
"Chad…" Chad didn't know what was going on. All he could hear was his name being called by his love. "Chaaad…" she repeated. Sonny's voice was so soft, so pure in his ears. He smiled as she called for his name gently. "Chad Dylan Cooper, you better wake up!" she giggled in a threatening way.

Chad's eyes snapped open. He looked around, seeing that the plane landed down to their destination. He yawned before rubbing his eyes sleepily. "We're here?" He asked sleepily.

"Yep! Come on! Everyone is waiting for us!" Sonny squealed excitedly. She hopped over Chad's lap and stepped onto the aisle. She reached up for the compartment where some of their luggage was located and tried to take them out herself. "If I can just pull the darn thing, we can get out," she grunted impatiently while she continued her futile attempts.

"I got it, I got it." Chad yawned, obviously still half asleep. He pulled the suitcases down with ease then stretched since his back was aching terribly due to the uncomfortable airplane chairs. "Ugh, this is the last time I'm letting you fly me in business class. I don't care how urgent it is; we are never going to fly in this hideous part of the plane. Chad Dylan Cooper flies first class, Sonny," he warned playfully with that sly grin on his lips.

"Chad, stop being a drama snob." Sonny laughed.

"You like it. You find it hot. Don't deny it." Chad smirked in return.

"Ha, I can't wait until we step off of this plane. Maybe you're head will stop growing." Sonny laughed, ruffling Chad's hair.

Chad rolled his eyes, still having to adjust to having someone touch his hair. Sonny has been doing it since they were five anyways; he should be used to it by now. "Come on, I know my hair is just flawless, but I'm pretty sure you want to see everybody," he smiled, intertwining his fingers with Sonny's before leading her out.

"Ha-ha." Sonny laughed sarcastically. "You're hair isn't all that—"

"Oh my God, what is that smell?" Chad almost shrieked as they neared the exit, completely cutting Sonny off.

"That, my dear Chad, is the fresh smell of Wisconsin." Sonny grinned as she inhaled her native hometown. "Don't you miss it?"

"I would say yes, but this smell is just unbearable!" Chad coughed.

"Hey, at least it's better than the smog you breathe in LA." Sonny snapped. "Now let's get a movin' before everyone decides to ditch us just because you had another drama snob fit," she said, dragging Chad throughout the whole airport despite his pathetic whines about the smell.

After they have officially exited the airport, Sonny met up with her parents. "Daddy!" She ran over to her father whom she has not seen in months. Her father engulfed her in a large bear hug before kissing the top of her head. "And Mom!" she smiled, giving her mother a hug as well. Of course, she had seen Connie just last week. Her mother was just able to book a flight to Wisconsin earlier than Sonny and Chad could.

"How is my girl?" Markus Monroe asked. "Did you take real good care of her, Chad?" he asked.

"Psh, of course." Chad scoffed, as if the question was absolutely unnecessary. He slung his arm around Sonny's shoulders. "This girl could just not leave my side. I had no choice but to take care of her," he teased.

Sonny rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. "It's kinda more like that other way around from where I see it." she replied.

"Ah, come here, Chad. I haven't seen you in years," Markus chuckled, hugging Chad as well.

Chad returned the hug with a small smile, feeling at home at last. "How was Wisconsin without me? They must have had gone through some sort of depression. They lost all of its Chadness." He said once the two pulled away from the hug. Chad looked around, knowing that the same old town he left did not change—but the 'Chadness' was still missing.

"Ugh, you just can't stop thinking about yourself, can't you?" Sonny sighed. "C'mon, hotshot, we gotta head home."

"Yeah, I need hair product badly." Chad said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Boy, who are you? You are certainly not Chad Cooper." Markus laughed.

"This one? Pfft, yeah, Hollywood offered him a bigger size for his head." Sonny smirked as she pointed at her boyfriend.

"Sooo funny. No wonder you're in a comedy sketch show." Chad responded sardonically.

Sonny giggled and grabbed Chad's hand, kissing him lightly on the nose. "You betcha," she winked before pulling him into the car.

And Chad couldn't help but smile that rare boyish grin of his.

As expected, the two faced a large party held at Sonny's house. To his own surprise, Chad was all smiles as he reconnected with his old friends and all the other people he used to know. To think he was dreading the visit—he ended up loving it completely. (Not that he'll admit it to Sonny though. But from what that girl saw in him today, Chad had a feeling that she already knew.) From laughter to hugs, Chad was a pleased man. And yet, he felt like he had to accomplish one more thing.

By the time the nighttime sky fell, Chad stepped outside of the house, wanting to take a breather. He leaned against the porch as he stared at the house next door, his old house. It was still painted a soft white and the matching gate that surrounded it was still there. He could see children's toys laying out in the front yard, ones that reminded him every time Sonny would come over to his house to play. Chad smiled warmly, feeling nothing but satisfaction.

"What are you doing out here?" Sonny asked as she came outside. "You better get back inside. You might catch a cold. I don't think you're used to Wisconsin's freezing weather," she laughed lightly.

"Then come over here and keep me warm," Chad said, throwing his arms around Sonny and pulling her closer to him.

"Chad!" she squealed. "Ah, you're such a sap." she joked harmlessly as she poked his head. "And a pretty boy," she whispered into his ear.

