OK I have been busy with Exams but I am back for a quick update to start a new story.

For those of you that read "Love Story" give me a week or two and you shall have a update. I have a few Exams left and after that I am throwing myself into Fan-fiction.

Anyways this is my new story which is totally out of character for me so be nice when you review.

Disclaimer: I own Nothing (except an I love Edward top) XDXD

Also on my profile our the links to my story posters for this story. Let me know what you think.

For centuries a war raged on between Vampires and Werewolf's over who had the right to rule the land. The war did not end until the Vampires destroyed every single werewolf standing. With nothing to fight over anymore the earth was calm and pleasant but this did not last long…

Two vampire covens began to strike out against one another demanding a house should be put in charge to rule over all the other covens. These two houses were the Swan house and the Cullen house. Soon covens began taking sides with one another and army's were created once again. War started but this time it pinned Vampires against one another.

Coven against Coven.

Not long after the war started both wife's of the House's leaders became pregnant. One was to have a boy and the other to have a girl.

Edward Anthony Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan were brought into a world of war and hate. They grew up hating one another because they're parents told them too.

That was all going to change though.

The fate of the world rested on the shoulders of these two children.

Would they follow their destiny or fall onto the path of destruction like their parents?

Only time will tell and being a Vampire they had eternity.


I will update both stories soon

X Lisa X

Ps: Feel free to private message me if you have any questions with my stories