In the Life

Pairing: Edward/Jacob

Warning(s): Male/Male relationship, slight Bella bashing, cursing, hints of Mpreg

1 Sins

It was wrong, in every sense of the word. A vampire and a werewolf. If there was a God, would he still love his children?

2 Music

It was relaxing after a tiresome patrol to watch Edward's fingers dance gracefully across the keyboard of his piano.

3 Chocolate

Jacob's eyes, depending on what emotion flashed through them, always reminded Edward of the deepest, richest chocolate.

4 Gardening

"Jacob," Edward admonished lightly, amusement clear in his voice, "I'd leave before Esme decides to kill you for trying to help with her yard."

5 Massage

His inner vampire growled as Alice skillfully pressed her dainty hands into the russet skin belonging to his werewolf, all the while sending him a devious smirk.

6 Technical Support

"Screw it Edward, I don't care how old you are, we are calling someone to come fix this god damn computer!"

7 Traffic Jam

Why, Jacob wondered idly as he drummed his fingers against his steering wheel in annoyance, did Edward have to choose to work at the hospital farthest away from their house?

8 Computer

"Emmett…" Jacob trailed off in horror, staring at the bear-like vampire with wide eyes, "Why the hell are there naked pictures of me on Edward's computer?!"

9 Halloween

As Jacob watched the little boys and girls running around La Push begging for candy he found it highly ironic that while the rest of the pack decided to dress up as their favorite movie characters, he had attached a pair of fangs to his teeth and called it a day.

10 Zombies

"Holy-!! Look out behind you! Do you want to get eaten you stupid girl?!" Jacob yelled at the large plasma screen TV while Edward merely raised an eyebrow in amusement.

11 Vampires

When Bella first came to him and tricked him into telling her about the Cold Ones, Jacob had thought them nothing but silly myths. It wasn't so silly when he first laid eyes on the bronze haired god and his world suddenly spun on its axis.

12 Invisible

All of his vampire life, Edward knew something had been missing. When Alice suddenly had a vision eighty years after he was turned in which he just suddenly disappeared, he knew that everything would be fine.

13 Purple

"Once word Edward," Jacob hissed angrily, "One word." Edward merely shook with silent laughter while Alice shook her head with a despairing sigh.

"Purple is definitely not your color Jacob Black."

14 Piercings

Edward knew that the moment Jacob so much as looked at a piercing, someone would have to hold the vampire down from attacking anyone who dared tried to create a hole in that beautiful body.

15 Hot Weather

As he fanned himself vigorously, Jacob morosely wished that Edward would hurry back from his hunting trip so as to cool himself down.

16 Cold Weather

Winter had never exactly been his favorite season of the year. But I suppose, Edward mused as Jacob sleepily curled further into his side, I could learn to like it.

17 Outer Space

It often struck Jacob as odd how in a world of werewolves and vampires, Edward still did not believe that there could be life on other planets.

18 Stillness

As he stood in the aftermath of the war against the newborns he felt a sense of dread when the utter quiet hit him and he searched frantically for the heartbeat he had long since memorized. It never came.

19 Confusion

Edward loved the way Jacob's nose would scrunch cutely as he tried to work out a riddle.

20 Idiosyncrasies

For all of Edward's strange little quirks, Jacob found the sparkling the strangest.

21 Inferior

Whenever he saw the perfection that was Edward, Jacob couldn't help but feel a little small.

22 Epiphany

Emmett suddenly sprang up. "Hey if Jacob's the one having pups…" he trailed off with a goofy grin, "That means he's Edward's bitch!"

23 Lime Green

Logically she knew it wasn't his fault, but every fiber of Bella's being seethed with envy when Edward showered that good for nothing mutt with kisses –kisses that belonged to her.

24 Bright Obnoxious Colors

Those stupid colors were hideously blinding to everyone to see! It was like Jacob wanted Edward to rip them off and have his way with him!

25 Breast Cancer

He stood over her grave with a bouquet of flowers, Edward's icy marble hand rested comfortably on the small of his back.