AN: Hey thanks for the reviews:)

Lorelai had calmed down considerably, much to Luke's relief. Optimus had reassured her by telling her that Bumblebee had not sent him a message indicating he was in distress, and told her that he was fine. Luke knew Lorelai trusted Optimus deeply and it showed when she calmed down almost completely when he had explained the situation to her.

Luke was seated on the couch, along with Lorelai and Rory, who were talking to each other about some movie they had seen a few months ago. Luke smiled and rolled his eyes. The Gilmore girls definitely loved their movies, along with their disgusting junk food and coffee.

Luke truly didn't care what the girls were talking about, he was just happy that Rory was taking Lorelai's mind off of Bumblebee for the time being. She was really worried about him still. Luke could tell. But she controlled her fear around her daughter. She probably didn't want to start to worry Rory too, which was understandable. It was hard enough trying to calm down one hysterical Gilmore girl, but attempting to calm down two was nearly impossible.

Luke was brought out of his thoughts when Arcee suddenly stood from her position by Rory's side and made her way hastily toward Optimus. Rory and Lorelai's attention was also turned curiously to the small fuchsia bot.

Luke's stomach started to twist as Arcee was talking with Optimus and his face started to fill with worry. Optimus nodded to Arcee and said something to her. Luke attempted to read Optimus' lips, but he couldn't decipher what the robot was saying. It turns out reading robot lips was much harder then reading human.

Arcee nodded curtly to whatever Optimus had said to her and made her way back over to Lorelai and Rory and bent down on her knee in front of them. Luke decided to stand up and moved closer to where Lorelai and Rory were now also standing with a nervous looking Arcee.

As he made his way closer to them he looked up to Optimus who was explaining something to the small group of Autobots who were circled around him which included, Ratchet, Ironhide, the twins, and Sideswipe. When Optimus had finished his hasty explanation of things they all transformed and peeled out of the base before anyone had the chance to stop them. All of the other human were safe at the respectable homes so now the only ones in the warehouse were Luke, Lorelai, Rory, Arcee, Chromia, Elita, Jetfire, and Jazz. After the robots had dropped of their charges to their houses they returned back to the base, also worried for Bumblebee who had not yet returned. But they left their humans at home, not wanting to worry them.

Luke didn't understand why some of the Autobots left in such a hurry, and judging from the looks of everyone else they didn't either.

"Arcee what is going on?" Lorelai asked hesitantly. Luke stopped next to Lorelai looking up at Arcee expectantly hoping to get some answers. Arcee glanced at all three of the humans before sighing and answering. Luke noticed she was avoiding Lorelai's gaze as she spoke in a soft tone.

"I received a message from Bumblebee." She stated simply. Lorelai's eyes lit up for a second.

"And?" She asked in a happy tone. "Is he alright?" Arcee's blue optics looked into Lorelai's and Luke noticed the guilt and reluctance that were held inside of them.

"Lorelai. Bumblebee was ambushed by Starscream and his fellow seekers. In his message he said he didn't have a lot of time. He knew he couldn't contact Prime directly knowing Galvatron is most definitely listening in on Optimus' frequencies specifically. So he told me to relay to Optimus his location and he will fend them off until Prime arrives." Arcee explained solemnly. Lorelai's face paled considerably. Luke felt useless just standing there and wished there was something he could do.

"Don't worry Lorelai. Optimus and the others will get there before Starscream can do anything." Arcee reassured using a metallic finger to rub Lorelai's back in comfort. Luke gripped Lorelai's hand to add some extra comfort that she would most definitely need. Lorelai took a deep breath trying to calm herself down.

"Arcee why did Starscream ambush him. What's the point?" Lorelai asked the pink bot. Arcee looked to the ground again looking even more hesitant to answer this question.

"Arcee please! My mom needs to know why!" Rory demanded. Arcee looked down at Rory and at seeing her human in so much pain decided to answer Lorelai's question.

"He wants you." Arcee said in a low tone looking down at Lorelai. Luke remembered Starscream from the night Bumblebee had saved him and Lorelai from that scorpion thing. He would never forget Starscream. He was the most horrific thing Luke had ever seen. And just the thought that he wanted to get his hands on Lorelai made him shiver in fear.

