AN: Dedicated to blackhope88 who has been pleasantly persistent about updating it. Sorry it's taken so long, but this isn't a normal story for me... It was never really meant to go past a one shot so... yeah :)

Warnings: Not beta'd. Mistakes are my own.

Enjoy :)

Aaron Hotchner rounded the familiar corners of the hospital as he made his way to Reid's room. Over the past few days he had practically memorized all the important rooms of the hospital – Reid's room, the restroom, the coffee room, etc. – but it certainly did nothing to make him feel at ease. It was the fact that it was a hospital in general, of course, but what made it worse was that there had been a time, in this very hospital, when he had been sure his youngest agent was going to die of anthrax.

It hadn't happened, amazingly, but they had come so close to losing him Aaron could hardly bare to think about it. The case itself had been one of their worst nightmares come to life and they had always known it could happen, but when it did, Aaron realized that there is no way to fully prepare agents for such a situation. One of their own falling ill was an even more unfortunate element, particularly because they had to, in essence, ignore their dying colleague until the case was solved.

Luckily, the case was solved soon after Reid got sick but by that time, Reid was too ill to even recognize them. That was a week ago, though, and since then, Reid had made considerable improvements in his overall health. At least one of the team members had been with him basically at all times, Aaron had made certain of that, and they were thankfully able to slowly watch him get better. Actually, the last Hotch heard, Reid was showing very few signs of aphasia which put them all at ease. Reid not being able to string together simple statements was perhaps the most devastating condition they had ever seen him in.

Now that he was getting better, he had begun to practically beg to be discharged from the hospital. It wasn't that Aaron didn't agree with Dr. Kimura for keeping Reid in the hospital because the kid was still unbelievably sick, but as the days passed, Hotch couldn't help but feel that as long as he was well taken care of, Reid would be better off staying with someone.

And that was exactly what Hotch had just convinced Kimura of.

Finally reaching the rather open room that had been Reid's home for the past week, Aaron was greeted by the most pleasant sight he had seen in days. Reid was propped up against his pillows, practically sitting upright, with his glasses on and a book in his hands. Had it not been for nasal tube lightly sending air into his lungs and the visible weakness of the young man, he almost looked normal.

"Good morning, Reid," Aaron greeted as he walked up to Reid's bed.

Reid jumped slightly at the sound of his voice, which made Aaron smile. The smile faded, however, when Aaron got a good look at Reid's weary eyes. They were still somewhat swollen and his cheeks were flushed but the smile that grew on his face made him look a little better.

"Hotch," Reid replied simply. "How are you?"

Hotch had to smile once again. That was supposed to be what he asked Reid.

"I'm alright," Hotch replied none the less. "How about you?"

Reid shrugged a little. "Felt worse."

"Every bit counts, I suppose," Aaron continued then watched as Reid shifted uncomfortably in his bed. Aaron sympathized; those hospital beds were anything but comfortable especially after spending nearly seven straight days in them.

"So, are you ready to get out?" Aaron asked carefully, observing Reid's reaction. As expected, his face lit up for a moment before he returned to looking tired and sick.

"Very much so," he replied. "But my fever is pretty much sticking rod," he stopped for a moment and then corrected himself, "around and they keep changing my meddles," he stopped again and Hotch could see the frustration in his eyes but he did not react to Reid's difficulty speaking. "Medicine. What I'm trying to say is I doubt they'll let me leave."

"Yes," interjected Dr. Kimura who had just quietly slipped into the room. "I would prefer you to stay here for a few more days or at least until your fever broke and your O2 levels were better, but," she said, turning to look at Hotch, "Agent Hotchner here was rather persuasive in his argument to let you leave."

Reid's face lit up at this and he quickly turned to look at Aaron who was suddenly reminded of Jack on Christmas mornings. The thought made it hard for him to hold back a smile.

"Not so fast," Kimura said with a small, but warning-filled grin. "As eager as you are to leave my staff and me, there are a few rules you both need to know. And should anyone else be caring for him, they too will need to be informed."

Aaron noticed Reid's frown after this statement, but he ignored it for the moment and replied, "Of course."

"Right," Kimura continued, glancing down at a chart in her hand. "Someone needs to stay with him throughout the day. As I said, Dr. Reid, your body is still extremely weak from fighting off such a devastating pathogen so it would be nearly impossible for you to efficiently take care of yourself for the next few days."

Hotch listened carefully and nodded, still ignoring the look of confusion on Reid's face.

"Also, I'm sending several medications with you, Agent Hotchner, that will need to be administered daily. They are to help defend against any additional infections as your body is at its weakest point and will find it difficult to fight off some of the simplest pathogens."

"Apart from that," she continued, taking a deep breath, "you'll need to get the standard things: lots of liquids, lots of sleep."

Aaron nodded and looked at Reid who seemed discontent about something.

