Good autumn everyone. I hope you all had a great Summer.

I started work and found a job as an assistant in product design. Which I find really frustrating at times. But it's a field I'm happy with so I don't have much complaints. Aside from that I would like my co-workers to remember my last name right.

It's my last year at school so I need to make as much memories as I can. But I think I should balance it out with school work...

Anyways, I apologize for not holding my promise, two months late to be exact. I had some troubles writing this because I felt it was rather OOC, for some characters. So if there is anything that I might be able to fix to make it less OOC, please leave a review.


Past 11 at night, the history room

Komamura's POV

When I opened my eyes, I looked straight in to a teary eyed Yachiru, who was painfully gripping my arm as someone, who I guess is one of the younger employees, tried to pry her off of me. I slowly prop myself in to sitting position as the aforementioned girl sat on my leg, still tightly gripped to my arm, stared at me. I can also hear the other employees and Mari let out some sort of gasp followed by a sigh of relief. Zaraki's daughter just gripped my arm tighter and placed her head on my stomach and didn't say anything. However, I can feel her shiver as she let out a small sob that only I can hear.

"Mr. Komamura, are you alright?" Mari asked out of the corner of my ear. I turn my head and look at her with a confused expression. Without saying anything the female employee answered my question, "You screamed in pain and started to have a seizure. You also stopped moving after that… I… Yachiru was calling you the whole time..." I look down towards the shivering girl and I place my large hand on her head and gently stroke her slightly damp hair.

"I see… Did you call an ambulance by any chance? Or the others that are with me?" I ask unconsciously as my mind was working through the sudden events from before. I look to her again and she looks away in awkward silence. The other young employees also did the same when I looked to them. "You forgot to call by any chance?" The silence broke as Mari and her fellow employees began to apologize. They probably were too frightened about such a sudden happening that they forgot. "That's all right, I'm glad you didn't," I tell them. They looked at me oddly so I made up a small lie, "You see, I suffer from a childhood trauma that stemmed from a rather brutal execution… And when I looked at that wolf's head, I started to replay said events and well, this is what happened. I apologize if I caused any unnecessary fright." They look at me for a moment; worry etched into their young faces, but then began to file out as they left Yachiru, and myself in the room.

Honestly, it was more of truth than a lie, as I did have a traumatic experience from that head. Speaking of head, it disturbs me to think and look at my own head from my previous life looking strait back at me. Plus, I don't want to ruin the women's relaxation time; I also don't want to suffer a certain female captain's wrath.

Yachiru began to move from where she sat. I call out to her and received a rather forceful and painful punch to the ribs. "Stupid!! Stupid, stupid, stupid doggie!!" She cried as she punched, much more lightly, with every 'stupid.' "Don't scare me... I thought you died… I don't want to go through that again! Not after Ken-chan almost…" She stopped there and cried some more as her punches became weaker and weaker.

"What do you mean by 'Not after Ken-chan' Yachiru?" I ask out of curiosity. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," I quickly added after her face sunk and went pale.

Yachiru forced herself and looked into my eyes to explain, "When Ichi came to the Soul Society, Ichi fought Baldy and Ken-chan. And Ken-chan almost… Almost…" I place a finger on her mouth signifying that I understand. She silently gripped my yukata and gave one small punch to my sore ribs.

I ask her if she wants to go back, but all I got was a small pull on my wrinkled and slightly damp yukata. I picked her up and made my way back to our rooms. Not before looking back at my decayed head, and shuddering at the thought of my past.


Midnight, the Boy's room

Komamura's POV

It was already past eleven at night when I reached the boy's room, which includes myself of course, and my hand slid the door open. I was expecting the boys to: a) Jump at me in an effort to startle me, b) Jump at me to fluff me, or c) Sleep peacefully. I was hoping for the boys to be sleeping at this late hour. Unfortunately they weren't sleeping, more or less were they in the room. I sigh at the thought of what chaos they would be causing somewhere in this ryokan. At least, Hitsugaya and Ahn would somehow be the group's voice of reason… Now that I think about it, Hitsugaya is the type not to really care about what the others do unless it affects him negatively, and Ahn is easily provoked into doing things, especially if Teru is involved.

Yachiru started to groan and move around in my arms. I hadn't noticed that she fell asleep. But I don't blame her though since I did give her quite the fright after all.

