Chapter 1 - A Prank in the Night

"Do I really have to do this?" asked a fallen angel with long cascading blonde hair with ruby eyes., her long red tail slightly curled around her legs.

"Yes you do!" said a demon girl with purple hair and red eyes.

Both demon girls were in their night growns with the difference being that the fallen angel wore white while the demon girl wore black with alot of lace. Both girls were walking silently down a stone corridor.

"You lost the bet remember? So you have to do the prank. Come on! It'll be fun!!!" said Etna elbowing the fallen angel Flonne with a smirk.

"Easy for you to say. Your not the one pulling the prank on Laharl." muttered Flonne.

"This isn't a nice thing to do and besides Laharl will kill us both if he catches me!" said Flonne uneasily.

Both girls reached a large wooden and steel door, the entrance into the Overlords private chambers. Etna shoved a marker pen in Flonne hands, opened the door quietly and shoved her in. Flonne stumbled into Laharl's room and just managed to prevent herself from falling over.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go open his coffin and draw on his face!" hissed Etna, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Flonne gave a gulp and started to edge towards a black coffin which she knew the Overlord slept. With slightly shaking hands she slowly but quietly opened the coffin. She peeped inside and saw Laharl sleeping, his chest slowing going up and down with his breathing.

Laharl looks so cute when he's sleeping! thought Flonne smiling slightly. She took off the lid of the marker pen and began to draw on Laharl. She drew exactly what Etna instructing her to do and knew that when Laharl woke up in the morning and saw his face he'll be so angry, Flonne wouldn't be surprised if he blown up the castle.

Flonne drew little love hearts on his face and then wrote Eternal on his right cheek and Love on his left. Flonne stood up and began to rush towards the door, she really didn't to be in his room in case he woke up and saw what she had done, but in her hurry to get out she accidentally tripped over her own feet and went crashing into a night stand.


Flonne gave a terrified squeak when she heard the terrible roar behind her. She looked up towards the doorway and saw that Etna was no longer there.

"YOU!.. HOW DARE YOU COME IN HERE AND WAKE ME UP LOVE FREAK!" roared Laharl, his voice full of anger. He sounded really pissed.

Flonne got up and looked at Laharl who was now standing up in his coffin and glaring furiously at Flonne with his crimson eyes. Flonne nervously stared at the seething Overlord and then noticed a mirror on the wall near Laharl. She suddenly went pale. Unfortunately Laharl noticed her side-way glance and looked towards the wall straight into the mirror. There was a moment silence when....


Laharl pulled out his sword from the depths of his red billowing cape and charge towards Flonne.

Flonne gave a terrified scream and ran from the room.

Flonne didn't bother watch where she was running all she knew that she had to get away from Larharl has fast as she could. Down a corridor she spotted a large wooden crate. Without a second thought she wretched open the top of the crate and jumped in. She quickly closed it and curled up trying to keep as still and quiet as possible as she heard Laharl thundering down the corridor.

"WHEN I FIND YOU LOVE FREAK YOU'LL WISH YOU'VE NEVER BEEN BORN!!! Roared Laharl and he continued to race down the corridor.

Flonne remained inside the crate, too scared to come out in case Laharl came back. Before she knew she started to blink back tears.

Why does Laharl hate me so much! Flonne thought while wiping her tears away with her hands.

I thought he had learn to have love in his heart but why does he keep pushing me away! Maybe it's because of me... I wonder if he'll be more accepting of me if I acted more like a demon. I mean.. I'm am demon now but I still act like a angel.

Flonne wrapped her arms around her slender legs and closed her eyes.

He's always hated me! thought Flonne miserably. He doesn't want me here, I'm nothing but a burden.

I can't cook, he never chooses me to fight because I'm his weakest vassal and he's always sending me out on chores just to get away from me. I wish I knew how to act more demon.

With these unhappy thoughts Flonne fell into a restless sleep, tears still falling down from her face.


Flonne groaned loudly as she woke up, she went to get up but suddenly banged her head hard on the roof of the crate.

"Owwww!" moan Flonne rubbing her head.

Suddenly the lid of the crate open and Flonne found herself looking at 3 prinnies that were peering over the crate at her.

"Master we found her dood!" said a prinny.

"Well it's about time I was getting worried!" said a familiar voice.

Flonne climb out of the box and saw Etna with her hands on her hips. She was smiling at Flonne but in her eyes was a different emotion, it looked almost like.... Guilt.

"Oh Flonne I'm so glad your alive! I thought the prince had killed you!" said Etna.

Flonne hung her head down so that her hair covered her face.

"Is Laharl still angry with me?" she asked Etna in a timid voice.

"Well he's still pretty pissed at you but I assure you he won't try and kill you if he saw you. So... Let's go down and have breakfast.

"Hai!" said Flonne still a little sad.

After Flonne had changed out of her night gown she and Etna went to the dining room. The table was already covered in food and sitting in his large chair was Laharl who was busy devouring his bacon and eggs. However when he saw Flonne enter the room his crimson eyes flashed angrily. Flonne who saw the expression on his face quickly dropped her head and sat down in the chair furthest away from Laharl as possible.

Stupid love-freak! thought Laharl as he glance away from Flonne to continue his meal.

Right at that moment he hated everything about her. Laharl couldn't understand why he even bothered to keep her here in the castle. It's not like she did anything for him. But Laharl couldn't help but glance in Flonne direction every now and then. He noticed that she wasn't touching her food and her face was filled with sadness and.... Fear.

So she scared of me she is? thought Laharl slightly smirking. Good! The love freak better be scared of me if she knows what's good for her!

But the sight of her scared and sad expression started to bother Laharl for some reason. Eventually he couldn't stand it anymore.

"If your not going to eat anything then get out of my sight! I don't want you here!" he snapped.

Flonne gave a start. While keeping her head down she got off her chair and walked out of the room.

To Laharl surprise he felt a pang of regret but quickly dismissed it.

Why should I care about what I said to her. It's not like I like her. In fact I dislike her. thought Laharl annoyed.


Flonne was walking out of the castle.

"Maybe a walk around town might do me some good!" she said to herself.

Ahead of her a stranger cloaked in shadows placed a poster on the ground and quickly ran away before Flonne could notice him. As Flonne came level with the poster she looked down and her attention was caught.

"What's this?" she said and she bent down to pick up the poster.

On the poster in big bulging letters where the words "Demon Academy - Learn how to be a proper demon!" Flonne continued to read the poster, her cheeks flushing with excitment.

The poster showed that a new building had open on the outskirts of town, this building is now called the demon academy where they were offering to teach those who feel they are pathetic and low level to become full blown demons.

"Brilliant! This is so wonderful!" exclaimed Flonne smiling.

"Maybe if I go to this academy and learn to be a proper demon then maybe Laharl won't hate me so much.

And with that Flonne raced off to see the demon academy unaware that she was being followed.