"All right Marik," Bakura said to his partner in crime. "Do we have everything?"

Marik nodded and looked at the items at his feet.






Marik grinned and glanced at the small child standing next to him. "Double check."

Bakura smiled evilly. "Let's get to work then."

One hour later…

"Yami! Yami help me!"

"Oh my god, Mokuba, what happened?"

Mokuba dropped to his knees. "They were everywhere. Everything's gone. I couldn't stop them."

"What was everywhere?"

Mokuba shuddered. "The zombies." With that, the child collapsed.

Yami looked toward the building where he knew two certain someones were hiding. Raising his voice he called, "Someone is so getting a mind crush for this!"

Marik and Bakura heard him and looked at each other. "Oh shit."