A loud burst of shrill laughter erupted forth from the room next to mine. My ears ring as the laughter continues. Much to my surprise, Yachiru hasn't awoken from the racket next room. I guess having Zaraki and his cohorts has done some good for her. But I still will give him a stern lecturing after this trip. I slowly leave the empty room and make my way to the 'Forbidden Land of the Monthly Demons,' as Rikichi calls it. I always wonder where he gets such frivolous ideas and terms.

I knock on the sliding door, and in an instant the voices cease halfway through their very much audible cackling. How I fear what may be behind these closed doors. Maybe I should just leave and pretend I didn't hear anything. But, I need to bring Yachiru back to her room. From behind said door I can hear giggling and whispering. I sigh and reach for the handle when I hear Unohana's voice from behind the door. From the volume and distance, she's directly behind the door. In detail, she's leaning on the door.

"Sajin…Sajin… Is that you? Have you seen Yachiru? Have you? Where is Yachiru? Sajin…" Her voice sounded ominously playful. My animalistic instinct tells, no, screams that I should not open the door, or should I answer, lest I want to come back in one piece. Not that I already know the danger lurking inside. First, Unohana is polite and will always address formally. Second, she doesn't or should never sound this… insane. Thirdly, Unohana doesn't do such, how Rikichi says, terrifyingly terrifying acts of pure terror. How the idea of returning to my room sounds welcoming. Too late now.

"Captain Unohana, Yachiru was with me the whole time. My apologies for not telling you earlier," I stop mid sentence when she began to giggle, "Are you well? Do you need some, er, help?" I'm greatly concerned with her irrational behavior, as it is quite threatening towards me. Really threatening.

"Nothing Sajin, nothings wrong…" She happily whispers from the small hole in the door. "Why don't you come in…" I quickly decline her offer as I slowly back away with Yachiru still sleeping in my arms. "I said come in Sajin. But you can leave if you want. Oh, did you now the boys are happily enjoying the girls' company? Oh, but we won't do anything to them. So why don't you come in?" Unohana slowly began to slide the door open as I get a small glimpse of the boys in the corner of the room looking rather frightened. The door quickly shut as Unohana repeated, "So why don't you come in?"

I couldn't just leave the boys to whatever fate that waited if I left, so against my instincts and voice of reason, I stepped foot into the room. What awaited me on the other side will forever be burned into my memory.

The first thing I saw, aside from Rikichi, Hanatarou, Hitsugaya, and Rin in a corner bound by kido, was a large mountain of sake bottles and various types of strong alcohol. My nose burned from the strong stench of sake, and I can feel my wallet burning from the amount of sake too. Nemu was silently sleeping on the floor, the sisters were drunk and complaining about their love life, and Soifon was screaming at me about the whereabouts of Yoruichi. To my chagrin, Ise and Matsumoto were overly drunk and talking openly about… adult subjects in front of the boys.

I felt Unohana's hand slide up my spine as she lightly laughed from behind.

I immediately made my way to the blankets, avoiding Unohana's grasp and the littered bottles, and tucked in Yachiru, then I quickly turned to the boys to help them. As I began to chant a kido dispel spell, Nemu's eyes snapped open as her lithe arm tightly gripped mine. A small yelp escaped my muzzle.

"I cannot let you do that, Captain Komamura." Nemu's stoic voice robotically stated as her grip tightened. "Master Mayuri needs them."

As I tried to get her grasp off of me, I couldn't help but feel a piercing tingle on the back of my head. As I slowly looked behind me, my eyes met with Unohana's. I screamed in terror at how unbearably close she was to me. I looked behind her to see all the women looking at my direction with a dead look in their eyes. I would also like to point out in my last few moments, which Matsumoto had her back to me, but her head faced in my direction.

"It was nice knowing you Captain Komamura," Hitsugaya's quavery voice squealed out.

Such a cliché phrase coming from Hitsugaya only meant that I was indeed going to face the wrath of the women. For what reason, I do not know. I felt a frigid pair of hands grip the side of my face as they forcefully turned my head to meet Unohana's. How I wish I still had my fur. My eyes betrayed me and looked straight in to her crazed eyes.

Unohana's sweetly smiled, yet her kindness contradicted what she spoke. And what she spoke made me whimper like the canine species I am.