"That is all Bumblebee got to relay to me." Arcee continued. "That and he asked me personally to look after you until his safe return and to make sure you stay here. At the base. Safe." Lorelai let out a deep shaky breath she had been holding in and let herself plop down on the floor while leaning against the arm of the sofa.

"Mom it's okay. Optimus and the others will get to him before anything bad happens to him. Just try to stay calm okay?" Rory tried to reassure her mother as she sat herself down next to her. Luke watched as Rory tried to console her distraught mother. She wasn't getting very far. He knew the only thing that would make her feel better was to have Bumblebee back here safe and sound. He was silently hoping that that would be what was going to happen, but at the same time he was truly hoping that this bond between them wasn't really as strong as everyone let on to be. He felt a small ray of hope inside that Lorelai was in no physical pain at the moment. If Bumblebee was ambushed it was more then likely he wouldn't be able to dodge every shot thrown his way and would be hit eventually. Whether or not that eventual time had just not come to pass yet, or it had and his prayers were answered and the bond wasn't that strong, he still hoped to God Bumblebee would make it back here alright for Lorelai's sake.

Bumblebee was under heavy fire. He had taken cover behind one of the support beams of the building on the inside. The truth was he was fearful to enter the fight. He knew that if he got hit by anything, Lorelai would feel the extent of it. Slag Ratchet for not researching this thing faster so he could learn how to control it!

He ducked as an explosion nearby send debris flying into him. This wasn't going to end well. Although he sent a message to Arcee and he knew the other Autobots were on there way, he was still outnumbered six to one. And he was no match for Starscream, that much he knew. Starscream could be as wicked as Galvatron when it came to battle. Which is why he used to be second in command and partner to Galvatron himself. Although Bumblebee doubted he was either of those from what Starscream had told him. Apparently Starscream had betrayed Galvatron and took the seekers who were loyal to him with him. Whether Galvatron yet knew about this was unknown. He could only hope Galvatron wouldn't show up here.

"Cmon out Autobot! You can't hide forever!" Starscream hissed. Bumblebee listened carefully to Starscream's voice to try and get a lock on his location. Once Bumblebee was locked in on him he leaned over in the direction exposing his upper half and quickly let off a few shots in the Decepticon's direction. He watched satisfied as he made contact with his target. Starscream was sent flying back onto the ground where he lay motionless for a few moments. That was just enough time to draw the other Decepticons attention to the damaged Starscream as the door to the building burst open.

Bumblebee felt immense relief when he saw who was standing there. Optimus, Sideswipe, Ratchet, Ironhide, and the twins. Bumblebee saw Simmons out of his peripheral vision. He was to far away to stop the Agent from making his escape out the window.

He stood and made his way over to the Autobots the same time Starscream had regained his bearings. Bumblebee watched with a sense of pride as Starscream's facial expression turned to anger and confusion.

"Where is the girl, Prime?!" Starscream growled in disgust. Bumblebee had to hold himself back from verbally mocking Starscream's stupidity. He didn't really expect them to bring Lorelai with to rescue him when he had deliberately told him he was after her. He wasn't the brightest robot.

"You're a fool Starscream to believe I would bring a human anywhere in your vicinity." Optimus retorted. True, Starscream was a fool. But something about this was to foolish. Starscream was an idiot, but not this much of an idiot.

"Optimus." Bumblebee whispered to his leader in a low voice. "Something isn't right. Starscream is a fool, but he isn't this much of a fool. I feel there is a catch. It was too easy." Bumblebee finished, voicing his concerns. Bumblebee felt something was amiss and that was confirmed when Starscream smirked darkly.

"You Autobots really think I am that much of a fool to believe you would bring the girl to me! To bad she is now without her big yellow Guardian and the infamous Optimus Prime to protect her!" Bumblebee felt his spark constrict in fear. He glanced around the room and noticed Simmons was no longer the only one missing. Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Sunstorm were all gone. Bumblebee looked over to Prime who had a worried look on his face which then contorted to anger. He fired his gun at Starscream once and it sent him flying into the nearby wall, then he turned to the Autobots.

"Autobots back to the base. Roll out!" He shouted. Bumblebee wasted no time and was already transformed and out the door before Optimus could finish.

Luke and Rory were both doing there best to comfort Lorelai but nothing was really helping. Luke sighed as Lorelai refused to say anything and just sat on the cold ground, knees pulled up securely to her chest as her head rested on top of them. He wished he could do something...anything really, that would make her pain disappear. Why had Optimus sent out Bumblebee in the first place? If he hadn't none of this would of happened.

