"I can't wait to surprise Sandy with some Kar-ra-tay. She'll never see it coming." SpongeBob was talking to himself and looking at his karate gloves and helmet in the mirror. He had been planning his attack all afternoon. His plan was to sneak over to Sandy's tree dome and tunnel in through the sand. Once inside he would crawl under the picnic table and wait till her back was turned. Then he would jump on top of her, smash her into the ground, and leap away before she knew what was happening. After that, he didn't know what would happen but he did know that he would probably be beaten. He didn't care. He loved playing with Sandy. After all she was his best friend. He walked out the front door and down to Sandy's house. He scoped out the dome. She wasn't anywhere in sight so he put on his helmet and started digging. Once he had gotten inside he ran as fast as he could over to the picnic table. He easily slid under it and waited for Sandy. She soon came running out of the tree house and towards the door. SpongeBob leaped high in the air and flew towards her. He landed right on top of her causing her to fall over.

"SpongeBob I don't have time for your nonsense! The tree dome's malfunctioning!" She stood up and started towards the door again. SpongeBob just laid there looking rejected. This must be serious, he thought. Sandy would never call karate nonsense. He stood up and watched as Sandy reached the door and tried to pry it open. It wasn't working. SpongeBob started to get worried. That was when the tree dome suddenly closed up with those big metal sheets. It was completely dark for a second before the emergency lights flickered on. Sandy ran into the tree house again. SpongeBob followed her in.

"Sandy what's going on here?"

"My house is messing up. For some reason it thinks its winter in the middle of June." Outside, snow began to fall. The moisture in the air allowed SpongeBob to take of his water helmet.

"Does that mean we're stuck in here?"

"Well… maybe, just until my bosses fix the timing."

"How long will that take?"

"It depends. It might be a day or it might take several weeks. Sorry you're trapped in here with me. I hope they realize the problem soon and get us out of here." The lighting outside began to change.

"It's getting dark outside. Is that a bad thing."

"No, it just means it's turning to night mode." SpongeBob stared at her blankly. Sandy sighed. "The lights in here will change just like they will outside in the real world."

"Oh… I get it."

"Well I don't know about you but I've had a long rough day and I'm getting tired. I'm going to bed. You can sleep on the couch if you want to. Good night." Sandy walked away to her bedroom with her tail dragging on the floor.

"Good night Sandy!" SpongeBob called out. He went over to the couch and lay down, starting to prepare himself for the long wait ahead of him. He felt trapped.