A/N: I'd like to apologize first off for this being so long overdue. My three weeks in Europe were fabulous, but once I got back everything was a little hectic and I was never in the mindset to sit down and write. Thanks to all your encouraging reviews (and Hernst's cuteness) I finally got around to updating. I hope you like this installment =]

Looking up from his Latin homework for the first time in what seemed like hours, Ernst glanced at the clock, shocked to find it was already past eleven. He wished he had more time to review what he had memorized, but he knew that not getting an adequate amount of sleep would make school much worse than the potential embarrassment of drawing a blank when called upon by Herr Sonnenstitch.

Ernst stood up from his desk and started to hastily undo the buttons on his shirt, then his trousers. Fully naked, he bent down to rummage through his drawers for his clean nightclothes. Being in the nude was always something he found very uncomfortable. Even when he took a bath, being completely bare gave him an unexplainable awkward feeling. He was never entirely sure why he felt this way, but he figured it had something to do with the church's teachings. As much as he loved the bible, every Sunday made him feel even more shameful than the week before.

Becoming increasingly anxious as his search for clean pajamas continued to be unsuccessful, Ernst resolved he would just have to sleep without clothes on. As he stood up, his reflection in the full-length mirror caught his eye. He looked away suddenly, scared and embarrassed to look at himself. His parents always told him that his body was something private, to only be seen by himself and the woman he would one day marry. Truth be told, Ernst never wanted to get married to a woman, and therefore he saw his body as a burden.

There was one person, however, whom Ernst wanted to be naked with. It was the same person whom he had kissed in the vineyard just two days ago – Hanschen Rilow. As wrong as he had been told these thoughts were, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to do with Hanschen all the things intended for a man and a woman to do together. All thanks to his talks with Melchior, Ernst knew that two men could be physically intimate together. He was frightened yet incredibly curious about what could have happened had he stayed longer in the vineyard instead of running back home for dinner.

Staring at himself in the mirror, Ernst gulped as he ran a hand down his stomach, watching the light from his oil lamp flicker against his milky skin. Further down, he felt the same stirring that happened every time he thought about the older blond. At that moment, observing his arousal in the mirror, he wanted Hanschen to be there touching him. He wanted to feel for himself all the incredible things Melchior had told him about.

Suddenly, Ernst's insecurity returned, and his peaceful smile turned into a scowl as he began to notice every flaw in front of him. His skin was too pale, unlike Hanschen's lightly golden tan. He felt like he was nothing but skin and bones, which was the complete opposite of Hanschen's muscular frame. His nose was too big, his eyes were a disgusting brown color, and he had the hair to match. It was decided; there was no need to learn to be comfortable enough in his body because nobody would ever want it anyway.

Out of nowhere, Ernst heard a soft knock on his window. He turned around to see what it was, only to be horrified when he discovered it was Hanschen, and that his curtains had been open the entire time. "H-how long have you been t-t-there?" Ernst stammered before he remembered the window was shut and Hanschen could probably barely hear him. He snatched up his sheet to cover himself before opening the window and repeating, "How long have you been there?!"

"Oh Ernst, there is no need to be embarrassed. I only just got here."

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you, so I came over. Are you going to invite me in? It's chilly out."

"Uh… yeah, okay…"

"Why are you trembling? There really is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone admires their body once in awhile."

"I wasn't admiring it…" Ernst said quietly as he sat on his bed, his head drooping down.

"Ernst, look at me." Hanschen whispered as he placed his hand on the younger boy's chin, lifting his head so their eyes met, "You have a nice body."

"You're lying…" Ernst responded, his embarrassment made even worse as he looked at Hanschen's perfect face that he knew he could never compare to.

Before he could object, Hanschen placed his lips softly against Ernst's pouting ones. Ernst quit sulking and kissed him back, as his mind flooded with memories from the vineyard. Without exchanging any more words, Hanschen gently guided Ernst down onto the bed, the sheet still covering his body. The blonde's lips left the other boy's mouth and made their way to his neck. Hanschen left a trail of kisses as he moved onto his collarbone, and then his chest. Ernst had momentarily forgotten all of his fears until he felt Hanschen start to lower the sheet and kiss his stomach. "Wait, stop! I can't do this…"

"Ernst," Hanschen let out a frustrated sigh and then continued to speak, "You told me yesterday that you loved me so I assume you're attracted to me—"

"I am! Hanschen I do love you, it's just that… I'm no match for you. You're… you're perfect. You're handsome, and strong… and smart. I'm none of those things."

Hanschen couldn't help but chuckle at Ernst's naivety, which caused Ernst to pout once again. "See! You always laugh at me. I know I'm a joke—"

Before he let Ernst finish speaking, Hanschen kissed the boy again, except this time instead of gentle, his kiss was much more passionate and he pinned Ernst back down in the process. "As confident as I may seem, I am not attracted to myself. Why would I want someone just like me, anyway? Besides, I think I make it quite clear I'm very attracted to you just the way you are."

Finally understanding, Ernst pulled him closer and kissed him deeply. "Stay with me for awhile. Please?"

Hanschen could see the longing in Ernst's wide eyes, which only served to make him want the young boy even more. "I could most certainly do that. Would it be okay if I got more comfortable?" he asked, gesturing toward his clothes. Ernst coyly bit his lip and nodded, which was all the permission Hanschen needed.

Hours later, Hanschen was sitting on the edge of Ernst's bed, tucking in his shirt and buttoning his trousers. He leaned over to give Ernst one last goodbye kiss before standing up to slip on his shoes. "I'll see you in a few hours," Hanschen whispered.

"Ugh, school." Ernst grumbled. He had almost entirely forgotten about school, but in the end he was pleased with his decision to miss out on sleep.

"Well I don't think school will be too bad. Even though I'll be tired, at least I get to look at you." Hanschen was a bit surprised at himself for saying something almost… romantic, but he couldn't help but think sentimental thoughts when he looked at Ernst.

"Likewise." Ernst mumbled half asleep. Despite the fact he could hardly keep his eyes open, he caught a glimpse of Hanschen crawling out his window. Ernst couldn't help but smile as he heard the window shut, because for the first time in his life, he truly felt beautiful.