Luke couldn't stand seeing Lorelai like that so he turned toward Arcee's direction. She was in the process of filling the other Autobots in on what was happening. They had been as confused he, Lorelai, and Rory were when Optimus and some of the bots took off without so much as a word. Luke's guess was that Optimus left some of the Autobots behind so Lorelai wasn't left unprotected. They obviously couldn't bring Lorelai with them. They would have been basically handing her over directly to Starscream.

Luke looked up surprised to see Arcee stop in the middle of her explanation to the others and quickly make her way over to where they were standing.

"Lorelai, Rory!" She said grabbing the girls' attention as she stopped in front of Luke. The urgency in her tone awoken Lorelai from her comatose-like state. Her and Rory both came over and stood next to Luke looking up at Arcee with questioning looks. Arcee bent down so she was eye level with them.

"We must get you out of here. Optimus has just contacted me saying that this whole thing was a trap within a trap. Starscream wanted to get Bumblebee and more specifically Optimus away from you, Lorelai. And now there are Decepticons on the way here." She explained quickly standing up and making a signal for them to follow. Luke felt his stomach lurch in fear. He only ever saw two Decepticons. The scorpion and Starscream. And they were both terrifying creatures. The thought that there were now more of those things on the way here made Luke shiver in fear. Starscream was enough of a fright when looked upon, he didn't need to see anymore. He grabbed a hold of Lorelai's upper arm and dragged her in the direction Arcee was walking.

Everyone made there way out of the warehouse to stand at the entrance. Luke couldn't help but feel nervous. How far away were those Decepticons from getting here.

Arcee turned around when they reached the outdoors and looked down to them.

"Alright. Here's the plan. We're going t--" Thats all the female bot could get out before a bright light illuminated the area and Arcee was sent backwards onto the ground, a grunt of pain escaping her on the way down.

"Arcee!" Rory cried and tried to run to her, but Lorelai grabbed a hold of her to make sure she stayed put. Luke along with everyone else turned to where the light had come from. Luke swallowed in fear. He almost thought it was Starscream. The piercing red eyes and not to mention the body was shaped the same way and the robot's facial features looked almost exactly like Starscream's. The only difference was this robot's armor had a orange golden tint to it. The gold robot's gun was smoking, indicating that he was indeed the one that shot Arcee, but she was back on her feet already anyway standing in front of them.

"Sunstorm!" Arcee hissed. The Decepticon responded to Arcee by firing another shot at her, but Arcee was prepared this time. Her arm transformed into a cannon not unlike Sunstorm's, and she fired a shot at his pending missile, deflecting it.

"Arcee heads up!" Chromia cried out looking up towards the sky. Luke looked up in the direction the blue robot was looking in and felt his heart beat faster when he saw a black jet soaring through the air. No doubt another Decepticon. "I think it's Thundercracker!" Chromia finished. Luke's suspicions were confirmed by that statement. Jazz stepped forward and fired a missile at the jet in the sky but Thundercracker dodged it easily and fired it's machine gun sending a rain of bullets down on them. Lorelai sheltered Rory's body from debris as Luke did the same for her. Luckily the bullets had missed their intended targets. Everything only got worse when suddenly another Decepticon appeared behind them out of nowhere and grabbed a hold of Elita who ran in front of them to put herself between them and the other robot, but when he grabbed her he threw her easily a good fifteen yards as she crashed into Chromia also sending her flying.

Luke made sure Lorelai and Rory stayed behind him but was shocked when he saw the Decepticon disappear. It looked as though it was sucked into some sort of invisible portal. Smoke was the only thing left of where the robot once stood. Luke was stunned. Did that robot just...teleport?

"It's Skywarp!" Jetfire cried.

"Jazz! Get the humans out of here!" Arcee screamed looking behind her to the silver lieutenant. He gave a single nod for them to follow him and Luke wasted no time before pulling Lorelai and Rory ahead of Jazz as he covered them from behind.

As they were running Luke had to come to a sudden stop when he felt a strong gust of air almost knock him off his feet and the teleporting Decepticon known as Skywarp appeared before them blocking their path. Lorelai and Rory let out a little startled cry as Luke held out an arm to stop their movement. Jazz leaped in front of them.

