Enkidu07's Drabble Challenge -- SPECIAL ADDITION for PADavis's birthday. Happy Early Birthday! The mission: Work in a delirious, delusional, dopey, or drowsy Dean...

Prompt Word: "dry"
Word Count: 100 on the nose

Other players in the challenge are now too many to list here! There's lots of people in the Supernatural pool. You can find the list of names at Enkidu07's profile page and/or OnyxMoonbeam's profile page. Also, to find all of the lovely drabbles, there's a sweet little C2 community out there to subscribe to and enjoy. You can find the link on their profile pages mentioned above.

Disclaimer: Neither the boys nor anything related to Supernatural belongs to me. I'm just having some fun with the boys, playing around with Eric Kripke's sandbox.

Both Shaken and Stirred

By: Vanessa Sgroi

"I like my martinis dry and shaken, not stirred."


"I like my martinis dry and shaken, not stirred."

"Dean, did you hit your head?"


"How many of me do you see right now?"

"One." He answered too swiftly.

"Dean…" Sam's firm tone brooked no argument.

Dean squinted over Sam. "Two…maybe…three."

"Big brother, you have a concussion. Guess the ghost made sure YOU were shaken and stirred."

"What?" Dean was at a loss having already forgotten his earlier, nonsensical statement.

"Never mind. Let's get you back to the motel."

Dean suddenly swayed, knees buckling.

Strong arms wrapped around him.
