"You did this to me!" Sandy screamed at the top of her lungs. Poor SpongeBob didn't know what to do so he just stayed in the corner and out of the way. The nurses and doctors rushing past didn't even seem to notice the screaming.

"Sandy, it's alright. This will all be over soon."

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one having a baby!" SpongeBob started backing out of the room and the nurse finally seemed to take notice.

"You husband is right Mrs. Cheeks. This will all be over in a little while." This didn't make Sandy feel any better and since she was still giving SpongeBob a deadly glare, he decided to go wait outside. He had never seen Sandy in so much pain and wasn't used to it. Normally she was as strong as an ox and nothing got to her. Having children must be a lot more painful than he imagined.

About half an hour later, Sandy was sitting calmly in the hospital bed, holding a little bundle in her arms. As soon as SpongeBob walked back into the room, her face fell in sorrow.

"I'm so sorry for the way I acted SpongeBob."

"Don't worry about it Sandy. It's all over now and no one was killed so I think you did pretty good." He replied with a little sarcasm in the last part. Sandy smiled at him. A stifled cry brought both of their attentions to the baby. "So what should we name our son?"

"Well, I was thinking about Sammie. What do you think?"

"I think that sounds perfect." He smiled down at his new son. He had SpongeBob's blue eyes and his square body although he was a dark, almost brownish shade of yellow and his buck teeth were close together like Sandy's. He had a small tail and little brown ears. He also had a tuft of hair right in the middle of his head. The nose looked more like a squirrel's but was bigger than normal. Sammie hiccupped making both parents giggle. When SpongeBob looked up into Sandy's eyes, he knew that being trapped in the tree dome with her was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Author's note: I thought this story was finished but several people asked about an epilogue so I decided to make one and keep everyone happy. Hope you like it. I actually thought about ending this story on chapter 5 but didn't have the guts. Lol. A big thank you to all my fans and I hope everyone likes my future stories too!