"Yo lil' dude!" Jazz said referring to Luke. "There's a regular ol' car in the garage part of the warehouse. Take it and get the girls outa here!" He ordered. Luke looked to the small building that was attached to the warehouse. It had a regular door and two normal sized garage doors. It was just a few feet ahead. As long as Jazz could hold of that other robot for a few seconds they had a chance at getting there. Luke grabbed a hold of Lorelai's hand and pulled her as he darted toward the warehouse garage. He knew Lorelai had Rory in a tight hold so at least he didn't have to worry about that. He did however have to worry about Skywarp as he made an attempt to run towards them. But Jazz was there in an instant leaping in front of them.

Jazz took another leap at the Decepticon but it did that fancy teleporting thing and Luke winced as it appeared directly over Jazz and slammed the tiny Autobot into the ground.

Luckily however that was all the distraction Luke needed as they made it to the entrance of the garage. He opened the door and shoved the girls in first and then stepped in himself. He didn't even bother to observe the room itself before he ushered the girls toward the silver Volvo that was sitting there. Lorelai helped Rory into the back seat before she sat herself down in the passengers seat the same time Luke sat himself in the driver's seat. He pushed a white button hanging from the car's rear-view mirror that opened up the garage door. He didn't even wait for it to open half way before revving the car's engine and peeling out of there as fast as the silver mini van could go.

As he drove out of the vicinity of the warehouse he was faintly aware of the Autobots holding off the three Decepticons that had attacked just long enough for them to get down the dirt road and out of sight.

Luke drove the few miles of the deserted road going at speeds up to eighty mph at least, so it only took them a minute to get onto the back roads just outside of Hartford. It struck Luke just then, that they had no place to go.

"Where the hell are we going?" Luke asked, voicing his indiscretion. He saw Lorelai throw him a helpless glance saying she had no clue either.

"I don't know, Luke. Just get as much space as you can between us and them." She told him. Luke accepted this and urged the vehicle to travel faster. Unfortunately it was a Volvo so they were currently going at the vehicle's top speed.

Luke didn't think things could get any worse, but obviously there had to be some higher power out there ready to prove him wrong. The moment he thought that, flashing red and blue lights shined through the back windshield of the Volvo and a whaling siren could suddenly be heard. Luke checked the rear-view mirror to be sure that they were being chased by what he had thought. And true to believe, there was the black and white police cruiser.

"Oh just great!" Luke sighed angrily. Lorelai turned her body around to get a look at the police vehicle.

"Luke." She started nervously. She had my full attention now when I heard the amount of fear in her voice. Rory turned around to see what had her mother so afraid and Luke heard her give a fearful gasp. "Luke whatever you do, do not stop this car!" Lorelai ordered. Luke wasn't sure of the reasoning behind it but after all that has happened it has been proven repeatably that Lorelai knew more about what was going on then he did so he did what she said without hesitation.

Unfortunately, Luke realized in that moment that this wasn't any ordinary police vehicle. It was a Mustang. And not a fake one. This thing would catch them in an instant. And again, true to Luke's thoughts, the police cruiser slammed into them. The car jerked forward ever so slightly and Luke could tell that the person in the car was just giving them a warning to pull over. But Luke knew that he shouldn't from what Lorelai had told him. A thought occurred to him in that moment. What if it wasn't a person driving the police car. What if it was a Decepticon? So far the only Decepticons he had seen transformed into an aircraft, minus the scorpion thing but Luke wasn't even sure if that thing could transform. But who was to say they couldn't transform into regular vehicles that stayed on the ground. With that in mind, Luke tried another vein attempt at picking up speed.

Luke's move had only landed them in more trouble. The Mustang slammed into them full force this time. This time around, the contact had much more dire consequences for them. The force of the contact between them was enough to cause Luke to loose control of the vehicle. The Volvo spun out of control on the road heading off to the side of it. As it was slowing down, Luke was aware they were headed right for a tree. The only thought going through his mind had been of Lorelai and Rory and praying to God that they would make it out of this unscathed. Luke saw the car's front end collide full force into the tree causing glass to spray over him and Lorelai. The last thing Luke was aware of was Lorelai and Rory's horror filled screams and his face coming in contact with the steering wheel, then all was dark.

AN: Let me know what ya think! I'll try to have the next chapter up soon.