"Looks like the doggie needs to be fixed."


Back in the Boy's room

"Ahn, where do you think daddy is?" Teru asked out of curiosity.

Ahn made an indescribable face at his sibling. "How the hell should I know?"

"But I'm scared!! I want daddy to come help us and save the others!!"

"SHH!! What if Unohana hears us?" Ahn slapped a hand to his sibling's mouth. "You know, I think the person that entered a while ago was father. But I think he went to the women's room… May he rest in peace…"

"Don't say that!" Teru whined.

"It's true though. You know that no captain can go against Unohana! Minus the gramps of course. But he even takes caution around her!"

"Ahn, can you move over? Your foot is poking my- Ah! Get your foot off of my knee! You're giving me a Johnny horse!" Teru whined.

"It's Charlie horse dimwit. And I can't, we're in a cramped closet for death's sake! Quit whining!" Ahn irritably kicked his sibling. Again.

"Ow! I'm not a dimwit! You're just fat!" Teru shot back.

"FAT?! I'll have you know that Iba's training has resulted in a fit body!" Ahn kicked again but somehow missed.

"Ew. Please don't become Iba. PLEASE." Teru made a face at his brother. "I don't want a muscle bound brother running around. Daddy's an exception though, he needs to be strong."

Ahn pulled Teru's hair, "Shut it pencil neck."

Teru aimed his palm directly at every man's weakness. "Don't make me cast Haien on your crotch. Because that's the only thing going for you." He darkly threatened.

"Bring it. I'll kick your pansy face in before you can complete the incantation." Ahn raised his foot to his sibling's face and thrust his foot. Luckily, Teru ducked in time.

"HEY! I haven't had time to cast it!" Teru angrily punched his brother in the chest. "Meanie!!"

The closet began to tussle as Teru tried to get at his brother.

"Yeah, I'm quite sure that Unohana wouldn't notice the closet from the room next to hers' SEIZURING." Ahn sarcastically spat at his furious sibling.

That was when both boys heard their room door slide open. The closet ceased moving. All you could hear were the small quavery breaths of two boys.


A small beam of light parted the darkness of the closet as the doors slowly creaked open, revealing a smiling Unohana.

"There you are. We've been looking for you. Now you can be one with the rest of us."


The next morning, on the bus back to Karakura

Komamura's POV

"Oh dear, Captain Hitsugaya, what happened last night? I'm afraid I cannot recall the events that took place." Unohana asked towards said captain. All the boys instantly went into cold sweat as they began to relive the hell that took place in one room. Matsumoto, who happened to notice her shivering captain, began to ask the poor boy about why she found traces of his and the other boy's reiatsu, including Komamura, in their room. Soifon, in her royally pissed glory, kept on going on about why the girls woke up with sore bodies.

"Nothing happened at all Captain Unohana. Rest assured that we only came in to your room to check up on the drinking," I lied, "It seems that all of you induced a little too much on strong alcohol. I also will add that you went over budget from said drinks." It's not like I can honestly tell them that they became raging drunks bent on trying to turn the boys into some scientific sacrifice. I especially cannot tell Unohana that she was close to turning me into a pride less wolf. That reminds me, I need to treat my boys to some sweets, and perhaps therapy for all, for causing a distraction in the other room. If Unohana hadn't left, I doubt I could have subdued those crazed women. "I also paid for the sake bill, some property destruction, and for causing such a ruckus."

"Oh my. I didn't know most of us become wild drunks. We'll somehow repay you afterwards, that is when we get our pay and association funds, filled out any necessary costs, and made the calculations to see how much we need to live off of before we can pay you." Ise opened her large, metal-reinforced notebook and began to take notes.

"… I think wild drunks would be an understatement." I mumbled through the corner of my mouth.

"Pardon?" Isane, who sat behind me, asked.

"I doubt I'm going to get paid back anytime soon," I sighed. Catching a glimpse of Unohana's stare, I quickly added, "Since you all work harder than most shinigami."

Unohana smiled back towards me.

I swear, sometimes I think that doctor may be more dangerous than Zaraki and Aizen combined.


Before noon, Seireitei, Senkaimon

"I shall escort the boys back, they seem rather tired." Well, tired would be a heavy understatement. I bid my farewells to the women as I pick up the boys, including a miffed Hitsugaya, and made my way to each division.

