The letter:

"To: Very Special Agent Gibbs

From: Soon to be unemployed Agent.

I guess I just want to start by saying thank you. Thank you for all you have taught me and thank you for...everything. I remember when we met back in Baltimore and I knocked you over to protect you from that bullet. It landed me in the hospital and you were furious, but it was worth it. I was wearing a vest, you weren't, and I did what I had to do. I always do.

I do as I'm told. I accept your orders and I would follow you into hell and back again to make you happy. I've sacrificed a lot of really good things to be on your team. I used to be real lazy, you see, but I've given up on that. You gave me hope. Hope that what I'm doing makes a difference in the world. Hope that not all bad guys will walk away with a smile on their lips. Hope, that some day, I'll be as good as you are.

I want to make you proud, I really do, and sometimes I think I see it in your eyes, and hear it in your voice. Some times I think you care about me as a person, and not only as a coworker. I really need that praise you give to me when I need it the most. You have an uncanny ability to know what I need before I know it myself. You've rescued my sanity more times than I care to share.

And that's what's bugging me right now. I was lost the first time we met. The way you looked, smelled, the way you barked orders. I fell in love. I know this will cost me my job, not only am I gay, but I'm in love with my Boss. But I can't live a lie anymore, I can't deny my feelings and I can't stand to watch you every day without you knowing how I feel.

I guess, that when you read this letter, you'll have me fired. That's okay, as long as you *know* how I feel about you.

I love you, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, always have, always will.

Anthony Michael DiNozzo, soon to be unemployed Senior Field Agent."