"To the newlyweds! May they have a pleasant month!" Serena yelled raising her shot glass and chugging it down without even waiting for the other three to join in. Blair looked at Chuck and Nate with a concerned look on her face.

"Ok Serena, I think that's enough," Nate said, worriedly noticing the male bar goers eyeing up the girls, probably aware of just how drunk the blond is.

"Don't be a sour puss, Nate. More drinks!" She screamed towards the bartender. Immediately a server came over with two drinks that she put in front of Serena and Blair. "These are from the two gentleman at the bar." Serena turned and waved to the two men as Blair tried to contain her and Chuck and Nate glared across the room.

"Come on Blair. Let's go say hi. Oh and we can pretend we're other people!" Serena slurred as she jumped up and wobbled slightly.

"Why would we do that? We don't even know them!" Blair protested. She might've been drunk, but she wasn't that drunk.

"Because it's fun. Come on B! Georgi and I do this all the time," she continued, pulling Blair to her feet and dragging her away before she could argue more.

The boys turned towards each other, both with matching concerned looks on their faces. "I think this is the most she's ever drunk after a wedding," Nate said worry lacing his tone.

"Well at least she waited until the reception was over this time," Chuck added.

They both looked over to see Serena already making out with one of the two men. Well that's a big surprise, Chuck thought. That's always how it goes, but what he didn't expect was seeing Blair who had somehow ended up on the other man's lap and didn't appear to be half as reluctant about it as she was before. When she laughed at something the man said Chuck's hands clenched and he looked to see Nate wearing an expression as angry as his own. They both had stood up and were about to tear the girls away when they heard a voice behind them.

"At least she's not dancing on a table this time," the voice cracked behind them and the two boys turned around to see Eric, staring at Serena with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Eric, hey. What are you doing here?" Nate said hurriedly.

"Lily told me to find her. Since she didn't get drunk at the ceremony she started to get concerned. Seems like she was right."

"Eric, I'm sorry that you had to see this. How about we all go back to my suite. Serena can continue drinking there," Chuck said as he put his arm around Eric's shoulder. As they passed Nate he said to him, "Get the girls, we'll be in the limo."

Nate nodded then began heading towards the bar, stopping before the girls. "Blair, come on we're leaving," he commanded.

"I'm sorry, but we're a little busy dude," the man answered before Blair could talk.

"Well I'm sorry, but since she is my girlfriend. She's leaving with me," Nate growled at the man. As Blair attempted to hold in her laughter she patted the man's cheek and slide off his lap moving to stand with Nate.

Then he walked over to the other two. He tapped the shoulder of the man now feeling up Serena and as soon as he turned around he punched him. Blair screamed as Serena fell on her and began moving her towards the door. After a few steps Nate arrived on the other side of Serena and they began moving faster. Eventually depositing her in the limo before going in themselves.


"Want to make a bet?" Serena giggled out as she and Nate sat on Chuck's couch, knocking back more shots.

"I don't have much of a choice do I," He laughed back.

"Ok then! I bet that they won't be married by the Shepard wedding."

"That's only in a month! Ok then I think they'll last until after then."

"You are soooo going to lose," Serena sang out to Nate. Starting another round of laughs from both of them.

Blair sat at the bar watching the two of them laughing their heads off. She had zoned out of Chuck and Eric's conversation a long time ago. Instead she just sat and continued refilling her glass from Chuck's never ending alcohol supply. Just then Chuck turned around and began studying Blair's expression. She didn't turn but knew that he was staring at her, her looked over at where she was staring then very slowly looked back.

"I never took you for a worrier, Waldorf. I always thought that you were one of those people that just did something." At this Blair turned around to face his humorous smirk.

"I am not worrying. There is nothing to worry about. Nate is the perfect boyfriend. Just because we haven't done everything doesn't mean…." She trailed off, then very slowly whispered, "Does it?"

"Why of course not Waldorf. But if you really want to take that last final step with Nathaniel, I'd be willing to offer my services," Chuck drawled out, smirking at her.

"Please what could you do? I want it to be special, and you'd probably just tell me to do it now, when we're both drunk in your suite and that's not special Chuck," Blair quickly slurred out.

"Well I'm glad you think so highly of me. But really Waldorf, I've got so many ideas you'd be stupid to turn them down."

Right as Blair was about to retort she was interrupted by the sound of Serena running into the bathroom and emptying her stomach. When she walked back out again Blair quickly ran up to her stating, "We're going to go now."

As she began heading for the door Chuck called from behind, "Are you sure you can handle her all alone tonight?"

"Please Bass, I've been doing this since I was 12," and with that Blair carried her and Serena out the door.

Silence engulfed the room until Nate suddenly began screaming about some missed family engagement before sprinting out the door. Chuck was about to go to bed when he heard someone clear his throat behind him.

"Hey Chuck. Would you mind letting me sleep here tonight? I really don't want to go home," Eric softly asked.

"Yeah no problem. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want," Chuck trailed off when he noticed the boy wasn't paying attention as he sank back into the couch. Slowly Chuck walked over until he was sitting next to him. "Do you want to talk Eric? Cause really I'm here if you need me. And since I'm drunk I'll probably only remember half of this tomorrow."

Eric chuckled as he looked over at the older boy. "You have to promise not to say anything," and after Chuck had promised he wouldn't he began.


As Chuck spotted her sitting alone at a table he immediately began moving towards her. Noticing that she was staring directly at Nate and Serena who were laughing and joking, both looked like crap after last night. He turned his attention back to Blair, who, to everybody else, probably looked normal, but Chuck saw the small circles under her eyes and the way she sat that showed the signs of her hangover.

"Chuck, I need to talk to you," his journey was interrupted by the tall blonde standing before him.

"Oh do go ahead Serena," he didn't even pretend to sound interested this time.

"Eric slept over at your suite last night and I was just making sure that—"

"That your brother wasn't opened up to the world of alcohol, drugs, and sex. Luckily, despite how many drinks you were throwing down last night, your brother has come out perfectly fine. Or at least as fine as he normally is." And with that he walked away leaving Serena looking confusedly after him.

After a minute of sitting next to Blair without her acknowledging his presence Chuck started, "Hmmm….who would've guessed. Queen B, the ruler of Constance Billard is a worrier. I really should tell Gossip Girl about this startling new development."

At this Blair scoffed and turned to face him, "I am not worrying. You should be the one who's worrying if you don't leave right now."

When Chuck did nothing but chuckle slightly and raise his eyebrows at her, with his eyes burning deep into hers she cracked. "Fine, I want to take you up on your offer."

"Which one Waldorf? I have so many things I'd like to offer you so please be more specific."

Blair made a fake gagging noise before she continued. Her voice quieter, "I need help with Nate."

After a long moment of silence, Chuck slowly said, "I guess I can help you with your quest to rid yourself of your dear virginity. How about we meet for lunch then?" And with that he walked off because he didn't want to have to see the happy look that would grace her face knowing that she might soon be with Nathaniel. As Chuck sat down in his next class the weight of what he had just agreed to hit him, you are going to help your best friends girlfriend sleep with your best friend. Wow you really have to stop helping Blair Waldorf out man, he thought. Even as he said that to himself Chuck couldn't help admitting that he couldn't stop, but he would at least try. No more helping Blair out, well at least until after this one thing. And with that he began thinking of ideas to supply her with.