Porcelain Memories.

Because she too, in order to be loved, would endure even the hottest of fires.


Although the Mind May Forget, the Body Always Remembers

Even as a child – when words such as affection and compassion had held no meaning – Chu Ga Eul had loved without fail. At the time, she had seen it thus; her heart had been separated in two. Half reserved for her family's steadfast love, and the other, in the loving possession of the boy next door, whose childish sentiments she cherished.

Ga Eul needn't only close her eyes to recall the moments of her childhood by his side. The lingering memories drawn out and cut in halves, like broken strings, constantly on replay. She could remember with formidable clarity the feeling of her cheek against the hallow curve of his neck. There was the delicate dip his fingers had created, pressed with a firm assurance against a valley of molded clay, the image itself pressed finely into her mind. She could remember every tear he had kissed away from her red eyes, and the sounds of tangled heartbeats and breaths.

She remembered how frantically she had searched, tearing her way through crowds of people, only to lose sight of his face the next second.

But looking back on her life, Ga Eul could only make two, simple, conclusions:

The first. That in those years as a little girl in love, her heart had been full, bursting at the seams.

And second. She had been wrong all along. Then, and even in the present – when he was too far away, and she too lonely – her heart had, and still did, only belong to him.

Yet in a moment on that day, she had looked up, only to find that love had gone.

A/N: A fresh new start with a prologue that has been sitting on my hard drive for ages now. This is technically my second fanfiction ever (the first, is likely too horrible to be considered one. I cringe at the even the thought of it), but I do enjoy reading them leisurely. Likely, this will not be updated as fast as I would like it to be. I'm often never quite pleased with my first attempts – whenever that might be finished, first attempts at a chapter, or even thought take the longest – so they undergo severe revision. I'll do my best to update with something decent at a relatively quick speed!

As for this prologue, I'm actually quite fond of it. So, in celebration, why don't you click on that nice green text at the bottom?

Disclaimer: Although I may be forced to laugh at anyone who thinks otherwise, no, I (unfortunately) do not own Boys Before Flowers, nor do I own any of its other various versions. I cannot even say that I own all hoes flinging themselves on our darling Yi Jeong ah in future chapters (in my defense, there were too many of them in the drama, and I'm too lazy to come up with an original ho).

This will serve as a disclaimer to all other chapters of this fanfiction since I'm but a lazy writer with an erratic imagination.

Peace yo,
