Sleepover Blues


Author s Note: This idea was not originally mine I took the sleepover idea from Truth or Dare Turned Naughty please read it as well because this promises to be different. Now onto the story PS: sorry about the shortness and likely OOCness

"What do you mean the mission was assigned to us?" Gray asked Lucy as she held out the job request.

"I mean the Master was sepficially told that me, you, Natsu, Happy, and Erza are to take this job." Lucy frowned. "I'm not even sure what the mission is or how much it pays, but they are paying extra if it's us."

"I don t get it." Natsu frowned snatching the job request from Lucy.

"Is there fish?" Happy asked looking over the paper as well.

It says a sleepover Gray frowned. I don t like sleeping near Natsu He hazarded a glance at the fire mage who was frowning at the paper in confusion.

"Yes a sleepover with the Governer's daughter. She has just started learning magic and wishes to meet all of you." The Master said appearing behind Natsu on the bar. "I myself am not sure why you five were requested but I believe it is a sign of the end of the world." The Master laughed. "Afterall it requires a truth or dare about love."

Gray's face paled even more so than his usually pale skin allowed. Wait then they may find out

"Natsu smiled happily. That s good then we ll find out that Lucy is madly in love with me!" He grinned at Lucy playfully not seeing the glare she was getting from Gray.

"Anyway you all must do this or the Guild s doors will have to close due to unpaid bills. The governer has promised to over look them if you all do this. Espically Natsu and Gray, you girls are there to keep the peace since the girl seems to have a crush on them.?

'I ve no choice.' Gray sighed mentally and looked at the Master nodding.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IN LOVE WITH YOU?" Lucy stormed at Natsu about to open the gate to Taurus.

I was only playing! Natsu jumped behind Gray for cover grabbing his shoulders.

"GET OFF ME!" Gray yelled surprising both of them as he ran off.

"What s with Gray?" Natsu asked looking at his hands like they were the culprit.

Erza watched Gray run off with a knowing look.'I think it s about time these two got it together.' Then she looked at Lucy smiling and took her hand pulling her aside. "I think Gray s in love."

"REALLY?" Lucy asked her eyes widening. "With who?"

Erza whispered into Lucy s ear and her already wide eyes grew to the size of small plates, a little more whispering and they were as big as dinner plates.

"Are you sure?" Lucy asked turning to look at the sword mage who nodded in affirmation.

It wasn t long before the day of the sleepover arrived .


What s up with this request? Why is Gray acting funny? And what does Erza have to do with the request and what does she have up her sleeve?