I also should go to Unohana and ask about my surreal memory experience…

If I can get past my recent ordeal that is.

Once I returned to my division with my sons, I coincidentally happened to meet Unohana coming my way, which coincidentally was coming to talk to me, and coincidentally was asking if I had any troubling symptoms. I regretfully answered no.

With that, I went to my room and decided to nap for a while.

But before that, I need to pay a certain captain a visit.


Noon, Seireitei, At Unohana's office

Unohana's POV

Ah, the bustling atmosphere always tells me that the Seireitei is in perfect order. Zaraki causing patients for me, Mayuri asking me for cadavers, the lieutenant's has to come to my office for a liver exam, and the works. Oh, how I miss it all.

I made my visits to each division to see if there were any problems during my absence. Fortunately there was none, aside from the aforementioned normal issues.

I also made arrangements to meet my Zaraki later in the afternoon.

After I filled out my papers, I place a hand on the underside of my desk and press a small switch. A fairly average, rectangular hole opens on the surface of my desk as I take out two small notebooks. The first was a light purple diary labeled, 'Events in the Seireitei, Volume 42.' The second was a crisp, white notebook labeled, 'Data K.S.'

I began to neatly write the events of the hot springs, and some important herbal compounding that I have yet to try, down into my series of memos and memories. Overall, the trip was quite relaxing, and allowed myself to unwind. I didn't even have to drink to do so.

As the last memory I experienced was neatly recorded on to my diary, I placed it back into the hole, as I sipped some Green tea that Isane had bought at the ryokan earlier. I opened up my white notebook and began to add notes into my research log:

Komamura Sajin (Werewolf, need to research a little more)

Age and Sex: Unspecified, Male

Height and Weight: 288 cm, 301kg

Subject often wears a helmet, and is quite introverted. Good friends with Tousen, and was trained by Aizen, and Ichimaru.

Update: No longer wears said helmet, and the three captains have defected.

Subject seems to like meat, as he is of the canine species. However, he refuses to eat carrots because of some odd belief.

Owns a shiba named Goroh that he takes good care of. I have seen him walk his dog around noon, and dusk on numerous occasions. Subject can also communicate with smaller animals. Likes both dogs and cats, albeit the latter runs away upon seeing him.

From his lieutenant's knowledge, subject seems to want a family but does not have the courage to do so due to an understandable appearance complex, fear of discrimination, and the lack of social skills in general. Subject's personality stems from the above reasons; however, the subject is quite the gentleman, believing in honor.

Update: Adopted two sons, Komamura Teru and Ahn. Formally known as Shirou Teru, the name was given by Yachiru; Formally known as Kurou Ahn, despite cleaving to his belief that he is the opposite of his brother, he gave himself his own last name, despite having many similarities.

Update: It seems, from his son Teru's knowledge, the subject, despite his intimidating appearance, dotes on them frequently. Lately, the subject has taken interest in training himself, and his boys if they're around, for the upcoming winter war. It also to be taken note that the subject has become more social ever since the Children's Brigade began to target him under my orders. It is also discussed that the subject may have a strength that is different from us human shinigami. This is yet to be discovered, or proven.

Update: The subject's gigai is custom made to not only fit his soul, but to give him a more human appearance. I must add that Mayuri has done a great job, unlike my previous custom order.

Update: The subject seems to fear me.

As I fill out the last of my notes, I look at the small chappy clock that Yachiru had given me a while back.

"Oh my, it seems that I'm going to be late for my meet up with Kenpachi. I hope he doesn't mind."


11th Division Compound, Captain's office

"Ken-chan~! I'm bored~!" Yachiru groaned as she rolled about on the office floor.

Sitting on a nearby couch, Ikkaku lazily threw a suggestion to her, "Why don't you go and hang out with the other brats. You know the wolf's kids, and the scrawny other three with those strict captains."

"I wasn't talking to you baldy." The cute bundle of joy replied just as lazily.

Before Ikkaku could shout his obscenities at his lieutenant, Iba and Yumichika both slapped him upside the head in order to shut him up.

"Don't be so ugly," the narcissist snapped, "I'm in shock that the girls didn't invite me to go with them! How rude, I could have helped them with their problems!"

