a business person." He stated. "One of those people that sit in the little cubicles all day taking calls and sitting on the computer."

Fox turned and starting to walk. "I wonder what happened to him." He said thinking to what had happened in the teleporter tunnel. "You think he might be in coma?"

"He isn't in coma." Krystal stated confidently. "All the feelings of what occurred finally got to him, that plus the heat of battle knocked him out."

"How would you know this?" Falco asked.

"Um…Telepath!" Both Krystal and Fox yelled at him.

"Dumb shit." Fox said walking away.


Will finally stirred awake about an hour later. He looked around at the white sterile walls and then at his black furred hands. His eyes shot open as he realized something. He jumped out of the bed and looked behind him to see a white tipped tail.

"What the hell?" He asked himself looking at his outfit. All but the body armor was torn up, his knife was also untouched. What he couldn't find was his prized MK.23 pistol nor his M4 or MP5. "What the hell is going on here, is this some kind of trick?" The door slid open and he unsheathed his knife. He got into his stance of bending down, legs spread apart a little, and left arm holding knife in front of face pointing towards the enemy. The blue vixen from the tunnel walked in.

"Whoa…how is a little patient doing?" She asked, only a bit shocked from what she saw, which was basically a black furred vulpine with a knife and ripped clothing. Will didn't answer. "Easy, will ya? I'm a friend." She said holding up her hands innocently. Will reluctantly and slowly brought his left arm down and slid the knife into its sheath. "Will right? Nice to meet you…kind of."

"How do you know my name?" Will asked rising from his stance. The vixen pulled out a piece of plastic and tossed it to Will. He easily caught it and looked at it with a smile. "Oh, this… Good memories, back when I first joined the Marines…back when I had a mustache." Will said slipping it into his pocket. "Now…Who are you?"

"I am Krystal." The blue vixen said. She slowly turned towards the door and walked to it. "If you're feeling better, we have a pair of…untouched cloths ready for you."

"Wait a minute…Krystal? Nothing else?" Will asked leaning on his right foot a bit.

"Yes why?" Krystal said reluctantly. Will let out a small laugh.

"Ok…That is the exact name of an old video game character…and you look exactly like…whoa…no way…Impossible!" Will started.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm…I'm in a video game. That's impossible!" Will yelled sitting on the infirmary bed and holding his head. "How did this happen?"

"Slippy was working on teleporter." Krystal stated.

"What…Next I'll expect you to say 'Fox McCloud is the leader of the Star Fox team, along with Falco Lombardi, Slippy toad, and myself, we protect the Lylat system.'" Will mocked sarcastically.

"Actually…yes." Krystal said turning towards him. "How did you know?"

"Good question. How did I know that?" He said rubbing his furred chin. "Ok, I really need to change."

"Follow me." Krystal stated as she stepped out the door, followed by Will. Will looked up and down the long halls of the Great Fox in amazement as he kept pace with Krystal.

"How big is this place?" Will asked.

"It's not a place, it is a thing…A space cruiser, and it is about two miles long and about a mile wide from wing tip to wing tip." Krystal said as she looked at the doors they passed. "Here we are. I will come for you in about ten minutes, Fox wants to meet you."

"You guys are a mercenary team, right?" Will asked as the automatic door opened with a quick swish.

"Yes, I'll be back. The cloths are on the sink in the bathroom." She said walking away with a quick smile and wave. Will watched as she walked away, but something cold dilled his head and he couldn't tell what it was, so he ignored it and walked into the rather large room.

He was amazed at how neat it was and looked, as if it were a hotel. He quickly stepped into the bathroom and looked at the selection of cloths they picked out… A red shirt and jeans with regular boots.

Not exactly what I would have picked, but oh well. He thought as he unclipped his body armor and other accessories, then slipped off his torn shirt and pants, quickly pulling the other shirt and pants on. A bit tight, what size did they think I was? He thought as he stepped out of the bathroom. He looked at the bed and was temped a bit too much, he jumped onto it and looked at the white ceiling, closing his eyes ad falling into sleep.


YEZ! RETYPE FINISHED!!!! Ok, so I didn't make it so that this ending and the next chapters endings fit, but come on, it's my fiction, I'll have it fixed by the next chapter upload.

Until next time.

Keep ones close closer then you can hold them,

Black Fox.