"I have to be watched all of the time?" he asked, still frowning.

"Yes, Dr. Reid," Kimura answered kindly. "As I said, you wouldn't be able to adequately care for yourself. So, either you stay in the hospital or you can go under the care of your colleagues and friends."

The answer did not satisfy him and he instead turned to look at Hotch.

"I don't want you hill," he stopped and coughed. "guys," he corrected once he was done coughing, "to have to watch me twenty-four, seven."

"This is non-negotiable," Aaron said sternly, "It is your choice, however. We wouldn't mind if you would prefer to stay here. "

Aaron watched as Reid's weary mind considered this.

"Reid, I've already spoken to everyone and they are, believe it or not, more than eager to help you out," he said, trying to make the decision easier. "So you can either accept these conditions or you can remain here in the hospital."

Reid remained in deep thought, glancing at Aaron and Dr. Kimura a few times before sighing.

"You are certain they don't mil-mind?" he asked finally.

"Of course not, Reid," Aaron answered. "In fact, they would prefer to visit you in a home anyway. Believe it or not, they don't like hospitals as much as you seem to."

Reid smiled tiredly but it was something.

"Is it settled then?" Dr. Kimura asked. "Shall I begin preparations for your departure?"

Aaron watched as Reid seemed to go over any last minute objections but was pleased to see him nod in agreement. Reid would finally be leaving the hospital.

Reid hated hospitals. He really did and everyone knew that so when Hotch had presented the possibility of leaving, Reid had been more than enthusiastic. However, the thought of people having to babysit him was not appealing. It was not because he thought he could take care of himself because given his current state, he knew he would need the help for a little longer. It was simply because he didn't want to put his team through that.

They were profilers, not babysitters and nurses.

Reid sighed as he allowed a nurse to help him slip on one of his loose shirts that Hotch had brought for him. It did feel nice to get out of the hospital gown.

"There you go, Dr. Reid," the nurse said with a pleasant smile. "All done. You should be ready to leave very soon."

Reid nodded and thanked her before collapsing back down into his pillows. He hated how terrible he felt. It had been days and while he certainly didn't feel as bad anymore, he still felt so sick. Reid was not accustom to illness so whenever he did get sick, it was usually pretty bad. But this was unlike anything he could remember. Of course, that would make sense seeing as how it was caused by anthrax.

Still, he was improving and that's what mattered. Reid relaxed for the time being, knowing someone would be coming into his room again soon to further prepare him to leave. After a few minutes, he heard a knock coming from the opening to the room.

He rolled on to his side as he pushed himself back into a sitting position and was greeted by the smiling face of Dr. Kimura.

"It's nice to see you in regular clothing again," she said as she walked closer to him.

"Feels nice, too," he said truthfully.

Kimura nodded knowingly, "Yes, we are not famous for our clothing line of hospital gowns and scrubs but we hopefully make up for it in our customer service."

Reid chuckled a bit at this and nodded. "My being ally-alive is proof enough to me."

"Well, I hold your current state as a combined effort," Kimura replied. "We couldn't have saved you or the other patients without your help."

Reid shrugged and looked away. He had been doing his job and his suggestion on the type of place the vaccine would be hidden in was pretty straight-forward for any profiler.

"I mean that, Dr. Reid," Dr. Kimura continued. "And I'm glad you are well enough to leave but please keep in mind you're still very sick and any complication that may arise, any new symptom, and you are to come back to be checked out, understood."

Reid wanted to frown but held back. He felt very much like a child at this point even though he knew Dr. Kimura was only trying to maintain his improving health.

"I understand," he replied.

Kimura smiled and then nodded, "Right, well I guess this is goodbye for now but you are to come back in a week regardless of your condition."

Reid nodded and then looked past her to see a nurse pushing a wheelchair into the room with Hotch following behind her. Reid sighed. He hated wheelchairs but knew there was absolutely no point in protesting. Instead, he forced a smile and held back a cough that wanted to come out.

"Your chariot awaits, Dr. Reid," the nurse said pleasantly as she pushed it to his bed.

Reid smiled in return and then stood up, trying to hide the fact that he felt very woozy. Slowly he lowered himself into the chair.

"Alright Agent Hotchner," Dr. Kimura said once Reid was settled into his chair, "I guess that is it for now. As I told Dr. Reid, should any new symptoms come up, he should be brought back in right away. Other than that, take good care of him and hopefully I'll see you in a week."

Reid smiled and waved goodbye to Dr. Kimura and the nurse and sighed in relief and exhaustion as Hotch slowly began to push him towards the exit of the hospital.

The conditions of his departure, though not ideal, were certainly better than staying and for that reason, Reid was rather content.

EN: There you are :) I will update this, I just don't know when. So, if you hate waiting, you may want to wait until it offically is done before reading. Your call :) Thanks for reading everyone :)