Ikkaku, rubbing his head, flatly stated, "You're a guy. How the hell can you solve girl problems when you're a freaking dude!"

"Ikkaku, Yumichika is a girl on the inside. You should now this by now." Iba, former 11th division, sighed in frustration at how narrow minded his former comrades were.

However, Yumichika waved a finger and explained in the most flamboyant tone, "Not only can I give answers to the girls since I have a heart of one, I can answer their boy problems since I am one~!" With that, the narcissist squealed as his drinking buddies sighed and brought out another bottle.

The door connecting Kenpachi's room to his office opened as the brute captain came out in his usual garments. A tattered captain's robe, open shihakusho with bandages wrapped around, and his characterizing bell-tipped hairstyle. "I'm going out for a bit so train the guys while I'm gone will ya?" Kenpachi's gruff voice ordered. His third seat raised his sake glass in response. "Hmph," the brute grunted. A knock on the office door alerted Kenpachi to his long awaited guest. "I've been waiting Uno- what the hell are ya doing here mutt?" Kenpachi asked half out of irritation and disappointment.

"I would ask that you refer to me by my name Captain Zaraki," I asked, forcing my self to ask politely, "I'm here to give you something."

"Ah? What the hell is it mutt? Look, I gotta get going since Unohana called me out for something all right? So get mov-" A fist plowed straight into Kenpachi's face, sending him back a few meters on his back. Komamura retracted his arm and lightly brushed his knuckles of any dirt.

"I said not to call me mutt, Zaraki. And I'll advise you as a father, watch your mouth around Yachiru or I'll make Kokujou Tengen Myouo come out of your mouth." The wolf darkly threatened as he looked down at his fellow captain, and fellow father.

"So you wanna get your ass kicked that badly huh? C'mon bring it! I'll make you whimper like the dog you are!!" A bloody nose Kenpachi stood up and shouted in his trademark battle cry.

"Captain Zaraki, will you please refrain from your violence? I thought I had called to do some business, am I wrong?" Unohana's serene voice came from behind a stiff Komamura. "Will you stand more proper?" She asked kindly.

Without any hesitation, Kenpachi stood nice and tall, as Yachiru escorted, well, pulled the wolf's sleeve, to an unoccupied couch across from the three still sober shinigami (who were transfixed on the their captain and the 4th division captain).

"Hadou #1, Sho," the femme fatale whispered in to Kenpachi's ear as she directed the spell to his nether regions.

All around the Seireitei, one could hear the sound of a dying animal wailing in anguish. No man can, not even Zaraki Kenpachi, is immune to the deadly and fatal pain of being blasted in the crotch.

All the men in the office slowly looked away from the pitiful sight that was Kenpachi, twitching on the ground as Unohana smiled down at his writhing body. "I hope you learned to keep your mouth clean in front of children. Especially Yachiru. Understood?" The pseudo-sadistic woman asked, "I said, understood?"

A small squeak escaped the downed captain's lips.

Satisfied with her work, and response, she left the office and silently made her way back to her division. Not before 'asking' the wolf to accompany her.


Past noon, Unohana's office

Komamura's POV

"Did you really have to do that to him?" I ask the female medic.

Unohana looked at me with an odd expression before asking, "What did I do?"

Seeing her smile after that, I decided to stop there and go on to a different topic. "…Captain Unohana, do you remember your past?" I ask out of the blue. She stops what she was doing and looks at me with a grim expression.

"Why do you ask, Captain Komamura? Is there something that ails you?" I was about to answer when she cut me off, "Or is it because you too have remembered who you really are, or what you were in your past life?" My eyes made their way to my furry palm. I can clearly remember my berserk self, tearing at the family my former master despised. I sat there for the longest time staring, and brooding.

A small sound alerted me to a cup of warm tea placed on the table beside me. I slowly look up and see a more depressed, no, a more worn out Unohana looking back at me. "Do you remember your past as well?" I ask. Her facial expression did not change.

"Yes, I do in fact. I remembered mine when I was about to receive my status as a shinigami." She looked out of a nearby window and sighed. "My memory is also the reason I decided to become the 4th Division Captain, rather than the 11th or 12th."


The next few chapters will delve into some thoughts about memories. Or in simpler term, character development.