Chad immediately pulled away, looking at Sonny with wide eyes. "You didn't just call me what I think you did," he gasped.

"Yep, you heard me. Pretty. Boy." Sonny taunted.

It felt like centuries since Chad has heard Sonny call him that. Before, he would always take that as an insult. Chad was most certainly not a pretty boy by any means. It was an offensive term that he hated entirely—from his perspective anyways. And now, hearing Sonny call him that godforsaken name…well Chad didn't know how it happened, but he was kind of glad to hear those two words coming from her.

"Why are you smiling? Isn't this usually the moment when you chase me around until I take it back?" Sonny asked.

"No, I actually had another thing in mind." Chad said. "Come on." He offered his hand to her before leading her across the street.

Chad and Sonny stopped once they reached the park they used to always go to. It was the park that they literally stopped by everyday. From just hanging out as friends or secretly kissing underneath the slides as teens, it was known as their special spot. Yet it wasn't just a simple park with a slide, a swing set, a sandbox, and monkey bars; it was actually the very spot where Sonny and Chad met for the first time.

Oh, Chad could clearly remember that significant event in his life. Seeing Sonny on that swing set, her hair flowing beautifully as she majestically rocked back and forth in the air; oh, Chad was mesmerized. Even at age five, he had every intention on making this girl—a girl he doesn't even know—his girl. Seeing her for the first time that day, Chad couldn't recall another time when he smiled the most like he did on that day.

"Remember this place?" Chad asked quietly as they made their way through the small park.

"How could I not? Isn't this the exact slide where you gave me my first kiss?" Sonny giggled as she took Chad's arms and pulled him close to the orange playground contraption.

"Ha, that was one of the best days of my life." He smirked.

"Same." Sonny agreed softly, a gentle smile played on her lips.

"But, this is also the place where I first saw you." Chad added. He took Sonny's hand again and dragged her towards the swing set. He placed her on the seat before grabbing the chains behind her. "Right here." he whispered in her ear.

Sonny stared up at Chad for a quick moment before looking straightforward again. She could remember that glorious day as well. Seeing that strange blonde little boy staring at her like he had nothing else to do must have been quite odd for a five year old girl, but now as she thinks of it, she knew she would have regretted everything if she never asked him to swing along right next to her. "I remember." she managed to spit out.

"You offered me to fly along with you." Chad continued as he began to push Sonny gently on the swings. "I thanked God that day since you actually acknowledged me." he chuckled.

"Mhmm. But instead of that, you asked to…to push me instead." Sonny added on in the same soft voice Chad was using.

"Yeah…" Chad whispered. He stared down as his cheeks began to redden. "I know this sounds really cheesy, especially coming from me, but…even if we were in kindergarten and I was probably exaggerating…that was the day I fell in love with you."

Sonny immediately turned her head so she was looking straight at Chad. She stared at him as if she was asking him to repeat what he just said. "I know I said it the first time when we were in ninth grade, but I actually felt it a long time before that…I dunno…just seeing you looking so beautiful on this swing set…well you kinda blew my five-year-old breath away. I…I just wanted, needed, to love you…ya now?" Chad said, blushing even harder.

Sonny stuck her feet in between the sand so that the swing stopped. She took Chad's hand in hers and smiled up at him. "Ha, I'll admit that I thought you were pretty cute. Even if you were staring at me like some stalker that day." she smiled.

"Wow, Monroe. I admit that I have been in love with you for more than a decade and you just say that you thought I was cute? Even if I am and all but—" Chad began.

"And I love you too." Sonny laughed, clasping her hand on Chad's mouth. "I really love you." she whispered, releasing her hold on him.

Chad smiled and placed his lips gently on Sonny's lips, their eyes both closed, their word both perfect.

Long months have these two endured the limelight, the rumors, and those dang paparazzi just because of their relationship. And that period of time has not even ended till this day. It was a media franchise, one that has captured the attention of every teenager's interest and every gossiper known to the world.

Along with that, Chad's once 'bad boy' reputation declined. Sure, he was still a little too much in love with himself to this very day, but his love for Sonny outbalanced it. There were no more harsh comments about him; no more people glaring at him because he happened to be so heartless; no more people fearing him because he was so demanding and explosive. Nope, he was just Chad—the guy who happened to remember how much he loved this one special girl.

Moments like this, there is a one in one chance that you will remember it forever.

A/N: There you go. The final installment of With A Chance Of Remembering. Hopefully you enjoyed it? Yeah, I'm a sucker for happy endings -even if they're super duper cheesy xD Your positive comments were just so...what's the word...I dunno, but they made me just so freaking happy! I want to thank each and every one of you and a special thanks to my lovely beta, Cherie :) I might not be writing for a while. Maybe a one-shot here and there. But who knows? I never manage to commit to whatever I plan to accomplish anyways :p

I'm just wondering if you guys understood the message. Or was I being too vague? The title was With A Chance Of Remembering, and even though it was Sonny who literally lost her memory, it was Chad who really forgot what he should have remembered. Get it? Don't? Ha, that's okay.

By the way, last week I was having a videocassete frenzy. I happened to watch Anastasia (the cartoon FOX version). And I noticed that Anya and Dimitri acts SO MUCH like Sonny and Chad that it's crazy! I kept on squealing every time they did their playful banters because it just reminded me so much about my favorite TV couple xD